Tagged With "Interactive Virtual Road Show"
Re: Hiring Sales Reps - what are you hearing
Surprising there are no replies yet. I would figure this to be a "hot" topic. We recently found one in the age demographic that will work out. He has more than a 45 minute ride, has closed a few orders already. Maybe you need to show them $500 at the interview and ask how they would like to get that $500, by working a week or trying to talk you out of it. After reading your thread it seems that neither of those "salespeople" have the "desire" to compete, yet alone the determination to "win".
Re: COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Three of Sales
SSG that's an awesome video! You can send links to clients, and direct them to your channel. It's a virtual demo that keeps on giving. Kudos I have some of the same issues with getting appointments through Linkedin, however I know of several peeps that use Linkedin as their only source for prospecting and they are doing well. I will keep working it since I have a Navigator account now
Re: Need HELP! Kyocera Color A3 question
Top three points I make when against Kyocera. #1. Take them color samples from your device and any Kyocera because the color output is sub par on all units. If you don’t have access to one look in your crm for an account you co-exist with Kyocera in. Or the next time you have a knock out make some samples and keep them in a binder. If color quality is important to the customer it will be a win. Another point is showing them you get what you pay for, meaning 3 tier color is what they have...
Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?
@fisher I agree almost completely, but to play devils advocate I will say that we are selling more desktop printers now than we ever have before. Mostly brother, as we became a partner a couple years ago. I think people are looking for reps to show them a better way than just buying another HP off amazon, but the rep still has to have a higher level conversation with the client...not just hey buy your printers from us.
Re: Print Copy Tool versus Plotworks
John, The PrintCopy Tool compares pretty favorably to Plotworks. I attached two documents to this post. The Product Support Guide lists differences between the two products. The PowerPoint has screen shots of all the settings in PrintCopy Tool. I hope this helps.
Re: When is Net New Business not Net New Business?
Interesting perspective. We constantly have the talks about competitive machines we took on service, especially brands we don't carry. I tend to consider is taking a Konica on service and then a year or two later upgrading it to our equipment net new business from the sales side. Obviously we had net new business on the service side but not net new for "x" with the equipment sale. I'd be interested to hear how others see this. I hear a lot of people say it doesn't matter but if I bring a...
Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!
The Epson argument has been going on for years. I brought one product in as a complement product and direct print production sales fought for Epson devices as part of the portfolio. I wouldn't allow it. However, with Vellek in charge of all product marketing, a lot changed. Overall profitability on Epson to Ricoh is about 7-9%. Plus there is no way to lock a customer into a toner inclusive deal when they could by it anywhere on the web. Losing proposition for Ricoh, winning for Epson. I ran...
Re: Around the World with Ricoh
Ricoh Selects Juniper Networks to Modernize its Group-Wide Network Infrastructure TOKYO, Aug. 09, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Juniper Networks (NYSE: JNPR ), an industry leader in automated, scalable and secure networks, today announced that Ricoh Group has successfully implemented Juniper Networks' high-performing solutions to modernize and simplify the operations of its core networking and security infrastructure that supports approximately 500 locations and 34,000 users in Japan. Ricoh Group...
Re: Toshiba Introduces World's First Copier Delivering Erasable and Black & White Prints
Imagine a CMYK copier, except remove the CMY toner and developer and insert a new Erasable Blue (EB) toner and developer. Modify the copier so that when the Erasable blue toner passes back through the heat of the fuser, it de-colorizes the blue to white. A new rules based print driver can automatically makes software apps like emails auto print in blue plus provide a new counter to show how much paper, CO2 and money you saved. The previous generation product appealed to too small a section...
Re: Manufacturer Support on Bids
I agree. My KM rep and his boss were in the office yesterday and I asked him why he didn't show any interest in this opportunity and he said because you are buying at the lowest I can give you right now and there is nothing else I can do from a support part. He said he gave it about a 3-5% chance of winning the account based on what he read and what he could do. I am ok with that as most of our bid opportunities are not set up around here for dealers to participate. They always have some...
Re: MPS and Linux HELP!
So some clarification first. PaperCut absolutely does support Mac. In fact, it is the only cost recovery/print control solution that I know of that actually installs in an all Mac environment. (Server and Client) It also is the only solution I know of that installs in a Linux environment. So both of your issues are solved with PaperCut. I included the install guides for Mac and Linux to get you started.
Re: ConnectWise Roadshow Hartford
Because there were 17 different road shows that we posted. You can change email updates by going to your “motofications” page.
Re: Tidbits from Print '09
very nice, it made me feel like I had attended the show with out the hasel! Print on Demand in Phili, though not as large on Print 09 had a very low turn out also!
Re: Savin SPC221SF and scan to email
Question How do I use Scan to Folder on Windows? Answer Documents scanned using your device can be sent over a network to a shared folder. To use Scan to Folder, follow these steps: Note: To send scanned documents to a shared folder on a computer, the correct user name, password, and directory must be set. Files can be sent to folder destinations on the following operating systems: Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows Server 2003 / Windows Vista Mac OS X Destinations must be registered via...
Re: High Volume Updates
RICOH PRO 907/1107/1357 PRODUCTION PRINTER FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q. Where do the new Pro Series Production Printers fit in the Ricoh high volume monochrome printer product line? A. The new Pro Series Production Printers are successors to the highly successful Digital Document Publisher models, the DDP70e and the DDP92. Those models were initially brought into the Ricoh product family through the acquisition of Hitachi. Technically, the 70-ppm Digital Document Publisher 70e is being...
Re: Sharp Helps Dealers 'Align' for Success at 2009 National Dealer Meeting
Sostilio & Associates did not have a very favorable review of the SHARP 'Align 09' Dealer Show and mentioned that SHARP "did little and offered less to neither raise the attendee’s spirits nor make a good argument to be a Sharp dealer if you want to sell A3 product." Moreover, there wer no 'show promotions' and during the Awards Ceremony, SHARP Branch personnel were given awards. I was wondering if anyone attended this Align 09 Dealer Meeting and cared to provide feedback, since this...
Re: Charity Suggestions
May I put in a plug for my personal cause? As a volunteer at our county's animal shelter, I see first hand the good work this shelter does(as well as all the others around the country). There are so many wonderful, wonderful pets languishing in kennels that are simply awaiting a chance to have a home of their own with a loving family. People can be so incredibly cruel to animals. I can't begin to tell you how many of our "strays" were really dumped off on the side of the road by somebody who...
Re: Ricoh Pro C720
Ricoh Americas Corporation announced today the official launch of the Ricoh Pro C720/C720s, a production class multi-functional color system and the latest addition to Ricoh’s Pro series of products, designed specifically for the production environment. This flexible system targets corporate and commercial professional print environments with demanding application needs. The Pro C720/C720s has a robust duty cycle of 320,000 images per month, and runs at 72 pages-per-minute (PPM) regardless...
Re: I need everyones opinion on this!
When I was at the Print on Demand Show in Boston, I saw the Sharp box and at first glance it looked like a Ricoh! Now, today I got to see it again. Is everything the same except for the engine, even the engine seems similiar, it it wasn't for Ricoh having the toner on the lower left. I'd swear this was a Ricoh box. Art
Re: Konica Minolta Group Consolidated Financial Results 3Q/March 2010 ...
Also noteworthy is that Gartner's end 2009 Q3 results show that Konica Minolta is now #2 in Color (behind Ricoh) after surpassing Xerox.
Re: I need everyones opinion on this!
Just goes to show you the quality of Ricoh. Sharp will never be as player in this arena. Sure looks like a Ricoh to me.
Re: Lexmark A4 lineup
Advantages: There are 16 unique products that are only available to the Business Solutions Dealers. These products have a more aggressive price point and the CPP is lower than the products that can be purchase online or thru the VAR channel. There are embedded solutions for specific verticals that can be downloaded via the web (Virtual Solutions Center) and immediately uploaded to the machine. For example, the Education Station allows teachers to create test/quiz templates along with...
Re: Things to Think About!
Yes Jason you can remove every piece of paper the requires a name and address even in a state that you have to carry a registration. You can hold onto the registration but remove the name and address. If you are pulled over to show registration you have the right to tell the officer why you removed the name and address from the registration. Then you can show them a drivers license that will have the required info they are looking for.
Re: FREE Admission to ITEX SHOW courtesy of P4P Hotel
Anyone have feedback from the recent ITEX Show in Vegas? Big hype for the 'hybrid' Dealer and MPS, yet not much discussion afterward?
Re: Additional Insured?
When I had my own dealership, I beleive all of this was covered by my BOP (Business Owner Policy), thank God we never had to use, however that was over 13 years ago. Can anyone else help? In reference to leaving the tailgate open and driving down the road , well.....we never had this happen!
Re: Additional Insured?
Yeah, cause who would be so silly as to not secure their tailgate with valuable items in the back eh?
Re: Matt Espe named CEO of Ricoh Americas Corp
Correct, witnessed it many times. Long time Ricoh loyal VP's passed over just to show good will to acquired execs.
Re: Matt Espe named CEO of Ricoh Americas Corp
I think this deal with the 5 execs was cut at the time of the Ricoh aquisition of Ikon.
Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter
Something to think about as well, adding to what was mentioned by Mega. The Japanese division is making the bulk of their profits on the manufacturing of toner. That is the money tree for them. They sell to Ricoh USA and they work through their channels to distribute the boxes. The ultimate goal is to “place the box” Ricoh USA makes their overhead by the profit on the box moving it to the Dealer and other channels. The profit make by selling the box is what keeps the “Reps paid and the...
Re: New Toshiba 2020C A3 Color Coming to America!
Still not released until inventory of e281c/e351c/e451c are cleared out. The e2330c (28B/23C) sells very well. The very similar e2020c (20B/20C) at a lower price point will be a strong seller. No actual confirmation yet when this copier will be available in NA but references to it are begining to show up in Service Materials and Firmware updates.
Re: Ricoh Convergence 2010
Larry: I will NOT be there can you email us some of the news from the show?
Certainly not to come across as a conspiracy theorist (although that can sometimes be fun, too), but didn’t the video show that return shipping paperwork was lying on the platen glass on at least one of the copiers purchased? I wonder how many copiers in that NJ warehouse have shipping paperwork attached or simply lying under the ADF. Wouldn’t an identity thief looking to purchase a copier be able to browse the NJ warehouse looking for shipping paperwork from financial institutions and...
I have seen statements on return forms from lease companies that state that the leasee is responsible for securing data that may be on the HDD. Regarding the show, CBS producers get paid to make reports for "good TV". I heard about this HDD concern a few weeks ago in an early morning "tip" from Clark Howard on CNN a few weeks ago. I Googled it at the time and found a print article. I think that the concern is valid but I think that it probably the hard way to find personal information. As...
I would be most concerned about brands that do not use proprietary compression systems but use variations of Windows. The brands that the show used are probably the most vulnerable. I agree with JasonR, removing the HDD and overwriting it would be a reasonable solution, or simply charge the customer a fee equal to the price of a new HDD or about $100 and hand the old HDD over to the customer before the machine is picked up seems reasonable to me.
Re: Time in business requirements
Cash Gap: Going back to the past and seems like you've been in the biz for a long time. There was a time when: If you were over 2 years in biz, 90% of the time no PG was required. The leasing companies that you did business with would not "cream" the apps, they would take the good, the bad and the ugly (well, sometimes with the ugly) Problem now, is that all leasing companies want the cream, and that's where I have an issue, if you want first dibs to our portfolio, don't cream the apps, and...
Re: Time in business requirements
I can agree that they leasing companies (and all lenders) acted foolishly in the past. Now the banks are acting like banks. That's not bad, though it may make it tougher to provide people with equipment you, I and they all know they have no business leasing. [If you were over 2 years in biz, 90% of the time no PG was required.] And now we know that two years in business is not adequate assurance of the company's ability to make the payments, so more assurance is required in the form of a PG.
Re: Time in business requirements
Well... If they leave the cash sitting in a Money Market, they will probably make 1%. They make profit when they lend it and it makes more than that. If they lend it and take a loss, they will be out of business faster than if they never lent at all.
Re: Time in business requirements
gottcha, however that 1% profit may not be able to sustain them for long, btw great discussion thread!
Re: KM Promo
This is just another marketing sales tool. What there are not showing is the buyout at the lease end. It is always a FMV. KM is using there own leasing arm. If you use a lease factor of .0278 this will show you a 0% interest. We have in state government accounts, what is call a deferred payment lease. This is the state price divided by 36 months. 0 interest, 0 down, 0 buyout at the lease end. But the sell price is fixed.
Re: KM Promo
Again, just a marketing tool. In the commercial world you can show any MSRP price you want, but the good buyers of equipment only look at what they pay. It's no different than buying a car with a trade. Do you look at how much for my trade or how much you are going to pay.
Re: matt espe quits
While Espe's new gig rewards him handsomely, a review of Ricoh financials show why he jumped Ship so soon: http://www.wikinvest.com/stock/Ricoh_%28RICOY%29/Data He did not want to be at the Helm when Ricoh became the first MFP manufacturer to ask for a bailout. Land Ho!
Re: Memjet Color Printers to the Rescue?
I see these types of products making a serious impact on our business. From what I see from the video, I can't remember ever seeing a color laser that would be able to output documents that fast, especially with the envelope output. It's the tip of the iceberg with probably faster products to come down the road. Potential Users: Churches Colleges CRD's Print Shops Anyone else care to add to the list of potential markets?
Re: PPDM on C4501
The good ol' boys are at it again! "RBS & IKON were just throwing them away and/or hoarding them to use for large accounts."
Re: Ricoh MPC 3001,3501,4501, 5501 Quiz New!
Art, check your data you are posting. Doesn't show up.
Re: Ricoh MPC 3001,3501,4501, 5501 Quiz New!
Art, check your data you are posting. Doesn't show up. Not sure what you mean, please explain further. Art
Re: Digi Doc Flow vs NSI
If I understand what you are asking, Yes PPDM can do it but one of the positive attributes of PPDM is the ability to preselect folders that show so that you don't have to weed through folders that are obviously never going to be a candidate for scanned files.
Re: The reason why Ricoh Bought Ikon
Art stated: "Geesh, so where does that leave the likes of KonicaMinolta, Toshiba, Kyocera and Sharp?" This specific Ricoh Press Release is a direct response to Konica Minolta acquiring All Covered, Inc. If you read carefully, there is no real newsworthy 'event' or 'announcement' in the Press Release, which is a statement in itself. The Press Release announces an 'intent' rather than an 'action' that has been taken. Sources tell me that this 'dog-and-pony' show was dressed up at an event held...
Re: Zeutschel 12000 BookCopy
What do you need to know, I saw this demo'd at the on demand show last year http://www.zeutschel.com/produ...iers_os12000_bc.html
Re: NY Times Article about Ricoh Japan
I think the title is a rosey picture, however there are many problems other than the manufacturing plant such as damaged shipping port in Sendai, road infrastructure, and still rolling black outs. Japan does not have the network of roads that we have here in the USA. Toner is still a big issue, and I don't believe what the Japanese government is telling.