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This is a tough environement to work in. My IT leader is out for the week on vacation - so I can't get you any info until she returns.

Printing is OK. The hook is in scanning. Citrix is nearly the same as Terminal Server - you know - "orange screens" that look like DOS screens. Normal window functionality doesn't work. Now our solution involved scanning to a folder on the network that both Citrix users and windows users could see. We scanned it there via the windows platform. Once the PDF was in the folder, the Citrix users to access the information.

The deal we were working on got put off, so I never got to see the solution to the end. If you are still in need of info, when my IT person returns, I will try and follow up.
Additional info for you...

In Citrix, printing is OK. Usually Citrix is running in an environment where Windows is running in the back ground. Printing is no problem. Scanning is out. Unless you set up a separate PC with Scan Router and to that PC you scan what you want. If Citrix can see the folders on that PC, it can access the images.

Fax will only work in Windows.

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