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I was watching the news this AM and they posted a statement from the CEO of Gulf that we will see $1.00
a gallon for gas during the first quarter of 09. Heck , the wholesale cost is now less than .90 cents! I just wondering when prices are gonna come down in the supermarkets. While gas was skyrocketing we raised our on-site service here to 150, betcha we don't lower it.
For most supermarket items, you won't see a drop in price.

Think about Beef. That beef was fed on $7.00 corn, delivered by trucks fueled by $4 gas, for months. The fact that gas is $1.50 now doesn't change that.

The same is true for shorter chain items as well, the milk we drink is produced by cows who are still eating gains/hay/whatever that was produced during the price bubble, so it's still going to be affected.

Can't expect a change on most items until at least mid 2009, and by then they'll be hoping we've forgotten. Smile

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