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Tagged With "Kraft Sports"


Re: Copier Scams Part Deux "Dude Where's my Copier"?

GrantW ·
I do a lot of "contract disassembling" and am very successful at it - It's kind of like a fun sport or hobby to me. US & UK contract law are almost exactly the same. That would be an unenforceable penalty in both UK & US. Here's a reference to "Penal Damages" on Wikipedia that refers to US law. Most of the people I know who work in the copier industry are of the belief that these clauses are legal and enforceable. That works to my advantage,...
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3 Strategies Sales Professionals Use To Decline Being Invited To The Pity Party Of Discouragement

Larry Levine ·
Sales professionals constantly face the temptation to give into discouragement. Bad news and rejection are inevitable in sales. What's important is how you handle it. Let's be honest, we all get discouraged. It’s just one of those potholes we face as we navigate down the road called sales. When we get discouraged our attitude, belief and emotions turn negative. When this happens our productivity plummets, we tend to retreat, withdraw and bitch about everything. The risk of giving up on...
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Slumps Happen... 3 Tips To Beat the Sales Funk

Larry Levine ·
Just keep swinging... It’s happened to all of us: One month, we're hitting home runs out of the sales ball park; the next, we're swinging and missing on every sales opportunity. We've all been aboard the sales train wreck before. You fail to secure an important sale. You have a series of bad days. Worse, you struggle to sell to your own clients. You can't seem to disentangle yourself from its deadly grip. You're in a sales slump. Even heavy sales hitters have bad days, bad months and even...
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Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Larry Levine ·
"Show me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser" Vince Lombardi Well... "Here is looking at you kid! I admit I have Bronco Nation running through my blood, albeit Boise State Orange. Was I happy the Broncos won, of course. Peyton Manning, whether winning or losing is a class act. Peyton Manning and Cam Newton two phenomenal athletes at polar opposite spectrums of their careers. By now who hasn't watched the video clip of Cam walking out on the media, I laughed to myself as I watched.
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When It Comes To Your Brand BIGGER Is Better!

Jason Madden (Guest) ·
Signage is often something taken for granted by customers, but it is a key component in an overall business marketing plan. The right signs, banners and posters – both inside and outside your business – effectively attract new customers and direct current clients to the products and services they need. We have tips to help you make the most of the signage you use. Use the Right Materials There are many different types of materials that can be used for your signage today, including metal,...
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Ten Questions for Timothy Sutter COO of DocuWare

Art Post ·
Every now and then, I’ll get the chance to speak with some of our P4P Hotel Partners.  With many dealers continuing to offer additional services to their clients, I thought it would be a great time to hear from DocuWare. A few weeks ago, I...
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Connect With Your Prospect

Art Post ·
Seems like I always have a good story to tell from my Presidents Club trip.    This year our trip was to Montego Bay, Jamaica, we stayed at the Iberostar Grand Rose Hall Hotel.  I loved everything about this trip!!!  I'm even...
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Want To Win More and Assess Less? 2016 Assessment Essentials

West McDonald (Guest) ·
Are you new to Managed Print assessments or are you a seasoned veteran looking to raise your “A” game? Either way it’s a good idea to make sure that your assessment practice is better than the folks you are competing with. There is an all out war for pages and a solid assessment practice can help ensure that you win more business with better profits. Below are 6 great focus areas to help you wow your customers and win more business through assessment selling: 1. Document your assessment...
Blog Post

A Professional Athlete Puts In The Hard Work - Can The Same Be Said For A Copier Sales Rep?

Larry Levine ·
"Without hard work and discipline it is difficult to be a top professional" Jahangir Kahn Can this same message reign true inside the copier channel? Can this message be applied to a copier sales rep, YES! There is no free ride to success as some copier sales reps may think otherwise! There is no easy button to press! There is absolutely no easy way to become successful. Without hard work, dedication, an extreme tolerance for frustration and setbacks you can never become a sales champion. If...
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Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Chuck Parr

Art Post ·
I had the opportunity to meet Chuck many years ago, thinking it was at one of the first Ricoh dealer events I attended back in the nineties. Chuck was one of the speakers and I was floored by his public speaking ability. Somewhere during those few days I made it a point to introduce myself to Chuck and thanked him for the awesome performance. How did you find your way into the copier industry? When I graduated from college in 1972 I and a lifelong childhood friend and I started a small...
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Curious... Why Do Sports Teams Have More Than One Coach But Sales Teams Only Have One (Or None?)

Larry Levine ·
What would the world of professional sports look like without coaching? Now, I ask you to think about this within the context of the sales profession. Imagine a sales world with consistent coaching? Taking this one step further... imagine a sales world with consistent training across the entire team? Can you say, "Nirvana" I thought you could. Training and for that matter coaching is essential, vital and critical to consistent sales success; yet it often gets a bad rap or no rap at all. Ask...
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The Most Important Sales Appointment You Can Make... It's Not What You Think!

Larry Levine ·
When hiking deep inside a forest, your vision sometimes may get blocked by the thick foliage. In order to successfully maneuver through it, you need to break out of the dense forest just to see the entire landscape. Similarly, if you’re thick in the jungle called life, you might not be able to see tomorrow, let alone the next week. The hustle and bustle of everyday life tends to get exhausting, zapping the energy right out of us! Sometimes it can be downright paralyzing! We have so many...
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Sales Professionals Avoid The Pity Party By Doing These 3 Things

Larry Levine ·
How many of you have been faced with the temptation to give into discouragement? Let's face it, bad news and rejection are all a part of sales. What's important is how you handle it. Spend any amount of time in sales and discouragement inevitably sets in. It’s part of what makes sales unique as the highs are high and the lows are low. Discouragement, disappointment, discomfort, failure, and setback; these can motivate us to new sales heights if we cultivate an empowering mindset. The key is...
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There Is A Huge Gap Between A Sales Professional And Sales Amateur.

Larry Levine ·
There is no free ride to success. There is no easy button. There is no short-cut. Without hard work, dedication, and an extreme tolerance for frustration, you can never become a sales champion. If you really want it, then you must be willing to back it up by taking massive action. I am concerned that far too many in sales lack a basic understanding of what’s necessary to become a sales professional. You must be willing to get off of the comfy couch. You must get outside of your physical,...
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Jail Break and I'm Out of Cardiac Jail

Art Post ·
Actually I've been waiting to get out of Cardiac Jail for the last thirty days! I was finally sprung mid-afternoon on Friday the 8th and I decided to take a couple of days from posting anything on the Print4Pay Hotel and social media for the weekend. After my first stent (3) procedure it's been more about just trying to pace with work and all of the changes in my life. Yes, things had to change and it was more about how I had to change. During those days there wasn't much I could do rather...
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This Week in the Copier Industry Ten Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry Ten Years Ago Third Week of October 2011 Busy weekend and not much to report, will be back at it for the push for the end of the year. Let's say that November starts the end of my 2021 season. Enjoy These Great Copier Threads from Ten Years Ago This Week! Ricoh unveils space-saving A4 multi-functional printers for offices and workgroups Art Post (Guest) · 10/17/118:23 PM workgroups can extend the printers with three further paper trays to 2300-sheet capacity.
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This Week in the Copier Industry Ten Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry Ten Years Ago Third Week of November 2011 Attendance news for ITEX 2021 Dealers owners on different days stated the venue was much smaller than in the past (2019). Multiple dealers agreed that they did not see more than 80 dealers on the show floor Another dealer stated "in one of the of the talk tracks today there was only 5 attendees". Heard from my third attendee today and that was from a vendor mentioning attendance. Here's the quote "It was brutally low"...
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This Week in the Copier Industry Five Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry Five Years Ago Third Week of July 2017 sponsored by I thoroughly enjoy working with and helping our reps, especially with wide format MFPs. As I help to teach them ways to win I'm always asking them questions about the account, the device(s) they have, is there a maintenance/supply agreement, what's covered or not covered, what make and model do they have, along with current print volume and if there is a current lease or not. Those are the questions I need...
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This Week in the Copier Industry Five Years Ago

Art Post ·
This Week in the Copier Industry Five Years Ago Last Week of July 2017 sponsored by It was Friday a few minutes after 5PM went my cell rang from an existing client and yes I could have easily let the call go to voice mail. With one day left in the month, having my quota made and it's a summer Friday night was enough to let the call pass. Fifteen minutes later I had the verbal for the order with decent GP and the DM stated they will sign on Monday. Good things happen to those that work hard!
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Lead for Fleet of Copiers in Texas

Art Post ·
see attached file
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3 Simple Strategies To Help You Avoid the Pity Party Blues.

Larry Levine ·
While you may encounter setbacks and disappointments in life, it's mission critical that you maintain hope for a bright future. Let's face it, you're gonna face setbacks and challenges, it's how resilient you become that really matters. Acknowledge that disappointments are inevitable, yet hold onto hope, as you do have the ability to find the strength to overcome obstacles as you work towards a better tomorrow. Curious, how many of you have been faced with the temptation to give into...