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Almost anyone can get an entry-level sales job. There are so many sales positions in the world that most people can at least get their foot in the door somewhere. But not everyone has what it takes to not only keep the job, but to move up into higher-end sales and make it a career.

In fact, there are certain types of people who will never succeed in sales because of certain characteristics that are incompatible with the profession. Surprisingly, being an introvert really has nothing to do with it. But these nine types of people never succeed at sales:

1. The Know-It-All

The problem with this type of person isn’t that they’re usually insufferable and unpleasant to talk to, although that definitely causes its own problems. The problem is that the Know-It-All isn’t willing to take advice or learn from their mistakes, because they already know it all. This means no progress, unnecessary stubbornness, and a short sales career.

2. The Liar

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