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Duplex printing: Aficio MP C3500 on OS X
Posted by: Chris O'Brien (IP Logged)
Date: March 27, 2007 07:50AM

I'm using the Ricoh-Aficio_MP_C3500_PXL.ppd pxlmono based driver on OS X 10.4 with an Aficio MP C3500 (no postscript). Everything works well except duplex printing - the jobs just come out single-sided despite the option setting. Duplexing works using a generic PCL 5c driver, but this doesn't allow color and some other printer options. The printer config page lists RPCS[], PCL 5c [1.07], and PCL XL [1.07] as supported languages.

Any suggestions for what might be the problem here?

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Re: Duplex printing: Aficio MP C3500 on OS X
Posted by: uli wehner (IP Logged)
Date: March 27, 2007 09:12AM


how (where) are you selecting duplexing?


Uli Wehner
Host Printing Specialist
Ricoh Americas Corporation

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Re: Duplex printing: Aficio MP C3500 on OS X
Posted by: Chris O'Brien (IP Logged)
Date: March 27, 2007 09:18AM

I'm selecting the duplexing through the default printer interface in 10.4 - in the "Layout" panel there are radio-button options for "Off", "Long-edge binding" and "Short-edge" binding. It's a per-job setting, rather than default.

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Re: Duplex printing: Aficio MP C3500 on OS X
Posted by: uli wehner (IP Logged)
Date: March 27, 2007 10:37AM


are you sure you are selecting both required settings?

duplexing requires both a "print on both sides" and a binding direction parameter.

Not sure what this looks like in 10.4, however, the printer needs to get both commands

here is a PJL example


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Re: Duplex printing: Aficio MP C3500 on OS X
Posted by: Chris O'Brien (IP Logged)
Date: March 27, 2007 11:10AM

There is only one place to change duplex settings, with three options (off, long edge, short edge). This is the same either through the OS X interface or through the CUPS web interface. Here's the relevant section from the PPD - it's clearly meant to set both parameters, but maybe something's not right with the syntax? I notice that one command uses SET but the other is @PJL (last lines of the snippet below).

*OpenUI *Duplex/Duplex: PickOne
*FoomaticRIPOption Duplex: enum Composite D
*OrderDependency: 50 AnySetup *Duplex
*DefaultDuplex: None
*Duplex None/Off: "%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: Duplex=None"
*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting Duplex=None: "JCLDuplex=None GSDuplex=None"
*Duplex DuplexNoTumble/Long Edge: "%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: Duplex=DuplexNoTumble"
*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting Duplex=DuplexNoTumble: "JCLDuplex=DuplexNoTumble GSDuplex=DuplexNoTumble"
*Duplex DuplexTumble/Short Edge: "%% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: Duplex=DuplexTumble"
*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting Duplex=DuplexTumble: "JCLDuplex=DuplexTumble GSDuplex=DuplexTumble"
*CloseUI: *Duplex

*FoomaticRIPOption GSDuplex: enum CmdLine D 50
*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting GSDuplex=FromDuplex: ""
*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting GSDuplex=None: ""
*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting GSDuplex=DuplexNoTumble: "&&
| perl -p -e "s/\xc0\x00\xf8\x34/\xc0\x01\xf8\x35/g""
*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting GSDuplex=DuplexTumble: "&&
| perl -p -e "s/\xc0\x00\xf8\x34/\xc0\x00\xf8\x35/g""

*FoomaticRIPOption JCLDuplex: enum JCL D 50
*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting JCLDuplex=FromDuplex: ""
*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting JCLDuplex=None: "SET DUPLEX=OFF"
*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting JCLDuplex=DuplexNoTumble: "SET DUPLEX=ON
*FoomaticRIPOptionSetting JCLDuplex=DuplexTumble: "SET DUPLEX=ON

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Re: Duplex printing: Aficio MP C3500 on OS X
Posted by: Chris O'Brien (IP Logged)
Date: March 28, 2007 06:13AM

Okay, I found a hack fix. The CUPS error log reported this at the beginning of each job:

Found: %%BeginFeature: *Duplex DuplexNoTumble
Option: Duplex= DuplexNoTumble --> Correcting numerical/string option to Duplex=LongEdge (Command line argument)

Following this, the option was not set, and there were no command line options or PJL commands for duplexing.

On a whim, I replaced all instances in the PPD file of DuplexNoTumble with LongEdge and DuplexTumble with ShortEdge. It seems to work fine now.

Any ideas whether this is a problem with the PPD itself, or the OS X CUPS implementation, or something else?

Uli, thanks for the replies.


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Re: Duplex printing: Aficio MP C3500 on OS X
Posted by: uli wehner (IP Logged)
Date: March 28, 2007 07:44AM


i will ask George, as he makes the PXL PPDs.

If there is a problem with the PPD --> George can fix it.

If there is a problem with something eles --> George can investigate.

either way congratulations on your "hack"


Uli Wehner
Host Printing Specialist
Ricoh Americas Corporation

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Re: Duplex printing: Aficio MP C3500 on OS X
Posted by: georgeliu (IP Logged)
Date: March 29, 2007 12:23PM

Chris O'Brien Wrote:
> Okay, I found a hack fix. The CUPS error log
> reported this at the beginning of each job:
> Found: %%BeginFeature: *Duplex DuplexNoTumble
> Option: Duplex= DuplexNoTumble --> Correcting
> numerical/string option to Duplex=LongEdge
> (Command line argument)

Which version of Mac OS X you are using? and the version of CUPS?
I set debug level to debug2, with Mac OS X 10.4.8, CUPS 1.1.23 and I couldn't see that message.

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Re: Duplex printing: Aficio MP C3500 on OS X
Posted by: georgeliu (IP Logged)
Date: March 29, 2007 01:35PM

georgeliu Wrote:
> Chris O'Brien Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Okay, I found a hack fix. The CUPS error log
> > reported this at the beginning of each job:
> >
> > Found: %%BeginFeature: *Duplex DuplexNoTumble
> > Option: Duplex= DuplexNoTumble --> Correcting
> > numerical/string option to Duplex=LongEdge
> > (Command line argument)

I see, the message come from foomatic-rip.log.

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Re: Duplex printing: Aficio MP C3500 on OS X
Posted by: georgeliu (IP Logged)
Date: March 29, 2007 02:01PM

Root cause identified:

On Linux platform, when you select duplex printing (e.g, through KDE Print dialog or open office), application always pass down Duplex=DuplexTumble to printing system, which matches the DuplexTumble keyword in PPD file.

On Mac, application pass down sides=two-sided-short-edge to printing system. Foomatic-rip translate that to Duplex=DuplexShortEdge which does not match PPD keywords.

DuplexTumble, DuplexNoTumble are predefined keywords by Adobe PPD spec, and I don't know where the word DuplexLongEdge come from. I would say this is the question foomatic-rip needs to answer. I'll post this question on Site Support Forum.

At the mean time, there's some work-arounds:

1. If you have Postscript option installed, use Postscript driver for Mac OS X from Ricoh website. Duplex works.

2. Create a root password for Mac (google for how to do it), and use CUPS web interface [] to change default printer setting to Duplex.

3. Need to install hpijs package and Use generic PCL5 driver (slow)

4. Use the hack you provided. (change to DuplexShortEdge). But I don't think Ricoh PPD on will be modified. It should stick to Adobe spec.

Thanks again for reporting the problem and providing the hack.

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Re: Duplex printing: Aficio MP C3500 on OS X
Posted by: Chris O'Brien (IP Logged)
Date: March 30, 2007 07:51AM

Thanks for looking into this, George.

I did some more looking around, and I agree that it seems that the issue is with foomatic.

As far as the work arounds you suggested, we don't have the postscript option installed, so I can't use that. I tried setting the default setting to Duplex through the CUPS web interface, and got the same error messages, so it appears that the printing system is sending the same keyword. The hpijs PCL5 driver does work.

I will send in a bug report/feature request to Apple for what it's worth.
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