Abbott Stillman & Wilson's CEO Chris Arnold chose Lanier for its:
High standard of service
Pro-active solutions
Slow, old, inefficient and expensive. That's how one of Melbourne's premier medium-sized law firms, Abbott Stillman & Wilson described its document processing in early 2001 - before it turned to Lanier for a solution. Chief executive Chris Arnold, who had just arrived at the firm, says he asked three companies to provide tenders for handling the law firm's print requirements. Lanier undertook an extensive needs analysis. In the end, says Chris, Lanier devised the best solution including both price and service.
"We now have digital printing and copying from the same machines, which is much more effective than stand-alone printers. They copy faster, with better quality and make us much more efficient with substantially reduced cost per page."
Chris says Lanier initially supplied four digital copiers/printers (Model 5455) capable of producing 55 pages per minute (ppm). Just one year into the four-year contract, both companies realised that the volume of work had grown beyond what anyone had expected and the machines had to be upgraded.
"We all under-estimated the amount of work that would be done because we'd been doing a lot of out-sourcing of photo-copying due to our old machines. "In addition, we rolled out our company intranet after the new machines were installed. All lawyers had access to the system, resulting in a lot more documents being printed. The company had also grown in that time, taking on extra staff."
Chris says he was impressed at Lanier's pro-active response to these issues.
" Not only did they take the initiative to recommend the systems be upgraded to 70ppm (Model 5470), they also hunted around and found buyers for the other machines, and they put together an attractive package for a cost-effective upgrade. The new systems have been installed and we haven't had a problem. "
Chris says he is impressed by Lanier's proactive approach in identifying problems and producing solutions, as well as the company's professionalism.
"I'm impressed with their systems and their people. Their service levels are very good. If there's a problem, there's no messing about. They're out here fast," Chris says.
Abbott Stillman & Wilson specialise in commercial, commercial litigation, property and construction, general insurance and private client services. The systems provided by Lanier service 120 people spread over two floors at the company's Bourke Street headquarters in Melbourne