Tagged With "A3 Lexmark"
Re: All Ricoh A4 devices = no stapler
Hi Art, We once developed this for the IDEAL 8520 stapler but we can do that for every stapler of course.
Re: All Ricoh A4 devices = no stapler
That's correct, it was discontinued in lieu of the new MP 501SP & 601SP
Re: All Ricoh A4 devices = no stapler
If it helps, Canon A4 staplers are usually around $900 whole sale.
Re: All Ricoh A4 devices = no stapler
The 501/601 are based on a Kyocera MFP without a stapler, so Ricoh didn't have much of a choice on that one. Agreed that its a disadvantage against other A4s, so with Ricoh you will either have to sell the C401 with a finisher or an A3 MFP for the foreseeable future.
Re: All Ricoh A4 devices = no stapler
$650 on a B&W A4, $615 on a color A4. Ricoh is missing the boat one this one...
Re: Need HELP! Kyocera Color A3 question
Top three points I make when against Kyocera. #1. Take them color samples from your device and any Kyocera because the color output is sub par on all units. If you don’t have access to one look in your crm for an account you co-exist with Kyocera in. Or the next time you have a knock out make some samples and keep them in a binder. If color quality is important to the customer it will be a win. Another point is showing them you get what you pay for, meaning 3 tier color is what they have...
Re: Need HELP! Kyocera Color A3 question
This is great stuff, it's awesome to see input like this, please let me know if you need help with other manufacturers that I could help with
Re: Need HELP! Kyocera Color A3 question
Copystar/Kyocera 7052ci and 8052ci are still current models as the 7353ci and 8353ci were just released. same goes the the 70/80ppm mono's. not sure when they will get discontinued but we can still order them as of today.
Re: It’s The End Of The Day With Ray! 2020 Who Will Educate Endusers
Art, Thanks for comments it's conversation which starts change. There is way more applications for A4 MFPs than those few applications you suggest. The large disruption will be from those who can isolate the realities of the customers needs and sell based on those realities. Declining Marketplaces are disrupted when the old way continues delivering to all the market's customers the same way they did before the decline. The old way needs to focus on the realities of over 80% of the market...
Re: Your Copiers Are Storing Confidential Information: What You Can Do About It
Question on this - do any of you that sell Lexmark get questioned about the ultimate ownership of the Chinese government? If so, what is it that you say to get them comfortable that they're safe?
Re: Your Copiers Are Storing Confidential Information: What You Can Do About It
@Jason H curious if you can help with this question
Re: Your Copiers Are Storing Confidential Information: What You Can Do About It
We are still a dealer but we have not sold a LEXMARK in quite a while. They eliminated the MPS Elite program we were own, or at the least removed us from that program. I never had anyone ask about the security due to the Chinese ownership but it’s a great point. Honestly, I have found their support, to us at least, to be very subpar. Our support from brother has been phenomenal the last 2 years. Most of my printer clients are replacing the lexmarks with the brothers as fast as they can.
Re: Your Copiers Are Storing Confidential Information: What You Can Do About It
Taking a deeper dive, knowing that the U.S. DoD Inspector General recommends adding Lexmark to the banned list with Huawei (Lenovo and GoPro also), does that make you uncomfortable when pitching a Lexmark unit?
Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"
Art, I think Samsung needed to do this test to shut the mouths of the critics. Now anyone who wonders or asks if the Samsungs are reliable will get a link to this test. My Service guys tell me that the Samsungs have been working well! And the new MX series with the Android (OS) Tablet has been very cool. That wish list item that you asked Ricoh for has already been delivered by Samsung! I have just worked with a 3rd party tech company to get the first non-Samsung Android App ported to the...
Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"
Seems my Blog about the million page test was not that well received with Samsung. They complained to ENX Magazine who then pulled the blog off their site. Whatever happened to FREE Press? They were not happy that I pointed out that they used "x" amount of tree's for a 1980's type test! Since Samsung spends money with ENX, ENX pulled the blogs and is not posting any of my latest stuff. You know what, as far as I'm concerned we here this finance stuff about Sharp, Toshiba and none of the...
Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"
On average for every tree taken down in US for paper it is replaced by three new ones This is one of the reasons there are more trees in US than in past Dan Schmidt (sent from mobile device) > On Nov 23, 2015, at 6:19 PM, Print4Pay Hotel < alerts@hoop.la > wrote: >
Re: 57 Days of Selling Copiers "Day 4"
Thanks Art for sharing your 57 days. Gives a great prospective. I'm going to reach out to Copier Solutions about adding the locks to my arsenal.
Re: Canon reveals new imageRunner range
The release date for the US is supposed to be August 1st. Now will we see them in August or will it be October......
Re: Canon's new 75PPM A4 MFP series
The closest competitive models are the Lexmark XM5263 and the HP LaserJet Enterprise M633fh.
Re: A Halloween Tale of an A3 Copier’s Death
What is even more scary is how your commission cheques will fall in $ value if you only sell A4 copiers. The copier/printer market is not getting any larger and if a commission sales rep focuses on selling lower $ value A4 boxes, they are going to have to make a lot more sales calls and sell a lot more boxes to earn the same money.
Re: A Halloween Tale of an A3 Copier’s Death
How true! And whats next? How long will it take before A4 will also be banned from the offices? My opinion; As soon as Generation Z enters the office-floors (A3 and A4) print will (sooner or later) ‘disappear’. Who's already preparing his business for this future?
Re: A Halloween Tale of an A3 Copier’s Death
All great comments, this the reason to change now if you still plan to be in this industry for another twenty years. I probably won’t be, but I still have a plan in place to make the shift to niche printing hardware devices. Still continuing to educate myself for the future
Re: A Halloween Tale of an A3 Copier’s Death (Part Two)
Thanks Art Sent from my iPhone > On Oct 29, 2018, at 8:51 PM, Print4Pay Hotel < alerts@hoop.la > wrote: > >
Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"
Is that the same engine as the kyocera 356? Kyocera Copiers
Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"
Is that copier the same as the Kyocera cs 356 ?
Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"
Here's the 355ci Here's the Ricoh MP C501SP
Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"
Hopefully there are more A3 style components that will allow it to become an option for A4 customers printing on heavier stocks and media.
Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"
Another major advantage is the availability of all PaperLocks (and other hardware accessories) that were already developed for Ricoh's A3 line. Please check https://www.solutionconfigurator.com/#b/37/m/946 & https://www.copiersolutionshop.com/
Re: XS series feet
how bout it, any Lexmark people out there? I approved many for memberships, please your input is needed!
Re: The Next One
Considering Samsung's penchant for allowing other manufacturer's to relabel there product (Xerox & Muratec already relabel their A4) I'm curious as to whether Ricoh's A4 will be made by Samsung or Ricoh, particularly since Ricoh already relabels some Samsung printers. The other relabel option could be Lexmark because of the relationship they have w/ the Ricoh InfoPrint division. I love the new Lexmark A4 products offered to their BSD partners, by the way.
Re: Lexmark A4 lineup
Advantages: There are 16 unique products that are only available to the Business Solutions Dealers. These products have a more aggressive price point and the CPP is lower than the products that can be purchase online or thru the VAR channel. There are embedded solutions for specific verticals that can be downloaded via the web (Virtual Solutions Center) and immediately uploaded to the machine. For example, the Education Station allows teachers to create test/quiz templates along with...
Re: Lexmark A4 lineup
txeagle24, Do you have any info on the A4 lineup? Why are they releasing so many different models in the A4 class? I am researching Lexmark as a possible add to our fleet. You mentioned that these solutions could be downloaded are they FREE or a value-added techonology? If not how much to they range in price?
Re: The Next One
'Rumor has it' that it may be Ricoh, with re-branded Lexmark devices... I wonder what the time frame will be (i.e. launch) ?
Re: The Next One
I confirmed this w/ my Lexmark DSM, but he says that the re-branded models they're providing for Ricoh will not have the same solutions set as the Lexmark systems available through their BSD channel and that they should have a higher CPC. I'm not sure what the launch date is, because it was originally supposed to be first quarter of this year, but maybe my Lanier DSM meant Q1 of their Fiscal Year, which would mean after March.
Re: What will come of this?
With this transition complete & the amount of IBM intelligence they have on board, wouldn't it make complete sense for Ricoh to acquire Lexmark, a former subsidiary of IBM? Ricoh seems to be obsessed with the printed page, unlike HP & Xerox who have acquired professional services firms to increase their reach in the I.T. space.
Re: A4 Page Volumes
One of my clients is a car dealership, and they recently replaced (2) Ricoh MP2510's & (2) Ricoh MP3010's with (4) Lexmark XS658dfe's. The average monthly volume on each of these is around 7,500, so considering that the Lexmarks are significantly more productive and haven't had any service calls in the first quarter, reliability doesn't appear to be an issue. As a point of reference, I have a customer that has a Lexmark XS463de (40ppm desktop mfp) that runs almost 11,000 per month and...
Re: New A4 Color Models from Ricoh?
I've heard that 4 models are due out in December (which probably means March) and that 2 of them are manufactured by Ricoh. My guess would be that the other 2 are Lexmark due to Ricoh's Infoprint division which re-brands Lexmark products.