it doesn't matter if it's $32 a barrell or $140; we've been promised by our new President that he is going to raise taxes on gas because we aren't paying enough and are using too much for the number of people we have in this country.
It's been $1.79 here in Western Kentucky for the last 4 weeks.
Art Post (Guest)
It's been holding here in NJ between $1.59 and $1.69, whew!
Art Post (Guest)
Holding steady @ $1.71 in NJ
been between $1.89 to $1.95 here
DRichard (Guest)
About $1.75 around Knoxville. It's been steady going on a couple of weeks!
Art Post (Guest)
It's been awhile, I guess we have seen gas prces steady, here in NJ, now $1.89 with a slow rising in the past few weeks, this may be the first sign of economy coming back.
Western Kentucky has stabilized at $1.98 for the last 5 weeks.
Art Post (Guest)
We're now at $1.95 for 87octane and I've seen as high as $2.05
Prices around town jumped $.30 this week alone. Every station I have seen is at $2.15.
$2.29 in the Peoples Republic of St. Joseph County, Indiana
Art Post (Guest)
yup, gas is up here in NJ to $2.10 for 87 octane 

Art Post (Guest)
$2.29 and climbing, so much for $20 to fill the tank!
$2.49 as of Thursday afternoon.
$2.65 a gallon...about 1/2 of where our President would like it to be.
Still hanging around $2.40 here.
Right, 'cause you think it's a good idea to support Chavez and Middle Eastern countries by continuing to send them billions of dollars to fund their interests and a bad idea to spend some money on American technology to break our dependence on them.
quote:Originally posted by Neal:
$2.65 a gallon...about 1/2 of where our President would like it to be.
Right, 'cause you think it's a good idea to support Chavez and Middle Eastern countries by continuing to send them billions of dollars to fund their interests and a bad idea to spend some money on American technology to break our dependence on them.
Art Post (Guest)
$2.49 for 87 octane in NJ, came down a little
$2.69 here and 20 cents cheaper than a week ago
Art Post (Guest)
$2.39 now for 87 octane
Art Post (Guest)
Can't remember where, but it was in NJ, cars were lined up on the highway and regular was $2.07!!!!!
Art Post (Guest)
$2.24 for 87 octane in NJ
Art Post (Guest)
It's a damn seesaw we're back up to $2.39 for 87octane
$2.69 a gallon here in Northern Indiana
Art Post (Guest)
I'll start this back up, maybe one day we can get a graph of gas over the last three years!!
$2.52 in NJ, highest in a year!
$2.52 in NJ, highest in a year!
filled up for $2.79 a gallon regular today.
I guess another congressman or senator broke wind because gas went up in Kentucky as well. We went from $2.48 to $2.67.
To answer Art's question on where gas prices have gone over the last 3 years, check out the link.
Art Post (Guest)
$2.36 for regular here in snowy NJ!
Art Post (Guest)
We're back up in NJ, with prices around $2.65 fore regular
Art Post (Guest)
It's been awhile, gas was as low as @2.21 a few months ago and we've now topped $2.90 for regular
$ 3.15 in southwestern NY
$2.79 in Dallas.
Art Post (Guest)
$3.28 in NJ for regular, cheapest I saw was $3.19
$3.69 / Oregon!!!!! Diesel at $3.79
Bout time to get one of those "electric powered cars" that all the other Portlanders roll in. NOT I'll stick to my 08 Ford F-350 crew diesel, HILL BILLY'S ROCK!
Bout time to get one of those "electric powered cars" that all the other Portlanders roll in. NOT I'll stick to my 08 Ford F-350 crew diesel, HILL BILLY'S ROCK!
Art Post (Guest)
Highest I saw today $3.39 regular, lowest $3.29
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