This came from a Ricoh brochure, great questions for all of us to ask.
How to qualify and engage a Managed Document & Business
Process Services opportunity
Ask your customers the following questions:
• Do you have an accurate understanding of your total
document-related costs? How much are you spending on
device maintenance, paper, supplies and energy usage?
• Are there any core business processes that involve documents
that you would like to make faster or more cost-efficient?
What are they?
• What types of documents are most critical to your business?
How are they produced, shared, stored and retrieved?
• How many output and storage devices do you currently have
deployed? Are any of them over- or under-utilized?
• Is your organization pursuing workflow improvement initiatives
designed to reduce costs or improve responsiveness? Are you
open to considering workflow analysis for your information
based processes?
• Are you concerned about the cost, stability or security of your
current document creation, distribution or retention infrastructure?
• What are your organization’s plans for redundancy, backup and
disaster recovery?
• Is your organization considering green initiatives? Would you be
interested in services that reduce energy use, paper consumption
and environmental impact?