According to Slawetsky it's a done deal as of overnight. Anyone guessing how long until the copier division is sold off. Samsung would probably pay cash for it this morning I would think. I am eager to hear what they tell the dealers today.
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Business Solutions Company (Business Solutions business)
With regard to Business Solutions Company, we are currently strengthening the solution business with MFP (digital multi-functional printer) products and display products as a core for global expansion of the solution business through utilizing our existing products and customer base, as well as effective expansion in investment. Also, as the MFP business is expected to face a maturing market due to a change in business environment, with a shift to paper-less, we are facing a challenge in developing new business where markets are expected to expand, such as robotic business, etc.
With regard to (vi) "Investment in regard to Business Solutions Company used for expansion of sales distribution of existing MFP business, R&D for growing business such as robotics or solution business, increase in production volume, and rationalization" above, we plan to invest in R&D and capital expenditure rationalizing manufacturing equipment, in order to solve business challenges which we are facing, as previously stated.
Specifically, 20 billion yen (note from art: $177 million US to be spread out over 26 months for Canada, US & Europe Markets) is planned to be spent on investments in expanding MFP sales distribution, in order to expand and stabilize the revenue base in North America and Europe, 8 billion yen is planned to be spent on investments in software and dies and molds to develop new products for the solution business which focuses on robotics and digital signage displays, and 12 billion yen is planned to be spent on investments in rationalizing and renewing facilities for the automation of and reduction in labor force at production lines, to improve productivity in existing plants in both Japan and China
Note from Art: Do I understand this correctly? Of the 20 billion yen for the Business Solutions Company, 8 billion goes for software, dies and molds for new products which is going to focus on digital signage and robotics? What about MFP's, is that only a portion of the 8 billion yen? If so, that's only $71 million US over 26 months with most of that planned for signage and robotics.
wash the car before you sell.