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I am looking to the collective experience of the members of this forum for some feedback here.

The dealer/agency I work for is considering the e-automate suite of software to address some of our many needs including sales management, CRM, accounting integration, service scheduling/dispatch, TCO calculations, etc.

I am just curious if anyone on this forum has experience with this system and what your general feeling towards it is?

Also, if anyone knows what the rough pricing on it is, I would greatly appreciate that info as well.
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I have been an independent consultant for the office technolgy industry since 1994 and in the industry since 1981. My primary focus has been on the OMD software system. eAutomate is a competitor of OMD which has been around for over 20 years.

My experience with eAutomate is very limited (mainly word of mouth from industry collegues) but I have been told that the service contract invoicing (the profit bread and butter of the industry) and financial modules are not as flexible or capable as OMD.

Cost of course depends primarily on number of users plus a base server cost. There are additional ancillary applications for eforms, electronic distribution, data analysis, etc. that can be added on to further automate many business processes and workflows.

Finally you will want on-site implementation assistance to get off to a productive start. As with any system, you don't know what you don't know and that can lead to disaster when implementing a new ERP system.

I would be happy to speak with you directly about this if you are interested.

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