At least 68 staff positions could be cut next year in the Edwardsville School District, according to a proposed budget presented last week at a school board meeting.
Citing a five-year decline in state funding and property tax revenue, the district recommended slashing $3 million from its 2012-2013 school year budget. The district has made about $9 million in cuts over the past two years.
The proposed staff cuts include 28 certified teaching positions and 33 program and instructional assistants. Seven certified teachers leaving at the end of the school year will not be replaced. The proposal also includes slicing $500,000 from administrative and building support areas and $375,000 in reductions to the budgets for Collinsville Area Vocational Center, copier contract, high school drivers education, athletics and performing arts.
"We realize that these proposed reductions will be painful, just like those in the past," Superintendent Ed Hightower said in an email. "District 7, like each personal household, must continue to make tough choices when revenue is no longer available."
Since the 2007-2008 school year, state funding to the district has declined by about $7.2 million. Property tax revenue is also dropping; it decreased about $180,000 this school year.
Additionally, the district says the state owes them more than $3 million for the current school year and is five months behind on payments.
"I'm disappointed," said Michelle Motley, president of the parent teacher organization at Woodland Elementary. "I knew that the district was in trouble, and that they were going to have to make the cuts somewhere."
Hightower said the cuts will avoid having to ask the community for a tax increase, which could burden families already struggling in the current economy.
Motley, who has three children in the district, and will have four children in Edwardsville public schools next year, says she would be willing to pay more to keep teachers.
"I would vote to raise taxes if it meant keeping the quality in the school system," she said. "But I understand that that's not something everyone is willing to do given the times."
Edwardsville's current tax rate is around $4.05 per $100 of assessed valuation.
The district said it would not discuss the specifics of the programming and administrative cuts.
There are currently nine Edwardsville students attending the Collinsville Area Vocational Center, which provides career specific training programs, like auto repair and child care. As part of last year's budget reductions, the district decided not to send any juniors to the center (it costs $2,500 per student to attend CAVC).
Center director Mark Anderson said the current students are all seniors.
"What they planned on in spring 2011 was not planning on sending any more students after the last seniors had graduated," he said. "We'll miss them. They send good students and those students had good opportunities taking these courses."
Departments and grade levels impacted by staff layoffs were not addressed in the proposal. Hightower did not return phone messages. Typically, teacher layoffs are based on seniority.
Depending on enrollment, Hightower said some assistant positions could be recalled.
The district will conduct collective bargaining negotiations during February and March. The budget will be up for approval at a March 12 meeting of the school board.
Contact reporter Sarah Baraba at 618-344-0264, ext. 133.
Budget cuts: By the numbers
$3,019,000: Total budget cuts
$1,190,000: 28 certified teaching positions
$591,000: non-replacement of seven certified teaching positions
$500,000: administration and building support
$363,000: 33 program and instructional assistants
$375,000: reductions to Collinsville Area Vocational Center, copier contract, high school driver education, athletics and performing arts
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