In the context of office printing, when you think about Print Management, what comes to mind? For most people, it is management of the actual print output ("what comes out of which device").
But this is a very narrow view on the subject; we can call it Output Management, a very small playground in the world of Print Management. Such a narrow view can be dangerous and you should set your requirements based on a more holistic view (more about this further down).
Output Management includes niche features like Follow Print and Reporting to solve specific output problems like document security, tracking, charging back cost, and reducing waste.
The mix-up comes from the fact that the output is the most outwardly visible aspect of printing for users and managers. This has led to a situation where the market is overcrowded with dozens of software vendors, each solving their own specific areas of focus, and nobody looking holistically at the overall problem of Office Print Management.
So what is a more holistic view then?
Behind the "Output" is "Management" and "Implementation"
The other parts of the Office Print Management equation are:
How to manage all the back-end aspects of office printing (print queues, drivers, policies) efficiently?
How to make printing available for everybody that needs it (print anytime from anywhere to any device)
How to implement the output flow in the most cost efficient, scalable and flexible way?
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