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Tagged With "algorithm trading market making"


Re: Perspectives on Riso

Jason H ·
I know this isn't, most likely, the perspective on the actual usage of the riso's but we had looked at becoming a dealer when someone in our market went out of business. They were the only riso dealer in our market. I find it easy to sell against the riso unless someone truly needs 150 ppm and doesn't care about anything else. It seems I only see them in church's now where they are very old school and they say "that's just the way we do it and don't want to change." We decoded agaonst being...

Re: Perspectives on Riso

fisher ·
We've had very little success with them in the years we've been a dealer. They run well but they are a hard to move item. Support from the manufacturer was non-existent but they are making a renewed effort now in that regard. Just doesn't seem to be much of a market for a real expensive really really fast machine with marginal image quality. We still do well enough with their duplicators and the supplies for them to stay in the game. I just don't think the Comcolor products are priced right.

Re: BLI Recognizes Leading Healthcare Solutions Providers with First-of-its-Kind PaceSetter Award

Art Post ·
Well, this is the first type of award/acknowledgement that I've ever seen that is geared towards a vertical market. Guess there will be more of these to come in the future

Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 55" The Last Two Days

Art Post ·
Tom Thank you, however Luck is for Rabbits! Why not pass a few "hot" leads my way! I'm sure that would make a great Christmas gift!

Re: COVID-19 Impact on Dealers and the Channel?

Art Post ·
I was on the MPSA call today. Here's some points of interest I was going to post on another thread but will put it here for everyone. One major MPS company reported 29% decline in pages or revenue Another major MPS company reported a 71% decline Healthcare for one of those clients saw a 40% increase More inquires from clients in respect to file sharing and content Expecting continuing decline for another 30 days in revenue and prints First week of April they hit bottom and has stayed that...

Re: Need HELP! Kyocera Color A3 question

dimaxusa ·
Top three points I make when against Kyocera. #1. Take them color samples from your device and any Kyocera because the color output is sub par on all units. If you don’t have access to one look in your crm for an account you co-exist with Kyocera in. Or the next time you have a knock out make some samples and keep them in a binder. If color quality is important to the customer it will be a win. Another point is showing them you get what you pay for, meaning 3 tier color is what they have...

Re: Marco Acquires New Jersey Copier/Printer Company

Art Post ·
Welcome to my market Marco! You are know the third MEGA dealer competing in my market place.

Re: It’s The End Of The Day With Ray! 2020 Who Will Educate Endusers

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Art, Thanks for comments it's conversation which starts change. There is way more applications for A4 MFPs than those few applications you suggest. The large disruption will be from those who can isolate the realities of the customers needs and sell based on those realities. Declining Marketplaces are disrupted when the old way continues delivering to all the market's customers the same way they did before the decline. The old way needs to focus on the realities of over 80% of the market...

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

fisher ·
In a way its already gone to the internet and away from the outside sales least for stand alone printers and A4 devices. If all someone needs is a printer or an A4 to be used for basic printing,scanning and copying.....face it, they really don't need us already. If you've been at this a long time you probably remember the days when you sold a lot of A4 machines to small offices. 20 years ago if you needed an A4 you called a copier dealer. Those days are gone for the most part.

Re: Print Copy Tool versus Plotworks

jdicarlo ·
John, The PrintCopy Tool compares pretty favorably to Plotworks. I attached two documents to this post. The Product Support Guide lists differences between the two products. The PowerPoint has screen shots of all the settings in PrintCopy Tool. I hope this helps.

Re: Your Copiers Are Storing Confidential Information: What You Can Do About It

WF ·
Taking a deeper dive, knowing that the U.S. DoD Inspector General recommends adding Lexmark to the banned list with Huawei (Lenovo and GoPro also), does that make you uncomfortable when pitching a Lexmark unit?

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

txeagle24 ·
I disagree that you have to own the network in order to offer seat-based billing. Before I go into why, can we (imaging industry) please stop referring to Managed Services as MNS? No one in the IT world uses this term; it's industry jargon that makes you stand out as a copier dealer 1st and an IT Services provider 2nd. Managed IT Services, Managed Services...fine. MNS needs to die. Now, here is why I disagree that you have to own the network as a client's Managed Services provider in order...

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

Art Post ·
Is it just me, it seems that the general rule of thumb for the copier industry to end users is "the take or leave approach". Meaning, come hell or high water we're not going to change the way we bill, the way we support, or the financial solutions that we offer. While I was at the Top 100 conference, a rep from Wells Fargo spoke about the billing options that they now have in their leases. One of the options was for seat billing for managed IT services. My thought is that if it's available...

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

txeagle24 ·
No, Art. You're spot on. I haven't had many jobs outside the industry, but the majority of the old guard is so proud of the way they've always done it & receives so much validation from other dealers with the same mentality (via BTA, CDA, SDG, et al) that they often refuse to admit the need to change until it's practically too late. There are ideas & concepts that I brought up 3-5 years ago that were considered to be "interesting but not really necessary" that we're suddenly latching...

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

gwalters2009 ·
Originally Posted by txeagle24: I disagree that you have to own the network in order to offer seat-based billing. Before I go into why, can we (imaging industry) please stop referring to Managed Services as MNS? No one in the IT world uses this term; it's industry jargon that makes you stand out as a copier dealer 1st and an IT Services provider 2nd. Managed IT Services, Managed Services...fine. MNS needs to die. Now, here is why I disagree that you have to own the network as a client's...

Re: Global Imaging aquires Conestoga Business Solution

Art Post ·
Global Acquires Pennsylvania-based Conestoga Business Solutions - Tuesday, July 07, 2015 Global Imaging Systems Acquires Pennsylvania-based Conestoga Business Solutions; Bolsters Xerox’s Presence in SMB Market LANCASTER, Pa., July 6, 2015 – Global Imaging Systems (GIS), A Xerox Company, has acquired Conestoga Business Solutions, an award winning, independent office equipment dealer in the Pennsylvania region. The company will offer the full range of Xerox office and printing technology, and...

Re: Target GP Margins

Czech ·
Thanks for the replies. Sounds like I'm about right with where my GP should be. txeagle: I know the feeling of those slim margins where everyone is dropping their pants!! I can make more GP on a single refurbished copier in a commercial account than 8 machines at a major account.

Re: Target GP Margins

Jason H ·
tx I agree. Our owner, who happens to be my father, is still trying to do things like its the 80's. We hold our own in a major market but we do not have the growth I want. It is tough to get him on board with anything new age as this is an industry he has made truck loads of money on doing it the same old way year after year.

Re: When did you first learn about the industry

txeagle24 ·
Honestly, it was when I walked in the door for my first interview. I remember the individual interviewing me mentioning that they sold Ricoh equipment, & the only frame of reference I had is that Ricoh sponsored the "Call to the Bullpen" on MLB games at the time. Before I got into the industry, I could not make a straight copy on the first try if you paid me, because I never thought to use the document feeder & could never get the original lined up on the glass. I knew about all of...

Re: Toshiba now has tier based CPC's?

txeagle24 ·
I pretty much never see anyone proposing Toshiba color equipment, so I haven't seen this. There are a few Kyocera dealers I've seen proposing their tiered color billing capabilities. What shocks me is that no Ricoh dealers have started marketing this. The Cxx02 series & Cxx03 series have the ability to report multiple tiers of color coverage for billing purposes, but in a market with 7 dealers + RBS selling RFG products I have yet to see a single dealer pushing it.

Re: Toshiba now has tier based CPC's?

txeagle24 ·
Our Ricoh SSS told us about it. I'd love to be the first one to push it & make everyone else react. Plus, it would improve profitability if we could charge a higher rate for higher page coverage.

Re: Toshiba now has tier based CPC's?

SalesServiceGuy ·
In Canada, no such plan exits nor am I even aware the capability exists within Toshiba copiers. In my market, multi-tier pricing for color does not comes up in competitive pricing. For a 25 cpm, pricing seems to be holding steady at $0.010 Black and $0.070 color for single units. I have seen less and sometimes we move the cpc around a bit. For example, when we set up a copier we build the initial toner costs into our equipment costs. That gives us 32,000 colour pages to play with.

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

GR81 ·
Call that KIP sales Rep again and make a deal with him. If you can get the deal with 2 KIP 9900s (those will replace the 4 Oce's), then you get to be a KIP dealer. He will also spend half as much in toner as those Oce machines just eat toner.

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

Art Post ·
nice, I guess you can make a pretty good argument for color when there is a decent amount of color plotting that is produced, right? What is the estimated cost per square foot for color?

Re: Nsi Autostore

John Mooney ·
Maven , What I tell my customers and when I'm out with sales reps is it's all about getting things done in less steps. I'm in the legal vertical so time is money and everyone has an hourly billable. Right now here's the average user scan: 1.) User walks up to MFP and logs in 2.) Finds their name via LDAP or enters manually and then enters client and matter 3.) Selects Scan to email 4.) Sends PDF to their email 5.) Walks back to their desk 6.) Finds Canon Scan 00034789* (or doesn't because...

Re: Charge for IT support

Jason H ·
We had never charged for it after the sale until about 6 months ago due to people calling all the time for driver installs, scanning issues related to their internet etc. We used to offer an optional network/it yearly agreement and people would decline and then start calling for help. We decided to send out, initially an opt-out to ever customer who had current devices, and after every sale send one out. We did it as an opt out due to the fact that customers would decline the option and...

Re: Kyocera SWOT

GIntel ·
Kyocera Guy, Way to earn the title! Thanks, man. To give the rest of the P4P crew some food for thought, here is what I have so far: Strengths Emerging as Europe Market Leader, Could be Replicated in Other Regions Ceyoniq ECM Acquisition a Bold Move, Solutions Goal $332M to $830M by 2018 HyPAS Platform Well Respected, Hybrid Java/Web Services has Potential Solid US Dealer Channel, Strong Partner Relationships and Value Proposition A4 MFP and SFP Expansion Creating Extremely Comprehensive...

Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"

VinceMcHugh ·
Art, I think Samsung needed to do this test to shut the mouths of the critics. Now anyone who wonders or asks if the Samsungs are reliable will get a link to this test. My Service guys tell me that the Samsungs have been working well! And the new MX series with the Android (OS) Tablet has been very cool. That wish list item that you asked Ricoh for has already been delivered by Samsung! I have just worked with a 3rd party tech company to get the first non-Samsung Android App ported to the...

Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"

Art Post ·
Seems my Blog about the million page test was not that well received with Samsung. They complained to ENX Magazine who then pulled the blog off their site. Whatever happened to FREE Press? They were not happy that I pointed out that they used "x" amount of tree's for a 1980's type test! Since Samsung spends money with ENX, ENX pulled the blogs and is not posting any of my latest stuff. You know what, as far as I'm concerned we here this finance stuff about Sharp, Toshiba and none of the...

Re: Your Copier

Larry Kirsch ·
Welcome back😀 6 Reasons Why Flat Rate aka One Rate Will Change the Copier Industry Art Post 36 minutes ago I remember when plain paper copiers used rolls of paper and not sheets. I remember when the glass on the copiers had to move back and forth. I remember when copiers used liquid ink (toner) to produce an image. I remember when you used a dial to set how many copies you wanted to make. Yup, it's been a pretty incredible journey to see...

Re: Toshiba e-Studio Erasable Toner 4508LP Questions

SalesServiceGuy ·
There is an all inclusive cpc charge for the Erasable Blue toner. The cost per copy analysis suggests that if on a 60 month lease you do not expect the the customer to erase more than 210,000 pages (3,500 pages per month) you can forget the parts cost and charge the same cpc as for Black at around $0.010 per page with a decent profit. There is no charge other than the users effort to recycle pages printed with erasable blue. If a sheet of paper costs $0.010 and Erasable Blue costs $0.010 you...

Re: 10 Signs You Should Absolutely Hire That Salesperson

Art Post ·
In reference to the above blog. If you want salespeople that want to make money (desire). When the interview is almost over, slap $500 bucks on the table and ask the person. How would you rather make this $500 bucks? 1) work 40 hours for it or 2) try to talk me out of it If they choose #1, tell em thank you and we're not interested. However if they choose #2 and they can get through ten minutes of trying to talk you out it, then I recommend offering them the job and not the $500 bucks. Just...

Re: Sharp Direct Service Pricing

Jason H ·
I don't know if the bubble is bursting but I think more consolidation is around the corner. I mean in this case, if you do one service call you are in the hole for the entire term of the lease. Their branch in our market will do anything and everything to take business. Sometimes I think they would pay they customer to take the machine.

Re: Toshiba Introduces World's First Copier Delivering Erasable and Black & White Prints

SalesServiceGuy ·
Imagine a CMYK copier, except remove the CMY toner and developer and insert a new Erasable Blue (EB) toner and developer. Modify the copier so that when the Erasable blue toner passes back through the heat of the fuser, it de-colorizes the blue to white. A new rules based print driver can automatically makes software apps like emails auto print in blue plus provide a new counter to show how much paper, CO2 and money you saved. The previous generation product appealed to too small a section...

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

Art Post ·
" Whatever money the Trump Administration gave away to its citizens in its tax cuts of 2017 it is now going to claw back with higher taxes disguised as tariffs. " When one door closes another door opens. Many US companies can benefit from the higher tariffs placed on goods from China. In fact I spoke to one of those companies last Thursday. I disagree that the tax cuts are going to claw their way back with higher taxes disguised as tariffs. In the end, what Trump wants is fair trade practice...

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

SalesServiceGuy ·
In a hint at what is to soon happen with tariffs on copiers/ printers from China headed to the USA, Harley Davidson Motorcycles announced today that it would shift some production headed for Europe to other global manufacturing facilities to avoid paying tariffs estimated at up to $2,200.00 per bike. It could take nine to 18 months to make this change. It also said that it would not increase prices to European dealers and would take a hit to profitability for the remainder of this year at...

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

Old Glory ·
"Whatever money the Trump Administration gave away to its citizens in its tax cuts of 2017 it is now going to claw back with higher taxes disguised as tariffs." Pretty much the only way to impact trade is to attack industries previously uneffected by imbalances. For instance, if the Canadians are charging a 270% tarrif on USA Dairy products, you can't resolve the problem using USA dairy. The only option is to offset using a previously non-effected industry, say Canadian Lumber. Obviously,...

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

Old Glory ·
"in hopes that these ill conceived trade wars will soon pass." Considered "ill conceived" by those adversely effected. I'm sure ending slavery was considered "ill conceived" by those adversely effected. Some corrections just have to run their course which may be what you meant by "will soon pass".

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

Old Glory ·
What about the term "Free Trade" do you not understand? You argue the advantages of lower lumber prices for Americans while disputing the value of lower dairy prices for Canadians. Free trade suggests that the market should decide what is best for the consumer. Free trade would also suggest that your exorbantly high taxes really shouldn't be a factor. We should probably leave the health care debate out of the equation. I for one would rather have what we have than what the Canadians have,...

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

SalesServiceGuy ·
I am glad to hear that you are working in the copier industry so that I know that you have "skin in the game". There are very many players in the copier/ printer industry each with their own strengths/ weaknesses when faced with a trade war. Each player will have a different tolerance for how much money they want to loose to maintain market share. I definitely would not expect a uniform response. Multi line dealers will have more options to select from than single line dealers and brand...

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

Art Post ·
as of July 6th, there is no tariff on copy machines. Just copier parts and accessories.

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

SalesServiceGuy ·
The Trump Administration today announced plans for a new round of $200 Billion worth of tariffs against China. Copy machines were on the original list but but were taken off leaving parts and consumables subject to a 10% tariff. It seems most suppliers have not taken actions to increase their prices. On the new list which could go in effect sometime after Aug 30th are: 8443.39.20 Electrostatic photocopying apparatus, operating by...

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

Art Post ·
It seems the prospects of tariffs going away anytime soon are fading. Eventually the cost of most goods in the copier industry are going to increase because of President Trump. SSG I'm okay with this! This may help in the long run because more clients may opt for something off lease, or even release their existing devices. In both cases I'll probably make more than selling new. You keep calling it a TAX, it's not a tax it's a tariff. When I go to the store and pay for an item, a tariff is...

Re: GlobalSoft Solutions, Inc. Collaborates with Canon Information and Imaging Solutions, Inc.

Art Post ·
Wonder if I can make then change to Ricoh MFP's in their offices

Re: Fifty Seven Days of Selling Copiers

Art Post ·
You're too funny! Make it $20 and we got a bet!!

Re: Fifty Seven Days of Selling Copiers

Old Glory ·
So Tom is betting $20 that Art makes his $200,000 goal and Art is betting that he doesn't? $20 is a lot of money. I just want to make sure that the rules of engagement are clear !>

Re: Kyocera finally put's out a low volume A4 Color

Kyocera Guy ·
Yes I have sold a couple of these. For the price these are fantastic. My service manager is impressed which is hard to do. Dual side scanning is a definite selling point. The cost per page is going to be higher of course. I would say in the .015 black and white and .11 color to be safe (depending on your market of course). Not as good as say the 6535 per say but the machine is less than half the cost. If the run more than a couple thousand a month I would move them up to the 6535cidn. Let me...

Re: MFP Purchase Decision Makers?

Czech ·
It depends on the value proposition I want to bring forward. If I am going with the whole "we'll save you money" pitch, I'll start with a CFO or Director of Finance. If it's regarding document management or a fleet replacement, I'll start with IT Director/IT Manager and go from there. Larry Levine's teachings on LinkedIn have been really useful with cracking into appointments/conversations with these types of people. C-level execs and directors are very career-orientated, so they tend to...

Re: What Makes December One of My Best Sales Months for Revenue

Jason H ·
It's so simple, i don't understand why people don't do it. I guess sometimes things are so simple it's not thought of or it is so simple people make it hard.

Re: A Halloween Tale of an A3 Copier’s Death

SalesServiceGuy ·
What is even more scary is how your commission cheques will fall in $ value if you only sell A4 copiers. The copier/printer market is not getting any larger and if a commission sales rep focuses on selling lower $ value A4 boxes, they are going to have to make a lot more sales calls and sell a lot more boxes to earn the same money.