I am curious as to how many of you all talk heavily about being a local dealer vs a direct. We are one of the few viable independent dealers in charlotte area that are left after all the acquisitions from the directs etc. I preach local business to my customers and prospects day to day but I also practice what I preach....not because I should based on what I say, but we as a company and me personally will spend a little more with a local company rather than a large or out of town outfit.
I bring this up because more and more I see customers and prospects who claim to support local business at all costs, yet theh do hardly anything with local firms especially when it comes to their office equipment, doc mgt soffware, or commercial printing (other division of our company).
I am curious as to how some of you and your sales reps hammer the message of dealing with the independent dealer rather than the directs?
I personally will beat the horse until it disintegrates to get the point across and usually have good success, but their are times when the qoutes from the directs come in at less than I can buy the equipment for then it becomes a point of "well we like everything abouy your compangy but the price is too high." Obviously this is not an all the time thing but it happens a lot and really there is not a lot we can do other than to try to match their price or lose the business.
Sorry for the drawn out post but we are constantly looking for ways to combat the low prices and big promises and sales tactics of the direct ops and I know this group always has good input.