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Tagged With "Paper Jam Victim"


Re: Need HELP! Kyocera Color A3 question

dimaxusa ·
Top three points I make when against Kyocera. #1. Take them color samples from your device and any Kyocera because the color output is sub par on all units. If you don’t have access to one look in your crm for an account you co-exist with Kyocera in. Or the next time you have a knock out make some samples and keep them in a binder. If color quality is important to the customer it will be a win. Another point is showing them you get what you pay for, meaning 3 tier color is what they have...

Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"

VinceMcHugh ·
Art, I think Samsung needed to do this test to shut the mouths of the critics. Now anyone who wonders or asks if the Samsungs are reliable will get a link to this test. My Service guys tell me that the Samsungs have been working well! And the new MX series with the Android (OS) Tablet has been very cool. That wish list item that you asked Ricoh for has already been delivered by Samsung! I have just worked with a 3rd party tech company to get the first non-Samsung Android App ported to the...

Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"

Art Post ·
Seems my Blog about the million page test was not that well received with Samsung. They complained to ENX Magazine who then pulled the blog off their site. Whatever happened to FREE Press? They were not happy that I pointed out that they used "x" amount of tree's for a 1980's type test! Since Samsung spends money with ENX, ENX pulled the blogs and is not posting any of my latest stuff. You know what, as far as I'm concerned we here this finance stuff about Sharp, Toshiba and none of the...

Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"

daninsun ·
On average for every tree taken down in US for paper it is replaced by three new ones This is one of the reasons there are more trees in US than in past Dan Schmidt (sent from mobile device) > On Nov 23, 2015, at 6:19 PM, Print4Pay Hotel < > wrote: >

Re: Is selling at cost the future for print hardware?

5050 (Guest) ·
Merlin -- you are absolutley any business there are several costs. but you never know if a dealer had special terms with a their manufacturer to order x amount - or if they were trying to acheive a certain level to hit their quoata or win some award? Really hard to speculate on a business model which we don't know anything about. But the one thing that I do know is that - these idiots are everywhere..... And quite frankly -- the people who want that type of partnership would by...


5050 (Guest) ·
What is the change of speed of the RICOH PRO SERIES when utlizing the ring binder? What are the Jam Ratios when using this function? Are the rings propeitary from RICOH or can any Be used? thanks

Re: C900 - DocuCopy Reinforced Papers

Karl_S ·
I've had good results in the past with Xerox Nuvera, 4095, & 4110. Also runs well on Konica-Minolta 92/950 & 1050 series. I know of a customer who ran almost a million sheets on the KM 1050, without a single jam.

Re: Copier Compensation Plans

Art Post (Guest) ·
This was emailed to me from a P4P'er who wishes to remain anonymous. Art, This past April I had the opportunity to leave the industry but I have kept an eye on it since then. This topic definitely perked my interest because I feel like I was both the beneficiary and victim of a Gross Profit Comp Plan at my last gig. I have been on both sides of this topic, Revenue & GP plans, and I never made more than $51K in a given year and yet I was always 100% of plan. My final year under this GP...

Re: I hope it's not true

Jayson Gilbertson ·
I am very sad to read this. Jim is finished I am sure. If he did do what he is accused of he very well should be. If he is a victim or false alligation he is still finished as head of Ricoh. Thanks to all you guys and gals for being here for me with laughs, info, solutions, encouragement, and yes even the sad sad news like this.

Re: SR860 Issue

Gregory (Guest) ·
No problems yet, because I avoid it. I like using it, but very inconsistent output. Doesn't jam on us, but the booklets are irregular. LOVE the SR90 booklet maker, however! Can anyone confirm that it is manufactured by Canon? I heard this...

Re: Current Lease Rates

Art Post (Guest) ·
Good stuff Jim, and with the tricks GE has started, all of our accounts will be subject to financing upgrades. We have been doing business with CIT for quite a while and I find them to be not so forth coming with a remaining stream of payments for our own customers (meaning CIT is trying to jam the dealer and the customer for a few extra payments). If you're in this for the long haul, hook up with some one has has good rates and not the best! The best will come back to bite you in the butt...

Re: C2500 Media Types

cmarkowski ·
A good rule of thumb is to run no more than about 25% of the machine's recommended monthly volume on "special" paper (e.g. heavy-weight or coated). N.B.-The paper recommendations in this file for the MP C3500/C4500 apply for the C811DN as well...

Re: rw240 won't plot

Msh (Guest) ·
I've had this error come up a number of times. Even though the machine has paper loaded, it doesn't know it. Unloading and reloading both media rolls has always fixed it for me. Maybe the sensor feedback gets mixed up during a jam, sudden reboot, or anything else the machine's logic wasn't expecting.

Re: Savin 8075 Phantom Jams

John Roof ·
The customer called back and said the 8075 was still jamming in the bypass tray. I went to the customer and tried to duplicate what the problems were. I ran paper landscape, portrait, half sheets, ledger size, but could not get the bypass tray to jam. I asked all the girls who were using the machine if they had a jam, only one could say it did. I had her come and show me what it was doing. It wouldn't jam for her either. But she swears up and down that it will jam everytime she tries to use...

Re: Savin 8075 Phantom Jams

John Roof ·
It's been several months, and we haven't had the same call on this issue, but it wasn't that the girl was getting an error message of mismatched paper, she would put a letter size sheet in the ADF in the portrait position, and put the paper in the bypass in the same direction, and the machine would jam. I couldn't get the machine to reproduce the problem, our techs couldn't get the machine to reproduce the problem, and 9 other girls in the office couldn't get the machine to jam. Some users...

Re: Envelope Printing - C3501

fisher ·
What is the actual problem you are experiencing? Is it a print driver/paper size or type issue? Is it a mystery jam?? Is it wrinkling???? I've seen settings inside Microsoft Word cause funny problems with envelopes. Just a thought.


dscott (Guest) ·
check condition of area you are getting jams. is the paper laying flat or is it crumbled, if it is crumbled you have an obstruction. if not turn off your jam detection to see if it is a sensor problem. if not that be sure the dials in the draw match paper size and direction. if all that is in order you should not be jamming.

Re: Aficio 200

dscott (Guest) ·
Try turnig off jam detection. That will eliminate any sensors. Try running through the bypass, that will eliminate feed clutches. Be sure reassembly was done properly, look for pinched wires or guides out of position, also that the clutch stopper is seatted properly. If there was not a jamming problem before the clutch was changed the problem was probably tech induced, which can sometimes be the hardest to figure out. Good luck scott

Re: 2045 jam code 58

Jomama (Guest) ·
It is the first relay or vertical transport sensor. and lag means "didnt reach the sensor soon enough. If the feed rolls dont get the paper to the sensor soon enough, this jam will result. Also I have seen this problem on earlier models when the BP was incorrecly installed and warping the frame enough to interfere with PF. Of course, these days, they are pre-installed but its worth a look. GL

Re: Political Speeches

JasonR ·
Who said there's nothing wrong with the prisoners? I said the US government said that 80 needed to be released, not that every one of them was some "innocent victim". Officials have mentioned the 30 figure, but they've never been able to say who those people were. The names they have provided haven't been working out so well.

Re: Ricoh Introduction of the MP W7140 and MP W5100

Art Post (Guest) ·
Digitising your drawings has many advantages. It saves legacy documents for the future. It streamlines your workflow and speeds up the job turnaround. Capture, store and distribute documents efficiently with the Aficio MP W5100/MP W7140 Brochure Overview In the 1980s, Ricoh was the first company to market a digital and plain-paper wide format device. Since then, they have developed an impressive range of wide format products. We are proud to offer you the MP W5100/MP W7140 as the latest...

Re: Ricoh unveils three important healthcare innovations at HIMSS

Kitz ·
Great stuff, however how do we sell this, thru Ricoh or as a dealership? Will these items be part of our price book?

Re: Ricoh unveils three important healthcare innovations at HIMSS

Art Post ·
I believe the prescription software is through Typehaus, they are an advertiser on the site, for the rest of the stuff, I'm not sure yet

Re: New Ricoh MP C2003 & C2503

fisher ·
Brochure attached.

Re: Jam Frequency

Art Post (Guest) ·
I'm in sales, heres what is acceptable to me. The customer not calling me to tell me about a paper misfeeds. Once I get the call I believe the problem is past the "once every so often" jam. Digital copiers should rarely misfeed when using a dood quality of paper. Analog, seemed to have more misfeeds in the accessories (thank goodness thoase days are over!). If you want more I believe Ricoh publishes a MTBF rate for the new digital systems. Art

Re: Jam Frequency

v-tec ·
It all comes down to the customer precession of the equipment and service they receive. The occasional jam is all right, but how quickly service can respond and repair the problem is the key. So, what is acceptable? What ever is tolerable to the customer or dealer.

Re: Jam Frequency

beachcopy (Guest) ·
Jomama, When I go to a machine, I check the total prints since last call, and the total jams since last call (among other things) and determine if the machine is performing at an acceptable level, considering lots of things like # of operators, environment, correct volume for equipment etc. Are you saying that your equipment runs from PM to PM with no jams? I need to know your secret!! I think also that what is tolerable to the customer and service dept has something to do with it, but my...

Re: Jam Frequency

dscott (Guest) ·
here are the facts about paper jams. if machines are maintained properly they will not jam, that is if clutches and feed tires are working well. most paper jams are caused by the customer them selves by either changing paper sizes with out making the nessessary adjustments in the cassette ie. fences and size indicators. paper jams CAN NOT be anticipated the tech, and only someone with no understanding of how machines work would make such a statement

Re: Jam Frequency

beachcopy (Guest) ·
Jomama and DScott, I agree that both keeping machines clean and customer knowledgeable is Key, along with performing PM's on schedule. I guess everyone (including me) is a bit hesitant to put a NUMBER to the question of jam frequency that is acceptable. We all have SOME equipment that will "go PM to PM".Let's remove the top 10% of the performers, and remove the bottom 10% of performers, and come up with a jam frequency #! You go first, and I'll give my rule of thumb. I am pretty sure Neal...

Re: Jam Frequency

beachcopy (Guest) ·
Hey Guys, Happy Monday! I promise this is my last post on this subject! Jomama, I think that you and I are talking about different things. I'm talking about the jam history, or JAMS between PM's, vs CALLS between PM's. I absolutely like my machines to run with no calls between PM's, but I still check jams between PM's. In other words, I'm checking out the actual performance of the equipment VS the perceived performance, so as to get a benchmark. OK last post on that. Later, Chris

Re: help with ricoh fw810

schipol ·

Re: 2400Wd: Paper misfeeding from Paper Cassette

John ·
I don't know if this is the same problem, but we had our first unit do this and the cause was part of the roll feed frame had been bent by our delivery driver. It would jam every time just where your unit is having the problem. Basically, something is bent inside and that is causing the paper to jam. Wish I could give you a better technical breakdown. Have your tech check up inside to see if everything is straight and that an upper plate above the cassette is not curved almost in a "u" shape.

Re: Aficio350 fax

v-tec ·
My thought- don’t lose any sleep over it. Wait until Monday and have a wonderful four days off. It’s probable a simple paper jam or the end fence.

Re: jamming

copier_doc (Guest) ·
Problem probably isn't caused by inverter at all, this is just what it looks like. Check the SMC logging data for more info on where the jam happened. Check, clean, replace all of the vertical transport sensors from the paper cassettes. A slight delay in feeding the paper up to the reggo area will cause phantom jams. You can wear up to 8mm from the TX unit before they may cause a problem. Also as part of your fault finding see if you can find exactly when it happenes. Duplex only, LCT,...

Re: jamming

dscott (Guest) ·
look at the idler gear on the feed stations if they are worn replace them also replace the oneway bearing on thwe feed shaft. the one way is the problem but inspect the gears. also the 1 million copy feed tires dont usually reach yield. if they are yello or greenish it could also cause your jam

Re: CFG & SSL Reader problem with Plotbase

jswinberlin ·
Okay. I found that when adequate time was allowed for Plot Base to close before reopening the readers opened 100% of the time. However, when insufficient time was allowed I received an error saying that Plot Base was already running and the CFG & SSL readers failed to open 100% of the time. So, it's necessary to allow ample time for Plot Base to shut down before opening again. Also, if the reader is closed when shut down it will not open when reopened. I talked with Mike from Ratio (the...

Re: CFG & SSL Reader problem with Plotbase

JasonR ·
FYI reinstalling the software won't delete unsupported files in this path. I was fighting this issue, Uninstalled and reinstalled the Plotbase software and still had a problem. Finally I uninstalled the software and then went and looked at the folders it had left behind. There was still a spool folder and in it I found the file that was causing the problem, a corrupted PLT file. I deleted that, reinstalled the software and everything worked fine. I could have saved myself 2 hours by simply...

Re: Any comparison of Ricoh 240-480 vs Xerox 6204

Wallin Team ·
Checked out the new Xerox at a customer's site and this is what I found: Meter reading displays separate meter read for each roll. Need to slide doc feed forward and actually lift off the machine to clear jam in doc feed area. Originals are right justified to scan or copy versus centering like the 240W. To make copy, you need to use touch screen panel to select "Synchro". If you don't select, you will get a copy that is a standard size with lots of blank paper around the image. Scan to...

Re: Konica Minolta and 140lb index

jswinberlin ·
Shaja: So you're saying that the color machines run this weight without problems? How/Why is it capable of so much more than the Ricoh machines? If you ran this weight on a Ricoh (and it didn't jam which would be highly unlikely) you'd be replacing rollers and fusing sections like they were going out of style. This isn't the case on the Konicas? Sorry if this is a little redundant, but I have to find some kind of a defense to this objection that is bound to arise.


Ryan ·
They don't jam every time just randomly at the feed belt. Just seems like there's not enough pressure to grab the paper. The one-way sounds like it could do the trick but some of these machines only have 100k or less.

Re: Can I Copy Mixed Sized Documents on a Copier?

SalesServiceGuy ·
I disagree. Most law firms and many insurance companies still have a commonly re-ocurring need for mixed size originals. I am currently working with one European shipping company based in NA that wants to do do mixed size originals with a mix of A3 and A4 documents. I say it cannot be done as the paper is all of different widths. I am hoping that my unscrupoulous competitive vendors will admit to the same..... not likely!!! They want the sale today! Please advise.

Re: Can I Copy Mixed Sized Documents on a Copier?

jswinberlin ·
A3 (11 x 17) and A4 (8 1/2 x 11) can be run at the same time with auto paper select making what you put in what you get out using mixed-originals and the mixed originals setting. The sizes you mention are European, but I'm sure they will work. As long as it's a standard document size it should work.

Re: Can I Copy Mixed Sized Documents on a Copier?

SalesServiceGuy ·
Sorry, I meant to say a mix of A4 and Legal size documents. I agree most copiers should be able to do mixed size originals with a combo of A3/A4 and Letter-R/Legal. The problem I am having and I do not think it can be done is one of a mix of A4 and legal mixing North American and European sized paper in the same document. This is because the two paper sizes are of different widths.

Re: The Transition of the Copier Industry "Part III"

Larry Kirsch ·
Thanks. Good work...

Re: The Transition of the Copier Industry "Part III"

Jf ·
This type process is archaic Yes, for sure it is!!! And time consuming... PrintAnalyze will have something to say in this matter very soon...

Re: The Transition of the Copier Industry "Part III"

JeffR ·
Art, So you’re saying you used eQuill with eWriter to process your sales paper work? To this day, are you still doing it that way? Did you have many customers buying in to eQuill in the healthcare, government agencies and law enforcement fields? It would seem that any entity that processed sales would be a good target for eQuill too—did you find that to be so? Yeah—it’s tough not to resort to ‘commodity speak’ when prospecting b/c that’s what it seems to come down to—cannibalizing from each...

Re: The Transition of the Copier Industry "Part III"

Jason of RAM Copiers ·
Great article as usual Art. I agree, technology like this is a great option for any industry. I think that the reason it has been so slow to take off is that people like the "hard copy". Whether it's because they feel it's more secure, or just out of habit, having the signed document in hand is a tough thing to let go of. I see the same with becoming a cashless society, people love paper!

Re: The Transition of the Copier Industry "Part III"

Art Post ·
Hey Jeff No, we did not use the eQuill/eWriter. I thought we should have put this to good use for our sales team. The usage of the eQuill in the field would have enable many conversations about how we use it, how we set the system up, and what was our back end process. It was an opportunity to break out of that commodity role. Thanx for the reply and questions!

Re: Top 19 Old Copier Manufacturers that FADED Away

Larry Kirsch ·
Nice memories. Former Saxonite..

Re: Top 19 Old Copier Manufacturers that FADED Away

Tony from Texas ·
curious that nobody mentioned Kodak. I was working for Danka when they acquired Kodak. It created a mess but the equipment was solid.