Konica Minolta has launched what it calls a monochrome flagship system claiming it can help printers boost profitability, productivity and workflows.
The AccurioPress 6136 series is a successor of the bizhub PRESS 1250e series and runs at 136ppm A4 and 78ppm A3.
Three models include the AccurioPress 6136, the 6136P and the 6120. They are due to be launched in the UK in mid-March and costs have not been disclosed.
“They are targeted at in-house printers, graphic communications firms, government agencies, our customers and competition customers,” said production printing manager Ines Wennemann.
“Several aspects make this technology different from the Bizhub: higher productivity; Hikari-based controller technology, automated adjustments via IQ-501 and colour scanning.”
Other stand-out features included integration into the new AccurioPro PrintManager and open API & IWS compatibilities, she said.
Each machine delivered greater productivity to enhance job capacity, reliability and flexibility enabling operations to expand their capabilities, according to Wennemann.
She added: “With the highest productivity in its class, this takes monochrome production printing to the next level. The series prepares customers for upcoming demands in the printing industry.”
The series could produce a monthly peak volume of up to 3.24 million A4 pages and offered the highest media flexibility in its class, she explained.
The series supported various media types, such as coated and embossed paper from 40gsm up to 350 gsm. An intelligent paper catalogue and optional envelop fuser offered media flexibility.
Automatic and real-time density and registration adjustment, IQ-501, enabled users to easily create printer profiles to help eliminate input time and reduce errors, and manage curl adjustment.
“The environment-friendly series also offers the highest finishing flexibility in its class with over 728 different configuration possibilities.”
These choices include Konica Minolta's own-developed finishing as well as partnerships with market leading companies such as Watkiss, GBC and Plockmatic.
Konica Minolta’s OpenAPI technology meanwhile provides scalability via a seamless interface between Konica Minolta production printing devices and third-party options.
It enables accounting, authentication or scan routing such as YSoft Safe Q and Nuance eCopy Sharescan.
A unified UI and remote panel operation help the set-up while the device can be operated remotely using a mobile device.