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Tagged With "Sales Rep's"


Re: Manufacturer Support on Bids

Jason H ·
I agree. My KM rep and his boss were in the office yesterday and I asked him why he didn't show any interest in this opportunity and he said because you are buying at the lowest I can give you right now and there is nothing else I can do from a support part. He said he gave it about a 3-5% chance of winning the account based on what he read and what he could do. I am ok with that as most of our bid opportunities are not set up around here for dealers to participate. They always have some...

Re: A Halloween Tale of an A3 Copier’s Death

SalesServiceGuy ·
What is even more scary is how your commission cheques will fall in $ value if you only sell A4 copiers. The copier/printer market is not getting any larger and if a commission sales rep focuses on selling lower $ value A4 boxes, they are going to have to make a lot more sales calls and sell a lot more boxes to earn the same money.

Re: Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Darrell Leven

Peter Ryan ·
Hi Art, Canon’s “NP” series stood for New Process. I started in the industry in 1985 when Canon released the NP50, NP60 & NP80 liquid copiers. Fun times. Regards Peter Ryan Dealer Principal Mobile 0409 458 065 Email Web Tamworth 02 6755 6600 ​Longyard Homemakers, 383 Goonoo Goonoo Rd Tamworth NSW 2340 Disclaimer: The above information is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. Inland Technology disclaims all warranties, either...

Re: Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Darrell Leven

Larry Kirsch ·
Fond memories . Nice work

Re: Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Darrell Leven

Art Post ·
Peter Thanx for the answer. I would have never guessed new process

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
Can anyone help with this?

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
I just added a poll to this question, please take the time to vote!

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

txeagle24 ·
In a lot of organizations, I'm sure it is a challenge to overcome the old-school "copier dealer" mentality of slinging boxes. Week 1-3: Sell services & solutions. Week 4: How many units are you going to sell?

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
Management is now to the point that they are asking me weekly to update my forecast, it's getting to be a real drag going over every account on the opportunity list and what happened with them on a weekly basis. Isn't that the reason why I keep my CRM updated on a daily basis?

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

txeagle24 ·
Keeping the forecast updated is part of our job; they need to know what that looks like on a regular basis. If you're a proven producer (which you are), they shouldn't feel the need to ask for updates on every account. That's nitpicking.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
Agreed forecasting is a part of the job, nitpicking is not.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Bend ·
The biggest obstacle and it isn't on your list is time! If we are honest with ourselves the amount of time we are actually selling versus so called non selling activities creates my biggest limiting factor to increasing my success.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
Bend: Nice one, I guess you are referring to slacking off and not doing the work right?

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Bend ·
I do block out some time for my fantasy football team but I don't count that

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
I have my moments also... although I do like to make the dough!

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Old Glory ·
The biggest challenge I see is that you have to sell so much more to make the same money you have in years past. It used to be that if someone needed duplexing, or stapling, or speed, etc. they had to pay for higher scale equipment. Now they can get for $3,000 what they used to have to pay $10,000 for. It used to be that everyone was a profitable prospect. Now only the upper 20-30% represent a potential revenue capable of earning over $1,000. Even solution sales are hard to build profit in...

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
Old Glory I agree!! Solutions take longer, I've been working on a secure print solution for almost 4 months. I'm lucky if the deal will top 40K and even luckier if I get the deal. I've tried to focus on higher end hardware and multiple units. The multiple units is tough because everyone is involved and margins are so so at best. MY only saving grace has been the wide format stuff.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

fisher ·
The Obama Economy is the biggest obstacle any of us face........He fixed it all right.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Wallingford ·
One of the biggest obstacles up until recently, was having to answer to a Sales Manager, who was totally incompetent, and the micro management he adopted in trying to gain kudos with management for his failure to produce a winning team formula was ridiculous. Fortunately, they have since given him the boot, and life is starting to get back to normal.

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

dimaxusa ·
Wow. No poll answer regarding the rep’s activity…interesting. Over the years I have learned that if you work hard and SMART, you’ll hit your numbers. I also think that there is a condition that affects a lot of sales reps in virtually all industries. It is a type of an iron deficiency disorder. It is when iron in your blood is transformed into lead that forms in your rear end. If someone bounces from dealership to dealership and never finds success it is most likely them. If they’ve had...

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

Art Post ·
I did not put an option for reps activity, because I believe most of the members here are true professionals and we understand how important it is to complete those activity goals for the week, month or quarter. You are correct, there are no short cuts, you need to work!! Originally Posted by dimaxusa: Wow. No poll answer regarding the rep’s activity…interesting. Over the years I have learned that if you work hard and SMART, you’ll hit your numbers. I also think that there is a condition...

Re: Senior VP wants P4P Access!

Shaja ·
Given that he tried to register with false info, I'm concerned. This is a business site, not a personal site where limiting the amount of personal information shared is an appropriate privacy measure. You'll recall that I already ran into a situation once on this very board a few years ago where I did not feel I could be candid because of a manufacturer's response. If a manufacturer rep wants to post, then he/she should be totally honest and above board with their information and their...

Re: A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Copier Demo/Appointment

JW ·
Rep: What's your copier volume? Client: Well, uh, everyone in the office uses it.

Re: A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Copier Demo/Appointment

bill w ·
Had a demo years ago on a fax machine. Had a big wheel from corporate wanting to do a ride along with a rep for the day. Customer wanted to see quality and asked one of their customers to send a test fax. As all the admin complained about the speed, the corp guy explained that a very detailed fax would take more time because of memory issues. As everyone crowded aroud the fax to innspect, a very vivid porn image was reproduced with striking detail. We made the sale

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Laxfan25 ·
Old Glory, you are way off-base regarding profitability to Ricoh on an $8,000 sale through the dealer or through their direct channel. When Ricoh sells to the dealer, the dealer is responsible for all ofthe end-marketing expenses related to the brick-and-mortar + sales rep expenses. When Ricoh (or other mfrs) run their own branches, there is a tremendous amount of overhead associated with that operation. Hence, this is one reason why Ricoh's dealer division, while smaller, was the only part...

Re: Ricoh Ikon Letter

Deanw ·
I think we make an error when we assume that Ricoh selling a machine to an end user for $8k is the same as Ricoh selling a machine to a dealer for $8k. When Ricoh sells a machine to a dealer for $8k they are done, when Ricoh sells a machine to an end user for $8k they have other costs, including paying the street rep and his manager so I don't think it is not true to say the $8k is the same to Ricoh from either source.

Re: Are Step Leases ethical business practise?

Art Post (Guest) ·
Are we on the same wave length here?? Usually a 3-5 means that service and supplies are provided for three years, after three years the customer then has to pay for service, thus raising the cost to them. ie: $100 per month for 60 months includes 3 years of supplies and service for 100K, after the third year or whenever the supplies and service expire, the rep will come back in and refi the remaining 24 months with a new 3-5, they can usually sell this at a lower price that what the customer...

Re: Are Step Leases ethical business practise?

SalesServiceGuy ·
Not only are the less than ethical copier sales people in the world, there are just as bad Lease sales people. When these two parties collude together the customers best interests are never at the top of the list. You cannot assume that the good Lease sales rep you work with has the same personal value system as the competition. You cannot assume that the good lease company you work with has a good local sales rep. You cannot assume that at the end of the lease, the Lease sales person you...

Re: Are Step Leases ethical business practise?

SalesServiceGuy ·
Depending on the Lease vendor, they may provide cleverly designed Lease documents, with two payments streams on the document. The bad copier sales person fills in the agreed Payment #1 amount with the customer and leaves the Payment #2 line blank. The customer does not even see Payment #2 because it is blank. The customner signs the lease. Back at the office, this same sales person fills in Payment #2 with the Step Lease amount, and submits it to the Leasing company. Working with a less than...

Re: Time in business requirements

CashGap ·
The leasing company makes money when and if they are paid back, not when they lend the money! The rep is always free to cosign the loan if they think it's a BS issue but I think it would suddenly become a REAL issue at that point. After all, at that point we'd be talking about REAL money, not OPM. The leasing company is just wisely refusing all businesses under two years, then looking at the credit app and seeing that there is basically nothing on the app to support the loan, so they request...

Re: Time in business requirements

Art Post (Guest) ·
Cash Gap: Going back to the past and seems like you've been in the biz for a long time. There was a time when: If you were over 2 years in biz, 90% of the time no PG was required. The leasing companies that you did business with would not "cream" the apps, they would take the good, the bad and the ugly (well, sometimes with the ugly) Problem now, is that all leasing companies want the cream, and that's where I have an issue, if you want first dibs to our portfolio, don't cream the apps, and...

Re: A4 Page Volumes

M138 ·
I'm looking at a break point of around 10k/month, at that point, at least at my dealership, a3 is a lower tco. They [the samsung rep]say when you look at total volumes, 11x17 only accounts for like 3% of the global print volume. What I've seen is that its not accurate to extrapolate that only 3% of customers need it, it means that there is a wider group of customers that use it outside AEC, but they do a tiny amount of it. Even so, once you've got a feature that is used, even marginally,...

Re: A4 Page Volumes

Art Post (Guest) ·
The most important question to ask is "how much do you copy 11x17"? If the answer is none, then the next question is "how often do you print 11x17"? When the answer is quite often, well A3 is then a no brainer, however if the answer is rarely, then I'll bundle an 11x17 laser or ink printer. Based on under 10K per month, A4 will save the customer on the TCO over the term of a 5 year lease.

Re: Construction Paper through a copier

Berniedsc ·
Konica Minolta Rep is saying theirs will do it without problem. Our experience when asking Ricoh technical is not to do it. Causes premature wear and tear on the drums.

Re: Construction Paper through a copier

Art Post (Guest) ·
I dn't know of any mfp/copier where construction paper is recommened. I would find out the model number and do your own research and prove to customer that either the KM rep is not stating the truth or produce documentation that the Ricoh can do it. I'm better dollars to dougnuts the KM can't. How about hearing from some the KM reps we have on the forums? Please help?

Re: recent page views for P4P Hotel forums

Shaja ·
Here's a formerly more active poster delurking to say hello. Since we stopped selling new Ricoh and since I'm admin and not a sales rep, I don't have as much to contribute any more. But, I still check in out of habit - always nice to see some familiar screen names :-)

Re: New Samsung 11 x 17" Colour MFPs due Oct 01 USA

lep524 ·
Our dealer rep from Sammy was in late last week to discuss what we need to be able to handle the 11 x 17 release. In Canada they say it will be a 35 and 45 B&W and a 25 and 35 colour. Part of what they see is the ability to bid for larger deals where there is a need for SOME 11 x 17 but they can still do large part of deal with A4 product. He said they expect it for first quarter 2011. They know they are going to be an also ran in some ways but if they get the CPC in line then we know...

Re: Possibly moving to Ricoh....

Shaja ·
I'm going to say something here from my experience of being a copier buyer BEFORE I started working in the copier industry. Yes, it's true, I was a client of the very dealership that I came to work for. You're not going to like what I have to say because you're sales reps and you trained to think a certain way. Please, for once, listen with an open mind to someone with experience being on the other side of the proposal. Ponder it, don't spin it. Most buyers don't care one bit what brand of...

Re: Possibly moving to Ricoh....

yeti ·
Jack Daly said it best "People buy from people they like" I know a local RBS where the marketplace Manager let his #1 rep based on attitude Sure this rep sold but the Rep was not liked by his customers. Customers were purchasing from this RBS because they liked the Service Tech and Delivery guys. this showed me personally that its not just the sales guy who sales its everybody in the company.

Re: Possibly moving to Ricoh....

fisher ·
A couple of thoughts based on my lengthy experience with both Sharp and Ricoh. Ricoh is far and away a better product. No doubt about it. As stated above buyers buy the dealership and the relationship with the sales rep in my experience not the brand name on the front of the box. Take it from someone who spent years explaining to customers who "Gestetner" was that had never heard of them........and now "Lanier". Finally, in this market I would urge extreme caution making any sort of...

Re: Another Ricoh Direct Give Away

Headshot ·
Hey, I'm a new RBS rep, I mean reallly green. Just started out in the business. FYI, I've been told to stay away from dealer accounts. I admit, it can get sticky when proposals are thrown around; but generally we have been instructed that its a "hands off" customer. There isn't some corporate push to squeeze dealers out is all i'm saying. Your point on margins is noted. I'm just confused that this is somehow something new. If Ford sold cars directly, I'd expect them to be a little cheaper...

Re: Top 9 Blunders that B2B Sales Reps Make

Art Post (Guest) ·
Blunder #4: They don’t learn how the customer buys. What they do: They get deeply involved in a sales opportunity without finding out what’s unique about the customer’s buying process. Why they do it: Usually this happens when the reps is focused on the sales process. The reps keeps thinking about how to sell, rather than about how the customer is going to buy. What happens: Worst case, the rep loses the deal. Best case, the rep experiences inexplicable delays as the customer takes actions...

Re: Top 9 Blunders that B2B Sales Reps Make

Art Post (Guest) ·
Blunder #6: They don’t know business basics. What they do: They reveal their ignorance of basic business and accounting principles. Why they do it: Unfortunately, it’s usually because they are, uhh… ignorant about basic business and accounting principles. What happens: The lack of such knowledge seriously limits the rep’s ability to add value to the discussion. The rep seems at a loss when the conversation moves to important issues like ROI and how the rep’s offerings will impact the...

Re: Top 9 Blunders that B2B Sales Reps Make

Art Post (Guest) ·
Blunder #7: They avoid closing the deal. What they do: They spend so much effort into building the opportunity that they never quite get to the business of closing it. Why they do it: They’ve invested in the opportunity that they’re afraid that the answer will be “NO”, which will mean that all that effort was a waste of time and that the prospect doesn’t really “like” the sales rep. What happens: The opportunity dies on the vine or goes to the competition. Your Action Plan: To avoid this...

Re: Top 9 Blunders that B2B Sales Reps Make

Art Post (Guest) ·
What they do: They give in to last minute demands from the prospect, usually for extra discounts, “or else the deal is off.” Why they do it: They’re deathly afraid of losing the deal at the end of the sale cycle, so they crumple when the prospect pushes. What happens: The customer rightfully concludes that 1) the rep didn’t offer the best deal from the start and 2) the rep lacks a backbone. The customer thus no longer trusts the rep and will constantly push for more and more and more and...

Re: Top 9 Blunders that B2B Sales Reps Make

Art Post (Guest) ·
Blunder #9: They don’t follow through. What they do: After the deal has gone through, they don’t bother to make certain that the customer is delighted. Why they do it: They feel that they are “too busy” working on new accounts and developing new business. What happens: The reps find that the key to success in sales — repeat business — never really develops because the customers fell that the rep doesn’t really care. As a result, the rep is constantly forced to develop new contacts and new...

Re: New Samsung 11 x 17" Colour MFPs due Oct 01 USA

Art Post (Guest) ·
Seems Ricoh, Canon and Xerox may be the last of the holdouts. When speaking with a rep at Ricoh they were concerned that A4 devices will lower profit (image that,they do make a profit on a box)expectations especially if A4 takes off. With the presence of Sharp, Samsung and KonicaMInolta they needed to make the move. Keep in mind though that neither KM, nor Sharp has come out with an robust A4 monochrome (don't know what they are waiting for here), remember I stated robust A4, something along...

Re: New Samsung 11 x 17" Colour MFPs due Oct 01 USA

txeagle24 ·
You should check out the Lexmark XS658dme/dfe. 55ppm, single-pass duplex color scanning, open architecture, scan-to/print-from USB. It can handle 20k/month easy.

Re: How will the earth quake in Japan affect...

Art Post (Guest) ·
I spoke to rep at Ricoh today and he tol me he had a dealer that called and wanted to purchase a 3 month supply of inventory ASAP!