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The scanner must be able to do batch scanning and each scanned document must be sent to its OWN PDF FILE. The scanners that we are currently using are Konica Minolta 7145 and they can do batch scanning but they scan the entire batch into 1 PDF file. We need a scanner that can scan each document in a batch to a PDF file of its own.

So if we scan a batch of 50 documents then 50 different PDF files containing 1 scanned document must be sent to our FTP server AND NOT 1 PDF file containing all 50 scanned documents.

We also require that scanner names the PDF files in a alphabetical order. In other words say I scan a batch of 50 documents the naming convention should look something like this:

First scanned document is saved as scan01.pdf, second scanned document is saved as scan02.pdf etc up until document 50 which will be named scan50.pdf. When we scan a new batch the file naming should continue where the previous batch left off in other words the second batch being scanned will start naming the first document in the batch scan51.pdf and continue until the last document in the batch. Batch three will start where batch 2 left off etc.

Deon Boshoff, South Africa

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All of the Ricoh scanners can do this with software, and there are many different types that can be used.

One of the systems that can be used is GOBY from doculex, keep in mind that a bar code separtor page must be used/inserted betwwen the batches. Bar code information will contain file name, and indexing fields that you require.

You can also use Document Mall with associated software. I do not know of any device that will do what you need without software.

I reccomend contacting Doculex, Fabsoft or others to get the right workflow solution for you.

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