Okay, this may be a dumb question, but I am on the outside looking-in on some components of the market. Can someone help me figure out how to identify the purchase price of an MFP if I only have the monthly lease payment, # of months, and lease rate.
For example:
If the MP 2550SPF MFP sold with a:
36 month lease
$187.24 monthly payment
0.0302 rate
This is my math:
$187.24 x 0.0302 = $5.65 (lease cost per month)
$187.24 - $5.65 = $181.58 (monthly cost of Hardware per month w/o the rate)
$181.58 x 36 (months) = $6537.07 cost after 36 months without the lease rate
However, that price is inflated by some error in my math. The purchase price without lease costs should be $6,200
What is the trick here?
Is there a cost that I am missing in addition to the lease rate?
How do you calculate the effective purchase price without lease costs?
I appreciate any insight on this....
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