Gas prices have not be this low in three years since we've been reporting on the P4P.
Art...would Govenor Corzinne allow it? You'd also have to know all the words to "Rocky Top" and be able to spit chew into a bucket from 12 feet.
Just kiddin'
Just kiddin'

Art Post (Guest)
The Gov can kiss my $##, I know the words to "born to Run" and I already chew dip and can hit a gray squirrel from 14 feet it true that there was a referendum on the ballot on Tuesday that asked:
"In the event of divorce should the husband and wife still be able to remain brother and sister?"
I heard it passed

"In the event of divorce should the husband and wife still be able to remain brother and sister?"
I heard it passed

I filled up yesterday for $21. A month ago it took $47 for the same amount. The lower the better.
DRichard (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by JasonR:
My cousin won the tobacco spitting contest at the "Mule Day" festival in Columbia, TN 3 years running.
No, I'm not kidding.
That's only cuz my mamaw died and couldn't be in it no more!
$1.89 for regular unleaded late Friday.
Art Post (Guest)
WOW, best I saw in NJ was $2.05
$2.03 in Indiana and I heard on the readio that Michigan is likely to add additional taxes to gasoline. Sound like an ID 10T error to me.
Well, we're already proven that the economy doesn't shut down when gas hits $3 or even $4.
I think a tax which sets the price of gas near $3 with the proceeds going toward developing alternative energy sources would be a good thing.
Don't you want to stop borrowing money from communist China to send to the islamic middle east? Why do you hate America?
I think a tax which sets the price of gas near $3 with the proceeds going toward developing alternative energy sources would be a good thing.
Don't you want to stop borrowing money from communist China to send to the islamic middle east? Why do you hate America?

Art Post (Guest)
I don't hate America, however I think we are taxed enough.
America will have to face the facts that there is not enough oil for everyone.
America will have to face the facts that there is not enough oil for everyone.
DRichard (Guest)
Yes, we are taxed enough...but not effectively. Too much tax to make up for poor economic practices. Too much for short-sighted policies. Too much protectionism. Not enough to support maintenance of our infrastructure, developing alternative energy, education and retraining workers to replace outdated manufacturing, and supporting preventive medical care.
By the way, gas around the corner today is $1.99/gal.
By the way, gas around the corner today is $1.99/gal.
Good gravy Marie!!!!
Give the government another $1 or more per gallon? Don't tax me, give private industry the initiatives to explore or find the alternatives. Only thing government will do with the money is give it to a special interest group that will determine through a study that we need alternative fuels.
Give the government another $1 or more per gallon? Don't tax me, give private industry the initiatives to explore or find the alternatives. Only thing government will do with the money is give it to a special interest group that will determine through a study that we need alternative fuels.
Art Post (Guest)
quote:Originally posted by DRichard:
Yes, we are taxed enough...but not effectively. Too much tax to make up for poor economic practices. Too much for short-sighted policies. Too much protectionism. Not enough to support maintenance of our infrastructure, developing alternative energy, education and retraining workers to replace outdated manufacturing, and supporting preventive medical care.
By the way, gas around the corner today is $1.99/gal.
LOL, you know what though, I would go along with the $1.00 as long as flat tax (fEDERAL sALES tAX) was instituted and the IRS was disolved
Art Post (Guest)
$1.99 here at one lone gas station (CASH), alas I had no cash.
quote:Originally posted by Art Post:
LOL, you know what though, I would go along with the $1.00 as long as flat tax (fEDERAL sALES tAX) was instituted and the IRS was disolved
I'm all for a Federal Sales tax, like they have in Europe. Just think, you could get your check from your employer with no taxes taken out (except Social Security), put it in the bank and gain interest with no taxes paid, buy and sell stocks with no taxes on the gain/loss, etc., etc.
The only time you'd have to pay tax is if you actually bought something (and unprepared food would be exempt from tax).
This sure sounds like a win-win-win to me.
For the poor, they get a tax cut because they spend a large portion of their income on food, which they will no longer have to pay taxes on.
For the middle class, we get fairer taxes because if we want a tax cut, we just reduce our buying.
For the Upper class, they have that same option, but the elimination of the capital gains tax means they can invest more and reap the benefitts of those gains.
DRichard (Guest)
I"ve said it before...I like the way you think.
Art Post (Guest)
Plus corporations would get taxed fairly and the loop holes would be eliminated. I'm in favor!
Art Post (Guest)
I just emailed both NJ state Senators and will continue to do so. I'm only one however, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
DRichard (Guest)
I'll send emails...but you'll have to grease yourself Art.
Art Post (Guest)
Art Post (Guest)
$1.97 in nj (cash) for 87 octane
Actually, the poor will be taxed more heavily because in the US at least, they pay no income taxes now at all. So any user fee or tax would hit them at whatever the rate would be and most say that rate would need to be a minimum of 15% to 20%. That would be on every dollar they spend. It is actually a more equitable tax because now the top 5% of taxpayers pay 90% of the taxes.
I'm all for it, but you know as well as I that it wouldn't last long. The rate would only go up or there would be other ways for the government to get into our pockets
I'm all for it, but you know as well as I that it wouldn't last long. The rate would only go up or there would be other ways for the government to get into our pockets
I think that's true no matter what tax plan we are on, so it might as well be a fair one to begin with 
As far as the poor paying more, if there's no tax on rent, utilities food or medicine, they shouldn't be paying much. I also believe there is a refund procedure in Europe where you can turn in your tax receipts and get what you paid in taxes returned to you if you meet certain criteria.
I've also considered no tax on clothes, but I guess there would need to be some delineation between "normal" clothes and whatever-you-want-to-call non-essential items.

As far as the poor paying more, if there's no tax on rent, utilities food or medicine, they shouldn't be paying much. I also believe there is a refund procedure in Europe where you can turn in your tax receipts and get what you paid in taxes returned to you if you meet certain criteria.
I've also considered no tax on clothes, but I guess there would need to be some delineation between "normal" clothes and whatever-you-want-to-call non-essential items.
How can so many people, left and right of center agree on something yet not see any changes? That was rhetorical...the answer is because ultimately the government gets much of it's power via the tax code.
As JasonR says, there would be ways to help the poor but with a national sales tax, even the criminals and drug dealers would pay taxes. Not to equivicate Harvard with criminals but I heard today that Harvard doesn't pay a penny of tax including revenue on a $37 Billion endowment.
I am curious how donations to non-profits would be treated. The tax deduction is many people's motivation.
As JasonR says, there would be ways to help the poor but with a national sales tax, even the criminals and drug dealers would pay taxes. Not to equivicate Harvard with criminals but I heard today that Harvard doesn't pay a penny of tax including revenue on a $37 Billion endowment.
I am curious how donations to non-profits would be treated. The tax deduction is many people's motivation.
Great point. That's the problem I've heard most often on this proposal.
The tax incentives for home ownership, charitable giving and children disappear in a "basic" package.
The other proposal I've seen is that you just bump the tax up 1% and then use the surplus to allow people to apply for rebates due to factors such as charitable giving.
The tax incentives for home ownership, charitable giving and children disappear in a "basic" package.
The other proposal I've seen is that you just bump the tax up 1% and then use the surplus to allow people to apply for rebates due to factors such as charitable giving.
Art Post (Guest)
$1.83 over the weekend for 89 octane!!!
$1.77 over the weekend in Paducah.
Art Post (Guest)
$1.77 in NJ now for 87 octane, could we see $1.25!!!!
$1.66 in North Central Indiana.
Oil prices per barrel were trading under $50 today. Maybe now food prices in groceries will come down since diesel is lower than it was in the summer.
Art Post (Guest)
Heard last night on the news that deinflation is upon us, also heard that deinflation is not good. Quess I'll have to read up some.
quote:Originally posted by John Roof:
Oil prices per barrel were trading under $50 today. Maybe now food prices in groceries will come down since diesel is lower than it was in the summer.
I'm going to guess we won't see any change in food prices since the chain that ends in a pork chop at the grocery is months long and most of that cost has already been paid.
A TV ad from a local GM car dealer was offering 50 shares of GM stock if they purchase a new vehicle before the end of the year. A Chrysler dealer in Chicago was offering a Buy One - Get The Second for $1.
I'd rather they keep the stock and just give me a gas gift certificate
Art Post (Guest)
$1.71 over weekend in NJ
Paducah came down to $1.58 this afternoon.
DRichard (Guest)
Knoxville's lowest is $1.68 today.
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