I'm not sure that Stand Alone Scanners is the best place to post this, but couldn't find a better one.
The "opportunity" we are faced with is that many of the Savin MFP's shrink the image when they scan it. This can result in a line appearing which is actually the trailing edge of the document. As a work around we have done the following (Savin 8035):
1. In the scan function select Scan Settings
2. Select Edit
3. Select Erase Border and set it to .1
4. After making the selection, put it into Program 10 and name it.
5. Go into User Tools/Scanner Features
6. Select Change Initial Mode and select Program 10.
Now, this is all well and good. No lines. However, the image is reduced to about 97% of the original. Can this be changed? Do other manufactures outside of RFG have the same limitation?
Thanks for any input.
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