Like all IDEAL guillotines the new IDEAL 4305, 4315 and 4350 come with the assurance of the 'Made in Germany' stamp. For occasional use the 4305 is the fully manual model. For those with a more demanding workload there is the electrically powered blade 4315 version and for print shops looking for an electric clamp and blade drive there is the 4350. All three models will cut a full ream of 70gsm paper and have a comprehensive range of safety features which IDEAL call their Safety Cutting System (SCS).
Osborne continues "Last year we introduced a digital display on the electric models to ensure accurate positioning of the backgauge to within 1/100th of a CM. Couple this with the LED cutting line, transparent safety guard and two-handed operation and you have the most accurate and safest selection of small format guillotines on the market".
To show off the new range IDEAL have produced a product demonstration video visible at Retail prices for the new machines start at £1,295 for the manual 4305 and rise to £3,515 for the fully electric 4350. IDEAL guillotines are available from dealers nationwide.