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$2.15 around in Tennessee.

Notice that price drop back in October? Right before the elections?

You might be interested to know that the price of a barrel of Crude oil DID actually drop during that time, but the price of gasoline dropped 500% more than the price of oil during that time. Right after the elections, gasoline prices went back up, even though the price of oil remained steady.
You seem to suggest that there is or should be a 1 to 1 correlation between the cost of crude and the cost of gas as if a barrel of crude equated to a barrel of gas. That's like saying that if the cost of lumber goes up 10%, paper should go up 10%. It just doesn't work that way.
You are trying to suggest that Big Oil would give up billions of dollars in profits in the hopes that it MIGHT influence voters to vote Republican as if people who vote care about nothing but the cost of gas. I think if big oil wanted to invest billions in the hope of influencing the elections, they could find a more effective way to do it.

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