Register to attend and book your hotel today at
Get the best hotel rates at the best hotels in NYC!
Rates as low as $109/night !
Only ON DEMAND Expo's official travel service, Ambassadors, offers participants the following exclusive benefits:
BONUS - 500 additional Starwood points at participating Starwood Hotels
Rates are lower than if you book directly with the hotel
Great selection of hotels
Personal reservations manager for all group bookings
Online room block management
Availability is Limited So Make Your Hotel Reservation Today!
ONLINE: Click here or Visit us at to reserve your room online
CALL: 1-800-689-5954 (US and Canada) 1-404-584-7458 (International)
FAX: Fax completed form to 404-584-0685. Click here for your form
MAIL: Mail completed form to the address indicated on the form. Click here
EMAIL: , Please include contact information
The Housing Deadline for ON DEMAND Expo is February 6, 2004. Reserve your room at one of the official hotels while rooms are still available!
Attention Exhibitors: If you are interested in setting up sub-blocks, online management tools can be provided to make this process easier then ever. Please contact Ambassadors at 800-689-5954 or 404-584-7458, and/or email request to
You may opt out from receiving any future e-mails from Ambassadors by clicking Unsubscribe to be removed from our list.
A confirmation of your reservation will be sent to you immediately via email upon completion of the online process or within 72 hours for reservations received via phone, fax, or mail. Reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and require a credit card deposit. All new reservations, changes, substitutions and cancellations must be made through Ambassadors. Cancellation policies for individual rooms are noted on the confirmation sent to you from Ambassadors.
Ambassadors • 240 Peachtree Street, Suite 22-S-10 • Atlanta, GA - 30303