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Tagged With "A3 Lexmark"


Re: It’s The End Of The Day With Ray! 2020 Who Will Educate Endusers

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Art, Thanks for comments it's conversation which starts change. There is way more applications for A4 MFPs than those few applications you suggest. The large disruption will be from those who can isolate the realities of the customers needs and sell based on those realities. Declining Marketplaces are disrupted when the old way continues delivering to all the market's customers the same way they did before the decline. The old way needs to focus on the realities of over 80% of the market...

Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"

VinceMcHugh ·
Art, I think Samsung needed to do this test to shut the mouths of the critics. Now anyone who wonders or asks if the Samsungs are reliable will get a link to this test. My Service guys tell me that the Samsungs have been working well! And the new MX series with the Android (OS) Tablet has been very cool. That wish list item that you asked Ricoh for has already been delivered by Samsung! I have just worked with a 3rd party tech company to get the first non-Samsung Android App ported to the...

Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"

Art Post ·
Seems my Blog about the million page test was not that well received with Samsung. They complained to ENX Magazine who then pulled the blog off their site. Whatever happened to FREE Press? They were not happy that I pointed out that they used "x" amount of tree's for a 1980's type test! Since Samsung spends money with ENX, ENX pulled the blogs and is not posting any of my latest stuff. You know what, as far as I'm concerned we here this finance stuff about Sharp, Toshiba and none of the...

Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"

daninsun ·
On average for every tree taken down in US for paper it is replaced by three new ones This is one of the reasons there are more trees in US than in past Dan Schmidt (sent from mobile device) > On Nov 23, 2015, at 6:19 PM, Print4Pay Hotel < > wrote: >

Re: 57 Days of Selling Copiers "Day 4"

Kyocera Guy ·
Thanks Art for sharing your 57 days. Gives a great prospective. I'm going to reach out to Copier Solutions about adding the locks to my arsenal.

Re: 57 Days of Selling Copiers "Day 4"

Art Post ·
awesome, glad you are enjoying them!!

Re: A Halloween Tale of an A3 Copier’s Death

SalesServiceGuy ·
What is even more scary is how your commission cheques will fall in $ value if you only sell A4 copiers. The copier/printer market is not getting any larger and if a commission sales rep focuses on selling lower $ value A4 boxes, they are going to have to make a lot more sales calls and sell a lot more boxes to earn the same money.

Re: A Halloween Tale of an A3 Copier’s Death

Martin Hofman ·
How true! And whats next? How long will it take before A4 will also be banned from the offices? My opinion; As soon as Generation Z enters the office-floors (A3 and A4) print will (sooner or later) ‘disappear’. Who's already preparing his business for this future?

Re: A Halloween Tale of an A3 Copier’s Death

Art Post ·
All great comments, this the reason to change now if you still plan to be in this industry for another twenty years. I probably won’t be, but I still have a plan in place to make the shift to niche printing hardware devices. Still continuing to educate myself for the future

Re: A Halloween Tale of an A3 Copier’s Death (Part Two)

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Thanks Art Sent from my iPhone > On Oct 29, 2018, at 8:51 PM, Print4Pay Hotel < > wrote: > >

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

Rafael Machado ·
Is that the same engine as the kyocera 356? Kyocera Copiers

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

Rafael Machado ·
Is that copier the same as the Kyocera cs 356 ?

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

Art Post ·
Here's the 355ci Here's the Ricoh MP C501SP

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

grizzlyadams ·
Hopefully there are more A3 style components that will allow it to become an option for A4 customers printing on heavier stocks and media.

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

Art Post ·
Yup. it can print up to 300gsm

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

Martin Hofman ·
Another major advantage is the availability of all PaperLocks (and other hardware accessories) that were already developed for Ricoh's A3 line. Please check &

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

Martin Hofman ·
Lock for MP C501

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

Martin Hofman ·
Large Paperclamp & Security Kit

Re: MY Top 12 Likes about the New Ricoh MP2501SP

Wallingford ·
Hmmm, I thought Konica Minolta low end MFD's had all that covered, many months ago.

Re: MY Top 12 Likes about the New Ricoh MP2501SP

Art Post ·
Probably, but then I don't sell the KM products! Would love to see blogs from other members for their equipment, that would be awesome!!

Re: MY Top 12 Likes about the New Ricoh MP2501SP

fisher ·
Wow. Gonna have to disagree. Thank goodness we have more than one line.

Re: MY Top 12 Likes about the New Ricoh MP2501SP

Art Post ·
fisher what are you disagreeing with?

Re: The Quest for $200K "Still Time to Network"

mnchstr ·
I call used machines "Off Lease" and tell the prospect to think of them as a program car, still very good but someone else took the retail hit. I say if a used machine needs to be re furbished I don't buy them. I don't sell used machines with high meters with the exception of Ricoh's "Greenline", we don't know the meters on those and I'm not impressed with those, lots of quality issues.

Re: The Quest for $200K "Still Time to Network"

Old Glory ·
I prefer the term pre-owned over used. Off-lease is good too.

Re: The Quest for $200K "Still Time to Network"

Art Post ·
I use the pre-owned quite often

Re: Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2015

Jason H ·
I really like number 4, and I believe #7 is going to happen sooner than we expected. I hold out hope as well.

Re: Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2015

Kyocera Guy ·
Not liking the Kyocera part of #4 at all. On the other hand really liking # 10 Add: Color equipment will become more prevalent with costs of color equipment continuing to drop and coming more in line with monochrome.

Re: Top Ten MFP Copier Industry Predictions for 2015

5) - Canon bought a very large stake in one last year (Therefore). Locally hosted or cloud based.

Re: Sharp "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"

Ken Stewart ·
Art, I'm in Japan this week meeting with key clients and have asked this question to several. In typical fashion, no one wants to speculate on what will happen. Is this a good or bad sign? Is Sharp changing a good sign? If it doesn't is this bad, or does it mean it is continuing its commitment to our industry? Since the year 2000, 50% of Fortune 500 companies have fallen from its ranks--no longer considered leaders (by at least that standard). This is most often due leadership...

Re: Canon Business Systems Pulling a Ricoh

txeagle24 ·
I would add a solid A4 lineup from Lexmark or Samsung. They're aggressively priced, & Ricoh would likely still consider you a single source dealer. A3 placements are on the decline, & A4 is the only growing segment, plus the aftermarket revenues and profits are higher.

Re: "MFP Wars" Hi Speed A3 MFP's vs A4 MFP's

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Art, one of the problems is dealers servicing a machine for $30.00 a month. however, the reality is the industry has allowed the sales engine to destroy the service model. selling full service on A3 for .006 or less in volumes of 5k a month. Dealers were chasing sales revenue as they sacrificed service profits. As volumes continue declining so will margins. Dealers will begin realizing that all the A3 service they gave away is too costly to manage and the shift will begin. The A4...

Re: "MFP Wars" Hi Speed A3 MFP's vs A4 MFP's

Art Post ·
Hi Ray I agree with the silliness of the low cost per page for A3. However most dealers have escalators that can raise the price as much as 10-15% per year whether it's A4 or A3. AS far as the $30 per month, almost no one will send out and invoice for $30 It's either billed quarterly or annually. One thing the A4 manufacturers won't due is too sacrifice the consumables. I also believe that dealers will always find a way to make their profit, whether it's Daas, flat rate, or seat based. I...

Re: "MFP Wars" Hi Speed A3 MFP's vs A4 MFP's

Greg Moseley ·
Art, another piece of the equation is that monthly units placed are 45% to 74% mono A4 in the segment 3 and segment 4 speed range. Online retail is $170 to $600 where used A3’s are three times that amount. The real question here is what these placements are doing to the service department revenue and eventually to staffing.

Re: "MFP Wars" Hi Speed A3 MFP's vs A4 MFP's

fisher ·
I've always sold A4 machines where they are a fit. There are very few A4 devices that offer a low CPC. Some carry CPCs that are very high. A bigger issue in many placements is that the Automatic Document Feeders on most A4 machines are not robust enough to meet the copy scan and fax demand. Many are complete garbage. In fact I've seen the quality of the Domument Feeders on A4 units go backwards in the last couple of years as if the document feeder is an afterthought or it is where the...

Re: "MFP Wars" Hi Speed A3 MFP's vs A4 MFP's

Art Post ·
Amen @fisher doc feeders are inept on most A4's

Re: Imaging Channel Dealers it’s your decision

Art Post ·
I call it the "War for A4"

Re: Imaging Channel Dealers it’s your decision

Martin Hofman ·
So true Ray!

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

SalesServiceGuy ·
China announced that they intend to place gov't employee/ observers into the Top 100 private tech companies in Hangzhou province of China with the stated goal of fostering a better business environment. China to place government officials in 100 companies including Alibaba The list of companies has not been published. NineStar Corporation of China which owns Lexmark is headquartered in a different province. NineStar has been described as the 4th largest tech company in China. Despite...

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

SalesServiceGuy ·
I am deeply concerned about the race to the bottom with A4 product. A4 product certainly gets better everyday and some salespeople say it is just as good as A3...maybe true... except for your commissions. If you like Kraft dinner or Ramen noodles, downgrade your customers from A3 to A4. Let us not forget one of the largest A4 players out there is Lexmark. Lexmark is a 100% Chinese owned company called NineStar based in Guangdong, China. If you cheer MAGA, you cannot cheer Lexmark. God knows...

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Appreciate the comments. However, your arguments regarding A4 vs. A3 pertain to what’s good for you. Industries which are going through disruption or when an industry’s particular product or its services become less valuable to those once dependent on them. The disease of Product-Centric thinking will infect those with a stubbornness to modify. It is not up to those who sell a product or service to determine its value. Its value is determined by those who buy the product or service.

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

SalesServiceGuy ·
In 2016, Apex Technologies (now NineStar Corporation) purchased Lexmark at a 17% premium above its share price. In the background, the Chinese gov't had purchased a 5% stake in Apex (at that time a relatively small and unknown maker of 3rd party toner and inkjet cartridges). In fact, Lexmark sued Apex for for at least 15 patent violations. Via what is known as the IC Fund, the Chinese gov't is supporting its technology companies with the goal of of advancing China's, "Made in China 2025", a...

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

Art Post ·
SSG Wow, this has opened my eyes Thus the reason Huawei phones are not sold in the US. Personally, I don't trust the Chinese as far as I can spit. Who knows what chips are being loaded into Lexmark printers.

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

SalesServiceGuy ·
It goes way beyond phones with Huawei. Huawei is attempting to dominate the global telecom market for next generation, super high speed, 5G networks. The reason why the Chinese gov't is flipping out over the extradition issues with Meng, CFO Huawei is because she is considered to be a key technology Princess in China with deep family ties to the Chinese gov't. The Meng extradition issue is exposing China's "Made in China 2025" plan to replace the USA and other countries in select dominant...

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

fisher ·
There is little to no margin in A4. Folks who want those products are just going to buy on-line. Let them. Best bet is focus on areas where you can still make money. Let other people chase the race to the bottom stuff.

Re: Xerox, HP, Fuji Film, Fuji Xerox "It Just Keeps Getting Curiouser & Curiouser"

dimaxusa ·
Fuji might be the modern version of Konica’s Ikon CPP500 & Danka. What’s old could be new again. But don’t worry, according to all the naysayers, the industry has been dead since copy machines were taught how to print, scan and fax. Yes that right, I said copy machines, not MFP,MFD, XDF or whatever kids are calling them these days. You wanna make $200k per year selling gear, come and move to Wisconsin and we’ll so you the path to what could be...

Re: Xerox, HP, Fuji Film, Fuji Xerox "It Just Keeps Getting Curiouser & Curiouser"

SalesServiceGuy ·
Xerox floats the idea of buying HP on the same day that the Fuji Xerox/ Xerox tussle seems to be resolved. Does that sound like a coincidence? I think Art hit the nail on the head when he said "In addition they would not have to purchase MFP's from Fuji Film in the future." I think this is Xerox's way of letting Fuji Xerox know that they do not hold all of the cards.

Re: Xerox, HP, Fuji Film, Fuji Xerox "It Just Keeps Getting Curiouser & Curiouser"

Art Post ·
@SalesServiceGuy yeah that did seem kind of odd, however the Miami Herald did report that HP received a proposal from Xerox late yesterday. Ty for the comment

Re: Xerox, HP, Fuji Film, Fuji Xerox "It Just Keeps Getting Curiouser & Curiouser"

Art Post ·
@dimaxusa I agree what comes around goes around, will be interesting to see how things pan out. I'm having one of my best years in the business, however the last two months have been terrible. But I'm not ready to give it up, many more good years are still ahead of us

Re: Xerox, HP, Fuji Film, Fuji Xerox "It Just Keeps Getting Curiouser & Curiouser"

SalesServiceGuy ·
HP's head office is in Palo Alto, California. How could the Miami Herald in Florida, not known as a beacon of copier information and clear across the country, have this kind of information? Did someone at Xerox (?) deliberately leak confidential information to publicize a rumor?

Re: Xerox's MFP "All in Plan" Reveal

billnortham ·
Art, I did the same thing but did not see where they gave me the benchmark amount. Where didnyou see that volume at?