Posted on September 16, 2015

By West McDonald, Vice President of Business Development, Print Audit & Owner, FocusMPS
On Tuesday September 15th, I co-hosted a webinar that was presented by Aaron Dyck and Matthew McGuire of Digitek. I don’t usually write posts about webinars but this one really struck a bunch of nerves in all the right ways. The title session was “8 Ways to Generate More Sales Leads” and as vanilla as that sounds it was one of the most potent sessions I’ve sat on in a long long time.
The 30,000 foot overview is simple: The traditional sales funnel is broken when it comes to Buyer 2.0. Because of the easy access to information in a hyper-connected world, buyers may enter the sales cycle at any point in the so-called “funnel”. Some buyers will do 90% of their research on a solution before they ever pick up the phone to find a supplier. Others will do 50%, some will do 10%. The point is, the modern lead generation engine has to adapt to look less like a funnel and more like a spiderweb: You don’t know which part of the web the prospect is going to land on. You just need to make sure they stick and that you are ready to sell them no matter where they land. read the rest of the nice article here