Lost a bid to canon on 2 ea. aficio 2105. customer put the equipment out for bid and we lost. We proposed at $1,595.00 lower on the 2 aficio 2105s' hardware and went in at .0065 on service for 4.8 million a year. canon came in at .00637 so we are $624.00 more on service for the first year. Customers reason: the drum yield on the canon was at 5 mil. I say so what... so we go in to protest and customer says: well, if you protest, we'll just buy the one canon and then re-bid the other copier and make it crystal clear that we need a drum with 5 mil. yield. Small town so my company may not want to protest the bid 'cause it may hurt us down the road with other customers.
I think it is illegal for customer to purchase 1 system since the bid was for 2 systmes. By, the way, the bid stated "Service contract NEGOTIABLE" and they figured in a 5 year span, they would save money. Yet, we only bid the service for a year. Any suggestions or comments?
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