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In June of 2005 PrintFleet announced its birth as an independent company, and outlined important milestones it needed to achieve over the coming two quarters. Having achieved those goals, it is now important for PrintFleet partners to understand the vision for the company in the coming year.

After just four months as an independent, PrintFleet is cash positive, and as such requires no outside funding to maintain operations.

“We realize that choosing the right Print Management partner is a difficult decision for dealers. One concern is always ‘will the partner be here next year?’ I’m 100% confident that we are,” stated Norman McConkey, president of PrintFleet. “To be in a position like this in such a short time is truly remarkable and a testament to two things: an incredible team and a great market opportunity. Most software companies take years to reach this benchmark. It is a tremendous achievement to the 13 employees on the PrintFleet team.”

On the product side, the PrintFleet Suite rapid assessment software continues to gain momentum. Originally, PrintFleet Suite was promoted as a competitive opportunity for anyone in the Imaging Industry. Today this technology is viewed as a necessity. Dealers not capable of performing a rapid assessment for their customers are being left behind.

“In April we announced our intention to release a software only data collection agent, as well as an independent ‘Enterprise’ version of PrintFleet Optimizer, our remote monitoring solution, by the fall. Both have been accomplished and installed by our partners” stated McConkey. “The PrintFleet Data Collection Agent has revolutionized the process of connecting customers for remote monitoring. We have cut down the time it takes to go from a purchase order to installation, to five minutes. Customers today expect instant results, and we are fulfilling this requirement. Another important point is that our license program is straight forward. Customers simply subscribe to the service for an annual fee. No surprises and 100% transparency.”

Today, the basic architecture of PrintFleet’s products is complete. In the coming months PrintFleet plans to launch several companion products and services to help dealers migrate their customers to a remote monitoring program.

• PrintFleet Local Beacon will allow dealers to capture page counts from devices connected via parallel or USB ports to client PCs. With the ability to integrate into all PrintFleet products, the Local Beacon software will be made freely available for download off of PrintFleet’s website: Now Available.

• PrintFleet Dashboard will be available to end users interested in the functionality of our revolutionary USB driven product, PrintFleet Suite. This version will be a software only version, installed at individual end user locations on an IT managers PC. PrintFleet Dashboard is an ideal software for simple and accurate meter read collection and supplies and device status viewing. Information gathered can be emailed directly to the dealer. Available January 2006.

• PrintFleet Enterprise Corporate will be an Enterprise class installation for 1000 -30000 device end users that require all data to be housed on site. This version will enable capable IT departments to manage sprawling environments from within their own firewall. Available January 2006.

PrintFleet’s goal is to monitor five million devices within the next three years. “We are well on our way” stated McConkey.

PrintFleet Inc is an independent software vendor that specializes in the development of print management and assessment software for dealers and distributors in the imaging industry.

Through a vendor neutral discovery and monitoring process, PrintFleet delivers detailed information from every printing device in a customer’s environment within minutes. From the automatic recovery and remote viewing of page counts, device utilization, asset numbers, meter reads, toner levels and cost per copy calculations, PrintFleet software tools offer a window to valuable client printing information, resulting in new revenue opportunities and competitive power for dealers.

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