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For the next week I'll be posting press releases under our blog section.  We believe this will unclutter our "all topics" page and make it easier for members to see other members threads on the forums. I'm hoping this will create a better user experience for our site.

Blogs that I write will now be under "featured" blogs and the press releases will be under "all blog posts"

Another item that you may want to change is your user settings for alerts.

This is located under your name and the drop down that appears as "settings".

Let me know if you have any questions for need help.


If you like something I've posted please feel free to click the "like" button!


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Again, just trying to be constructive.  When I scroll through the first page of all-topics right now there is virtually nothing I have a desire to click on.  Its mostly press releases and reposted articles that have no value to me.  The only thread I opened was this one:

Perhaps do one post a week that has all the links to press releases and other on-line articles you want to post.  By creating a thread for each one it muddies the forum up so bad that it discourages engagement.  For example:  Press Releases Week of 1/13/2025      Hope this helps.

Last edited by fisher

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