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Kodak Alaris offers updated solution

  • Launched Info Input 7, featuring new features:
    • Expanded document AI services for unstructured documents
    • No-code and low-code workflow automation tasks
    • Embedded IDP in applications like SalesForce
    • Interactive script editor
    • Infuse Smart Connected Scanning Solution
    • Open Intelligence design
    • Machine learning
  • What is an unstructured document?

An unstructured document is a type of document that does not adhere to a specific format or schema. Unlike structured documents, which have a defined organization and are often stored in databases or structured file formats like XML or JSON, unstructured documents lack a consistent structure and may contain free-form text, images, tables, and other elements arranged in a variety of ways.

Examples of unstructured documents include:

  1. Plain text files: Documents written without any specific formatting, such as TXT files.
  2. Word processing documents: Files created in applications like Microsoft Word or Google Docs where users can freely add and arrange text, images, tables, etc., without strict constraints on formatting.
  3. PDF files: While PDFs can contain structured elements like text and images, they often lack a consistent structure and may be challenging to parse automatically.
  4. Emails: Messages exchanged via email often contain unstructured text and may include attachments, making them unstructured documents.
  5. Web pages: HTML documents on the internet can vary widely in structure and content, making them unstructured in nature.

Unstructured documents pose challenges for tasks such as information retrieval, natural language processing, and data analysis, as extracting meaningful information from them often requires complex parsing and analysis techniques. However, they are prevalent in many fields and are a fundamental part of human communication and information exchange.

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