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After 14 years in the Brazil market, the combined efforts of DocPath and its Latin American Partners have resulted in the DocPath customer base increasing at a steady pace, not only in Brazil, but across all Latin America.


The recent implementation of DocPath's output and document management system in the Latin-American delegations of one of the globally leading insurance companies and the reinforcement of its partner network, through the incorporation of a new strategic partner, InfoIntelligent, into the company´s Latin-American partner network, further showcases the acceptance of DocPath in the Latin American market.


Expanding Business

Latin America´s economy is growing. And as businesses continue to expand, the need for more advanced process and workflow systems and services has arisen. As observed by DocPath, document management as well as output management software and scheduled print services seem to be on top of the investment list of many companies.


As a result, DocPath is firmly expanding business across the American continent. With support from its main strategic business partners in the region, such as Ricoh, Quality Work, InfoIntelligent and SGS Team, DocPath has become one of the leaders in a niche where companies are waiting for next-level document management software.


DocPath´s solutions are currently installed at national and international banks —including the major financial institutions of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and Mexico–, retailers, manufacturers and important insurance companies. In fact, DocPath has significantly increased the number of document management projects in Latin America from 2012 to 2015, and the coming years look even more promising, considering the latest numbers from the first 2 months in 2015 and the already committed projects the pipeline for early spring 2015.


“DocPath started its business activities in Latin America more than 15 years ago and I can safely say that it has been a very positive process for all of us. The excellent results and favorable prospects of the Latin-American market are more than enough reason to continue and expand our presence in the region,” confirms Julio Olivares, DocPath CEO. 


Geared Solutions

To address the unique user behavior and purchasing patterns in the different Latin American countries, DocPath has made sure to include a wide range of specific features in its document and output management software. As such, all of DocPath´s Solutions are multi-language and allow clients to dynamically generate their documents in the language required by their final users.


Common business needs with regards to document management in Latin America seem to consist of distributed and controlled generation of documents across a network of branch offices and online services, which includes efficient distribution of high-quality documents. For this reason, DocPath´s most successful solutions in the area are DocPath Remote Office Printing, aimed at banks and insurance companies with a large office network, DocPath Business Suite Pro, a complete document management solution for small and medium-sized enterprises, and DocPath WebDocs Generation, for companies that need cover document management and output requirements in Web environments.


The New Land of Opportunity

Over the last decade, many Latin American countries have been experiencing important growth, despite rather timid expansion numbers registered in recent years. In fact, according to studies by World Bank and IMF, the average GDP of Latin America exceeds the world´s average, creating a market that is ready for new technological products and services. For example, for 2015, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) expects regional growth to increase to 2.2%. ECLAC also forecasts Brazil´s economy to be the growth engine of the entire region, which means that the country still more than deserves its "B" in BRICS, an acronym that represents the world's fastest growing economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

The reasons behind Latin America´s positive economic growth and favorable ICT climate are encouraging regulations, supportive governments, multilateral actions and a renewed business confidence that is leading to investments in new technologies. And as organizations are expanding, being able to manage their data and documents effectively and rapidly across all their offices and delegations becomes vital.


Data sources:  ECLAC


About InfoIntelligent

InfoIntelligent was created to meet a growing demand of companies seeking the implementation of new technologies and tools to optimize and add value to their document management processes, based on the information they already possess.


By implementing these intelligent information management processes, companies seek to better retain , attract new, and create bonding with their customers as well as build alliances , and position their products.

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About DocPath

DocPath is a leading document technology software manufacturer. Created in 1992, its solutions are found in companies all over the world. Among its international clients, are prestigious banks and first class corporations, which are aided by DocPath solutions by simplifying the complicated and critical task involving design and the distribution of documents. DocPath maintains a strong commitment to R&D&i, an area that receives an important part of the company’s revenue, and which is a key element to its success.


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