Would like to hear from as many P4P Members as possible. Also whats working for you and or what's hot in your market area:
Things seem to be picking up, I've a got a huge pipeline, and probably more activity in the last two months than all of last summer!
Everyone wants to scan, everyone wants to reduce paper output! Are we cooking our goose or our own demise? Hotest solution for me has been NSI. Ecopy seems to be rapidly losing steam and may be destined for the scrap heap since Nuance bought them.
Still trying to get my hands around Ricoh's new PPDM,, it's got Omni Page and I'm not a big fan of this program.
Margins are still fair at best and I'm wondering if we'll ever be back to where we were.
Comments, would like hear from others! How is it in your neck of the woods?
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