Almost lost a deal yesterday. Quoted an A3 black MFP and kept the margin with $3K GP in the deal. The day after I submitted my quote the client submitted me a quote that was far less than mine. I was told this was a major difference in price but would rather to business with me if I can at least meet their price.
I offered to do something and resubmitted the proposal with what I thought was fair. A few hours later I received the PO, all was good in my world.
In the AM I received notification and an email that the PO was being rescinded because the competitor offered to sell their device at cost. After a carefully crafted response and no price drop I was able to keep the deal.
I still can't understand why a salesperson needs to drop their knees if they lose. I believe it was open for the winning with the salesperson that best described the value points of their dealership and brand. In addition there's a good chance I might have lost this if that sales person dropped back to their value points.
I'll be posting the proposal in the next couple of days