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Tagged With "Covid 19"


Re: The End Of The Day With Ray! Don’t Screw Up Your Defining Moment

mnchstr ·
I've got shut down customers asking how we can help them because they can't operate. It sucks for us but it sucks way more for them. I have "suspended" an MA for one because they asked" no cost no expense". I was lucky enough to get my PPP loan in on day one, approved and closed. I live to fight another day but I don't think things will change all that much. Americans are not going to change everything because of Covid 19, I may be wrong (wouldn't be the first time) but this is a major...

Re: COVID-19 Impact on Dealers and the Channel?

Art Post ·
I was on the MPSA call today. Here's some points of interest I was going to post on another thread but will put it here for everyone. One major MPS company reported 29% decline in pages or revenue Another major MPS company reported a 71% decline Healthcare for one of those clients saw a 40% increase More inquires from clients in respect to file sharing and content Expecting continuing decline for another 30 days in revenue and prints First week of April they hit bottom and has stayed that...

Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!

SalesServiceGuy ·
Although I am 60% on board with your move to A4 strategy, most of the rest of the stuff you are posting is "knocking it out of the park"! I would like to see a poll. As a business owner, during COVID-19 would you prefer? 1). No lease payments for 90 days 2). 1/2 price lease payments for one year The auto industry is pushing no payments for 90 days but I think business owners are more concerned about cash flow for the next year. I think the correct strategy is to offer as part of your...

Re: Post-Virus We Must Defeat The Zombie Companies!

SalesServiceGuy ·
We generally do not build in prepaid copy/ print blocks into our leases. We do give away free copy prints up front but only intended as a short term bonus. We do normally charge a $25.00 minimum monthly maintenance fee but have waived that until the economy rebuilds momentum. I am in Canada, lease vendors are currently offering 90 day payment deferrals added back on at the end of term for those customers who request them. Leases expire every month and customers are happy with the equipment...

Re: Print Copy Tool versus Plotworks

jdicarlo ·
John, The PrintCopy Tool compares pretty favorably to Plotworks. I attached two documents to this post. The Product Support Guide lists differences between the two products. The PowerPoint has screen shots of all the settings in PrintCopy Tool. I hope this helps.

Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"

daninsun ·
On average for every tree taken down in US for paper it is replaced by three new ones This is one of the reasons there are more trees in US than in past Dan Schmidt (sent from mobile device) > On Nov 23, 2015, at 6:19 PM, Print4Pay Hotel < > wrote: >

Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh

Art Post (Guest) ·
Tokyoamsterdam: Japan's Canon plans to buy Dutch copier and printer maker Oce for 730 million euros ($1.09 billion) as it tries to return to growth after the global downturn and fight rival Ricoh. Copier and digital camera maker Canon and Oce said in a joint statement on Monday that Canon intends to offer 8.60 euros per share, or 730 million euros, for Oce's outstanding shares. Canon's offer follows little over a year after Japan's Ricoh, the world''s largest copier maker, bought US office...

Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh

Art Post (Guest) ·
Found this on the web today:: By Pavel Alpeyev Nov. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Orbis Funds, the asset manager that opposed takeover offers by Warren Buffett and Citigroup Inc., rejected Canon Inc.’s 730 million euro ($1.1 billion) bid to buy unprofitable Dutch printer maker Oce NV as too low. Canon’s 8.60 euros-a-share offer “significantly undervalues” Oce’s assets, and Orbis doesn’t want to sell its stake of about 10 percent at that price, the Bermuda-based manager of $20 billion in assets said in a...

Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh

Art Post (Guest) ·
SCENARIOS-Will Canon succeed in its bid for Oce? * Canon offering 730 million euros to buy Oce * Shareholder Orbis with 10 percent stake opposes offer * Oce shares remain above Canon's 8.60 euro offer By Harro ten Wolde AMSTERDAM, Nov 20 (Reuters) -Japan's Canon (7751.T) plans to buy Dutch copier and printer maker Oce (OCEN.AS) for 730 million euros ($1.09 billion), but large Oce shareholder Orbis said the offer undervalued the company. In response, Oce shares passed Canon's 70 percent...

Re: Ricoh Pro C720

bandit41076 ·
Ricoh Americas Corporation announced today the official launch of the Ricoh Pro C720/C720s, a production class multi-functional color system and the latest addition to Ricoh’s Pro series of products, designed specifically for the production environment. This flexible system targets corporate and commercial professional print environments with demanding application needs. The Pro C720/C720s has a robust duty cycle of 320,000 images per month, and runs at 72 pages-per-minute (PPM) regardless...

Re: Actual MPS Demand...

Art Post (Guest) ·
I will be signing up my first account for an MPS program, it's a DOD provider, about 40 employees at the location and they have about 19 printers, all HP, three different models. The IT Managers decision was somewhat based on price, but more over paying for the service allows him to concentrate on more meaningful IT infrastructure instead of paying attention the mudane printers.

Re: Can you trust the Cloud?

CashGap ·
This pretty much sums it up... Look forward, reason back. How many of us have big generators in the parking lot because we like to be in control of our own electrical uptime? Very few. Walk into any business and ask to meet the IT team. Now tell me you have more faith in those guys or gals than you do in an audited, bonded, billion dollar organization dedicated to storing your encrypted data and serving it to you at high-speed and high-availability...

Re: Japan Crisis

Art Post (Guest) ·
Fukushima Evacuees to Return to Exclusion Zone to Check Property Story tools print this storyorder a reprintsuggest a storydigg thissave to del.icio.usSept. 16 (Bloomberg) -- About 20,000 families from the exclusion zone around Japan's wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant will be allowed to return to their homes from Sept. 19 to collect belongings and check their properties. They will be permitted to return in their own cars for the first time, said Masato Kino, spokesman at the Emergency...

Re: New stuff from Ricoh

Old Glory ·
The MP1600 was discontinued 2 weeks ago. Monday, September 19, 2011 12:01 PM "Dear Ricoh Dealer, Please be advised that inventory of the MP 1600 EDP Code 413566 has been depleted and this model is now discontinued. We have limited inventory remaining on the MP 1600L and MP 1600SPF configurations."

Re: MOM Sues OSU for $1M over COMDOC Secret...

Art Post (Guest) ·
An office-company filed a lawsuit against Ohio State, saying the university wrongly awarded a potential $24 million printer and copier contract to a competitor. Modern Office Methods filed the lawsuit on Sept. 26 in the Court of Claims, requesting that OSU set aside its recently awarded contract with ComDoc, Inc. and rebid it. According to the documents, Modern Office Methods said a ComDoc employee met with an OSU employee, unknowingly to the other top-two competitors, Modern Office Methods...

Re: Konica Minolta Sales Up !

SalesServiceGuy ·
Toshiba Tec sales down 3% but Net Profit up 19% and dividend payment up.

Re: Ricoh Americas is contact my accounts for......

I cannot read the letter. Any limitations?

Re: Ricoh Americas is contact my accounts for......

Art Post (Guest) ·
Jerry: You need to enable a Premium Membership in order to download the letter

Re: How do you feel about the industry?

Art Post (Guest) ·
I use a crm called highrise for the print4pay hotel, it's cloud based on $19 or so per month, it's actually quite good!

Re: AS400 Connectivity

Graham ·
From: moscott Sent: 8/28/2002 6:19 AM Depending on the needs of the customer there is a software package from Objectif Lune called Planet Press that is a solution for printing from any legacy system. One of the features of the software that is very desireable is that it does not reside on the as400 and that is something that removes barriers of the IT people. Contact Brad Newcomb Objectif Lune (973) 780-0100 x222 He is quite knowledgable and very helpful.

Re: Printing from Word Perfect

Graham ·
From: Ted Sent: 9/19/2002 7:24 AM I had a Church a few years ago that used WP. They were only experiencing problems with the 551 & WP. After figuring out it was WP and not the 551, this was all the Senior Pastor needed to switch to Microsoft Word. He wanted Word for a long time, but all the ladies fought him. They haven't had a problem since they switched.

Re: Printing from Word Perfect

Graham ·
From: Kapper Sent: 9/19/2002 7:27 AM I had a problem with duplexing from WP on Monday with an install of a 1018D. I found I had to check collate in both WP and the 1018D Driver.

Re: Printing from Word Perfect

Graham ·
From: Graham Sent: 9/19/2002 8:45 AM You'll notice with that method that when they are printing multiple copies, if you watch the printer spool, WP will send the entire document for each copy. IE: if you have a 3 page document that you are printing 50 times, it will send 150 pages to the printer. Printing out of word, it sends 3 pages to the printer and doesn't tie up your PC or hurt your network traffic.

Re: Printing from Word Perfect

Graham ·
From: Ted Sent: 9/19/2002 9:18 AM I found with the Church, when they tried to print 750 Monthly Newsletters, it sent the job 750 times. This was 12 pages being put into a booklet mode and printed. The first time they did it it took about 7 hours. We figured out that you have to put the number of copies inside the properties box, not on the first print screen that pops up when you select print. If you do it on the first screen, the computer sends the job the number of times you selected. If...

Re: Prothane Rollers

Art Post (Guest) ·
From: LifesGr8 Sent: 12/19/2001 6:24 AM I appreciate the fact that you not only uncover this stuff but take the time to pass it on. You never know when you might need "beyond Ricoh training" information. Keep it up and may we all immediately think of the Print4Pay Hotel when we run across something that may be usefull.

Re: Tech Stuff

Art Post (Guest) ·
From: Lee Sent: 3/19/2002 7:33 PM and then show your appreciation for their efforts..... Thanks! Lee

Re: Golf Bag Winner

Gregory (Guest) ·
Hey, cool! I didn't even know, Art. Took a look at the Aficio League and there I was. It actually feels pretty nice, gush gush... Actually, I am still using an old Wilson bag that my father gave to me when I was 19. I think I'll keep the new bag. Here's the irony of the whole thing. One of my clients is Saucon Valley Country Club (rank in the top 100 of the country, beautiful course) and I have an open invite to golf, but I've been embarassed by the fact that I have really cheap gear. Don't...

Re: Aficio 2035/45 Physical Mailbox

Art Post (Guest) ·
Date: Monday, June 30, 2003 10:19 AM No you cannot. There were very few users of the 9-Bin Mailbox on the 1035/1045, plus most are using the Doc. Server or Lock Print as electronic mailboxes, instead of physical mailboxes. I would still check the driver setting

Re: Q & A for Minolta Di3510f

Art Post (Guest) ·
Question With the Di3510-2010 series, is it possible to scan a document that is greater than 80 pages as a single file? Answer No, it is not. Since the AFR-19 can handle a maximum number of 80 sheets, any pages that exceed this limit will be scanned as a separate file. It is not possible to combine two independent scan jobs into one scan file.

Re: Q & A for Minolta Di3510f

Art Post (Guest) ·
Question When a document is scanned at 200 x 200 dpi resolution on the Di3510-2010 series, what is the AFR-19 scan speed? Answer At 200 x 200 dpi, the AFR-19 can scan at 70 originals per minute. The AFR-19 also scans at 70 originals per minute when 200 x 100 dpi resolution is selected.

Re: GBC Stream Punch jamming

Rick Rivera (Guest) ·
Had streampunch installed on our demo room machine for "2 days" ran about 1,000 punches worked great! Customer is running 2-2105 tandem and each machine runs approximately 350-450,000/month; approx. 10-15% 19 hole punched. I think they are still finding "chads" on the floor even though we have removed it from the unit. Still no word from Ricoh nor GBC on "the fix". Hoping for the latter part of the week for a reply. Side note: does Canon IR105 offer same GBC unit or none at all?

Re: B&W vs. Color pages

dmurrah ·
here you go

Re: FS3718m

Art Post (Guest) ·
lonestar682000 Registered: 10/18/06 Posts: 13 10/19/06 at 12:00 AM Reply with quote #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It depends on the application. "I have an AS400 that needs to do payroll checks, with the finicial package that ...... just bought" good solution. But, be prepaired to work with the forms person that is putting their check form together. "I am a 2 person office and I would like to print out my own checks from quick books and...

Re: 2238 cpc

Art Post (Guest) ·
Phil: There are many threads on the hotel that are pertinant to your question. go to your find button, then click it and then enter: Take a look at these: Is there anyone out there selling CPC on the 3800 and the 3800 CMF units? We have ran over several scenarios of how to bill it so the customer can use the CMF as a primary B/W copier as well as color and none seem to work out all that well for either the customer or service.... Anyone doing this? If so, how are you billing it and pricing...

Re: scan to SMB to Windows 2003 server with Ricoh MP2000Le

slim463 ·
Recently Ricoh has greatly enhanced the scanning features. You can now set security rights for files. Such as Protection setting as "Read Only". I am not for sure that this "IS" the problem your experiencing but, this surely will help find this answer. Read the attached PDF. This was just release from Ricoh March 08. I hope this helps. Slim463

Re: Need Your help!

Art Post (Guest) ·
Sunday, April 19, 2009 About a week ago I asked some members of the P4P Hotel to please post a blog for the Series "Copier Sales" A Week in The Life" Larry Levine from California sent me this, so I'm posting for all. It's a good read and well put together! A day in life Wednesday……. As always the day starts off at 4:15 A.M. with a trip to the gym. Can’t start off the day without a trip to Starbucks while making the 19 mile drive into my office which is located a few miles from the beach. At...

Re: Aggressive Attack

Get ready...

Re: Competitive Info needed Lexmark XM1145

Art Post ·
I would focus on the cost per page first. Find out of the customer is going to take a maintenance agreement. You may have win there. If no maintenance agreement is needed I would then focus on the consumables costs of the A4 device. Such as cost per page for toner, cost per page for drum (imaging) and cost per page for the fuser kit. I found the fuser maintenance kit on CDW for $269.99, however, there is no yield stated. I also found another fuser kit for $356 and the yield is 200K which...

Re: GBC ProClick Pronto 3000

SalesServiceGuy ·
On the StreamPunch Pro, the Cerlox GBC 19 Hole Die set is listed by Ricoh on their price pages as a consumable item. In a Youtube video for the same, these seem to be of metal construction. Do they wear out over time?

Re: GBC ProClick Pronto 3000

SalesServiceGuy ·
The difference between a StreamPunch III and the Pro is: Provides a new heavy-duty clutch for stronger punching capability. Bypass mode allows media that are supported by the printer to be by-passed directly to the SR5000 Finisher, the SR5020 Booklet Finisher, or the SK5010 High Capacity Stacker. The StreamPunch III added an unnecessarily long paper path to un-punched paper. The StreamPunch Pro includes new optional heavy-duty Pro die sets. These die sets: · Last up to 8 times longer than...

Re: New Ricoh MP C2003 & C2503

fisher ·
Brochure attached.

Re: Ricoh showing NEW products @ AIIM show!

Art Post (Guest) ·
Brad: May 17, 18 & 19 in Phili., PA Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philiadelphia, PA

Re: GEM COMP Pricing

Old Glory ·
The latest I have is dated 7/19 and does not have the 3260. Sorry.

Re: konica Minolta bizhub 250

dmurrah ·
check this out.

Re: US Communities

Our Year! ·
Attached is the latest pricelist I've received for US Communities.

Re: hp news!

Art Post (Guest) ·
Here's another report from LYRA that says HP will cut into market with new HP Edgeline! Lyra: HP's Edgeline To Impact Copier/Printer Market Lyra Research Alerts Copier Vendors: HP Is Coming. New Edgeline technology to lower inkjet costs, boost speed, print quality. NEWTON, MA - Lyra Research, the digital imaging authority, hosted a live Webcast called Will Edgeline Finally Give HP the Edge in the Copier Wars? on Thursday, November 16, at 2 p.m. eastern standard time (7 p.m. or 19:00 UTC).

Re: Xerox C75 Press Question

Kitz ·
See attached, this may help

Re: Adobe PostScript vs. Emulation

Old Glory ·
All you have to do is look at the competitive analysis (See Attached) between the Ricoh C4503 and C6502 against the competitors from Canon, Xerox, and KM to see how much of a difference True Adobe PostScript makes in the printing speed. Emulation machines are noticeably slower, to the point that you could argue that a lesser Ricoh needs to be proposed in order to compare accurately.


ben bramhall ·
I am out of the office until 19/08/2014. I am now out of the office until Tuesday 19th August 2014. If your email requires urgent attention please contact Mark Caveney on 01928 599 660 or . To place a service call on your device or order consumables please contact our helpdesk on 0330 123 0311. Alternatively, I will reply on my return. Many thanks, Ben. Note: This is an automated response to your message "New Event: SGIA EXPO" sent on 14/08/2014 03:53:48 . This is...

Re: NSI Auto Store Installs

David Whitten ·
No experience with Output Manager, but have been VERY pleased with PaperCut so far. We have an installation in Phase 1 right now with 19 MFPs, all embedded with PaperCut (prox card authentication), XMedius Fax Server, PSI Capture Intelligent Routing, and DocAudit. Should be interesting to say the least!