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Digital Transformation a Top Ambition

The article highlights several key points about the growth, challenges, and technological investments in professional services firms:

  • reported on

Key Findings:

  • Optimism and Growth:
    • 84% of project-based businesses expect increased profits in 2024, up from 71% in 2023.
  • Challenges:
    • Increasing profitability is a top challenge for 38% of firms.
    • Other challenges include reducing expenses (29%), timely hour registration (27%), and cost control (26%).
    • Project complexity is a concern for 28% of firms.
  • Investment in Technology:
    • 67% of firms believe they will lose market share if they don't make significant progress in digital transformation.
    • 79% of firms plan to increase investment in emerging technologies compared to the previous year.
    • 29% plan to invest significantly more.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI):
    • 98% of firms use traditional AI/machine learning (ML), and 97% use generative AI.
    • 74% believe investing in AI will expand services offered.
    • 41% believe successful AI implementation will increase profits.
    • 74% see AI as providing a significant competitive advantage.
    • 75% are concerned about competitors implementing technology faster.
  • Project Management Challenges:
    • 87% of firms rely on manual data entry.
    • Key challenges include managing deliverable quality (46%) and project collaboration (42%).
    • KPI tracking has decreased in areas like client satisfaction (8% decline) and average billing rate (14% decline) in 2024 compared to 2023.
  • Workforce and Upskilling:
    • 27% see upskilling staff as a top challenge for project management in the next three years.
    • 61% of firms plan to increase workforce size in 2024.
    • 72% believe successful AI implementation will improve job satisfaction.

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