Tagged With "Paul"
Re: What the heck is a Customer Success Manager?
Paul Very nice. A few questions for you. Was the SBB just for printers or where their MFP's included also? At $35K per month I'm thinking their had to be some MFP's. As you know I'm a believer in SBB, and just wish the dealership that I work for could embrace SBB. it is the wave of the future and the only way to combat the race to zero for the cost per page. Art
What the heck is a Customer Success Manager?
What the heck is a Customer Success Manager? By Paul Giorgi, Jun 28, 2017 10:31:31 AM “ Customer Success Manager. ” Sounds like some sort of discount store greeter on steroids doesn’t it? Sometime earlier this decade, software companies decided to move toward Software as a Service (SaaS) where you paid a recurring set fee to access their software. Think of Spotify, Netflix and other subscription services that you pay for. As the SaaS trend moved to more complex applications and more business...
EtherFAX signs up new dealer
EtherFAX signs up new dealer Announced it has authorized ProSource, headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio “We are excited to partner with Prosource and help organizations save time, money, and resources by digizing business processes and workflows”; stated etherFAX CEO Paul Banco The cloud fax solution will be sold with integration to Lexmark MFPs (division of Ninestar of China) Primarily aimed at customers in healthcare and government verticals