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2021-01-31_15-25-20 - CopyBabble has announced a double acquisition allowing the British comms company to expand into Yorkshire and Essex.

The latest acquisitions mean that Babble will take over ADSI and Yorkshire Telecoms, as well as its subsidiary, Biscuit IT.

When finalised, it will take Babble to 20 acquisitions since 2018, with nine occurring between 2020 and 2021.

Matt Parker, Babble CEO, said: “Acquiring Yorkshire Telecom and ADSI is a real win for us. Their customers are exciting, growing businesses with big ambitions and, aside from our own, are some of the most satisfied I’ve ever seen, which is a huge credit to them.

“Yorkshire Telecom’s and Biscuit IT’s specialism of Comms and Cyber and ADSI’s excellent Mobile platform are areas where we feel we can add exceptional value for the businesses they serve. read more here

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Last edited by Art Post
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