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Tagged With "Inkjet Printhead for High"


Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

Art Post ·
Is it just me, it seems that the general rule of thumb for the copier industry to end users is "the take or leave approach". Meaning, come hell or high water we're not going to change the way we bill, the way we support, or the financial solutions that we offer. While I was at the Top 100 conference, a rep from Wells Fargo spoke about the billing options that they now have in their leases. One of the options was for seat billing for managed IT services. My thought is that if it's available...

Re: Your Copier

Larry Kirsch ·
Welcome back😀 6 Reasons Why Flat Rate aka One Rate Will Change the Copier Industry Art Post 36 minutes ago I remember when plain paper copiers used rolls of paper and not sheets. I remember when the glass on the copiers had to move back and forth. I remember when copiers used liquid ink (toner) to produce an image. I remember when you used a dial to set how many copies you wanted to make. Yup, it's been a pretty incredible journey to see...

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

SalesServiceGuy ·
Canada charges a 270% tariff because the US has a massive over supply of milk production. If US dairy product was to enter Canada without tariffs it would destroy our perfectly working dairy industry. Why should the USA be allowed to destroy our milk industry so as to partially solve a problem created within the USA? Besides, how do you think Canada maintains its "free" single payer health care system. It is by charging high taxes on all consumer purchases. I do not think that anybody thinks...

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

Old Glory ·
What about the term "Free Trade" do you not understand? You argue the advantages of lower lumber prices for Americans while disputing the value of lower dairy prices for Canadians. Free trade suggests that the market should decide what is best for the consumer. Free trade would also suggest that your exorbantly high taxes really shouldn't be a factor. We should probably leave the health care debate out of the equation. I for one would rather have what we have than what the Canadians have,...

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Lease Maestro ·
Here is a report from One of their legal editors is doing a three part review of this legislation. Leasing News Exclusive: State Senator Steven Glazer and the genesis of CA SB 1235 (Part 1 of 3) By Tom McCurnin Leasing News Legal Editor This is important not only if you are doing commercial business in California, but this may affect other states. If you are new to this, here is legislation passed both the assembly and senate, awaiting California Governor Jerry Brown’s...

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Lease Maestro ·
Part Two: Leasing News Exclusive: The Opposition and How Senator Steven Glazer Got SB 1235 Passed (Part 2 of 3) By Tom McCurnin Leasing News Legal Editor The bill was "Engrossed and Enrolled" and presented to the Governor at 5 p.m., September 12th, awaiting his decision to sign or veto. How He Pushed It Through the Legislature What are the takeaways from this interview and SB 1235? â–Ș First , I Was Surprised at the Overwhelming Support of Trade Groups for the Bill. When he rattled off the...

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Lease Maestro ·
Part Three Leasing News Exclusive: Is the Disclosure Too Complicated? State Senator Steven Glazer Position on CA SB 1235 (Part 3 of 3) By Tom McCurnin Leasing News Legal Editor The bill to require full disclosure of interest rates is awaiting Governor Jerry Brown's signature. It was reviewed to be recorded and sent to his office late last week. It seems unlikely he will not sign it as it passed the State Assembly 72-3 and in the Senate 28-6 .It then will be up to the California Department of...

Re: Assume My Copier Lease....What? ·
@Kitz: Dealer support is also a great question. Currently we approach this on a case-by-case basis. New transfers would go to an affiliated partner in the geographical territory that is qualified to service that equipment. Ultimately, we are building a network of independent dealers not unlike what the direct channel already has access to. This way, independent dealers can leverage the network for new contracts as well, such as when a sale is made to a head office that includes installations...

Re: 3 Ways Getting Involved In Community Service Can Help Copier Sales Reps Enhance Their Sales Success

Art Post ·
If you want to sell $500K per year, then join your local chamber of commerce, however if you really want to sell one million or more, the join those high profile charities in your geo area. Get involved, donate time and knowledge, within a year or less you'll be rubbing elbows with the most influential "C" level execs in your area. TY Larry, you took the words right outta my mouth on this one!

Re: 5 Questions for HP about the Acquisition of Samsung Printer Business Unit

Art Post ·
I had the time at lunch today to listen to a recorded webex meeting from Photizo that offered up speculation on why HP bought Samsung. Here's my takeaways: Patents, more than 6,500 of them 1,500 world class engineers The eventual replacement of all canon marking engines with Samsung Thus, as there was much hype about the purchase of Samsung, I don't think was for the laser based engines, but more for the patents, the engineers, and the laser engines for HP printers. In addition, HP will now...

Re: The Quest for $200K "Still Time to Network"

mnchstr ·
I call used machines "Off Lease" and tell the prospect to think of them as a program car, still very good but someone else took the retail hit. I say if a used machine needs to be re furbished I don't buy them. I don't sell used machines with high meters with the exception of Ricoh's "Greenline", we don't know the meters on those and I'm not impressed with those, lots of quality issues.

Re: Canon Business Systems Pulling a Ricoh

Jason H ·
Originally Posted by Christi: Art, Yes, Ricoh's ROE is serious business. If you're not seeing that in your territory, you need to contact their MVP, or even Mr. Brodigan himself, immediately. I've seen him take the matters into his hands personally. When you are moving half our gear a year, you hold more cards then you think. How Canon can afford not to is beyond me. I guess that's why we're seeing more Canon dealerships starting to carry our product. I too have seen personally very high...

Re: "MFP Wars" Hi Speed A3 MFP's vs A4 MFP's

fisher ·
I've always sold A4 machines where they are a fit. There are very few A4 devices that offer a low CPC. Some carry CPCs that are very high. A bigger issue in many placements is that the Automatic Document Feeders on most A4 machines are not robust enough to meet the copy scan and fax demand. Many are complete garbage. In fact I've seen the quality of the Domument Feeders on A4 units go backwards in the last couple of years as if the document feeder is an afterthought or it is where the...

Re: "MFP Wars" Hi Speed A3 MFP's vs A4 MFP's

Art Post ·
Amen @fisher doc feeders are inept on most A4's

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

SalesServiceGuy ·
I am deeply concerned about the race to the bottom with A4 product. A4 product certainly gets better everyday and some salespeople say it is just as good as A3...maybe true... except for your commissions. If you like Kraft dinner or Ramen noodles, downgrade your customers from A3 to A4. Let us not forget one of the largest A4 players out there is Lexmark. Lexmark is a 100% Chinese owned company called NineStar based in Guangdong, China. If you cheer MAGA, you cannot cheer Lexmark. God knows...

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

Ray Stasiezcko ·
Appreciate the comments. However, your arguments regarding A4 vs. A3 pertain to what’s good for you. Industries which are going through disruption or when an industry’s particular product or its services become less valuable to those once dependent on them. The disease of Product-Centric thinking will infect those with a stubbornness to modify. It is not up to those who sell a product or service to determine its value. Its value is determined by those who buy the product or service.

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

SalesServiceGuy ·
In 2016, Apex Technologies (now NineStar Corporation) purchased Lexmark at a 17% premium above its share price. In the background, the Chinese gov't had purchased a 5% stake in Apex (at that time a relatively small and unknown maker of 3rd party toner and inkjet cartridges). In fact, Lexmark sued Apex for for at least 15 patent violations. Via what is known as the IC Fund, the Chinese gov't is supporting its technology companies with the goal of of advancing China's, "Made in China 2025", a...

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

SalesServiceGuy ·
It goes way beyond phones with Huawei. Huawei is attempting to dominate the global telecom market for next generation, super high speed, 5G networks. The reason why the Chinese gov't is flipping out over the extradition issues with Meng, CFO Huawei is because she is considered to be a key technology Princess in China with deep family ties to the Chinese gov't. The Meng extradition issue is exposing China's "Made in China 2025" plan to replace the USA and other countries in select dominant...

Re: HP should Buy Xerox

fisher ·
There is little to no margin in A4. Folks who want those products are just going to buy on-line. Let them. Best bet is focus on areas where you can still make money. Let other people chase the race to the bottom stuff.

Re: 3 Things Sales Reps Need to Do To Help Smash Their Sales In 2019

Larry Kirsch ·
Well put plan your work. Work your plan fundamental that has a high degree of success keep up the good work happy new year

Re: Who Would be a Viable Buyer for Toshiba Tec?

Jason H ·
Makes me wonder what may happen. From my talks with muratec, of course I'm not in a high position of being in the know, it sounds like the label presses will become their go to product and eventually the mfp's will be less important to them. It would be interesting to me if Samsung sold to HP for a billion (I'm not sure why HP thought they were getting a steal by paying a billion for the copier division) and then Samsung turns around and says "thanks for the billion dollars, now we are going...

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Art Post ·
Larry High Schools nor College teaches students "how to work your ass off". I'm a firm believer that you can't coach nor teach someone how to work hard. Knowing how to work hard is one of those innate characteristics within people that only comes to fruition when that person has the passion or drive to succeed. I've seen it time and time again, you can't teach someone how to work their ass of. The either want or don't want to. With sales, we understand that in order to win, we need to lose.

Re: Are Your Salespeople Good Losers? Ask Cam Newton...

Old Glory ·
A good book on this subject is: From a Good Sales Call to a Great Sales Call ...Close more by doing what you do best... by Richard Schroder. It's about how companies should conduct post sale interviews on all deals to determine why you won or lost. They quite effectively illustrate the value of this process and why someone other than the salesrep should conduct the interview. It pretty much proves that a very high percentage of the time, the salesrep really has no clue why they lost or won...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The First Week in January 2009

Art Post ·
Ten years ago this week and what was on our minds? It was the Great Recession. I remember it all too well. Many of my accounts were in the AEC market, remember losing almost 30% of that business because of bankruptcies, companies closing and companies just buying their device once they came to the end of the lease. Hope I never have to go through that again! Enjoy the threads from ten year ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 1/4/09 Neal · 1/5/097:19 AM According to survey of printshops...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The First Week in January 2004

Art Post ·
Some of these devices sure do bring back some memories. interesting news with Ikon, and I remember the DiALTA Color CF5001 very well! Enjoy these threads from 15 years ago this week! Konica Minolta Unveils DiALTA Color CF5001 1/6/049:19 AM Konica Minolta Unveils DiALTA Color CF5001 Konica Minolta Business Solutions U .S.A. Inc. has introduced a 50-page-per-minute (ppm) color printer /copier/scanner, the Minolta DiALTA Color CF5001, designed specifically for environments with high volume...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The First Week in January 2014

Art Post ·
Some great threads here, especially the blog series I wrote for "31 Ways to close more copiers sales". Enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week! Pacific Office Automation Helps Local Children by Matching Donations in the Fox 12 Holiday Toy Drive Art Post · 1/2/1410:14 PM Pacific Office Automation Pacific Office Automation ( ) is a leader in managed printing solutions and document management software. Since 1976, Pacific has grown to become the industry’s...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Third Week in January 2009

Art Post ·
There's a pretty decent thread below about relationship selling. It's ten years old and yes I found it some place on the web. Speaks about common ground with the client along with trust. Take the three minutes to read this thread. Relationship Selling – The Buy and Buy Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 1/18/09 Neal · 1/19/098:46 AM bundled with Kodak MarketMover, which is a package to assist printshop owners in marketing and selling digital output. The...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Third Week in January 2004

Art Post ·
Wow, a Super Bowl thread from back in 2004, talking about the 14 game win streak from the Pats. It was the Pats vs the Eagles. Fly Eagles Fly, no Super Bowl for you this year! Enjoy the threads from 15 years ago this week! Re: Super Bowl Poll! Our Year! · 1/16/048:54 AM The Patriots are now on a 14 game winning streak. They will go into the Super Bowl on the longest streak of any team since the '72 Dolphins. And Peyton Manning is putting together what might be the best postseason for a QB in...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The Third Week in January 2014

Art Post ·
Enjoy the threads from 5 years a go this week! Topic Five Vendors Earn Winter 2014 BLI “Picks” in the A3 Color Category Art Post · 1/23/145:35 PM buyers. Konica Minolta Business Solutions, U .S.A., Inc. Konica Minolta bizhub C 364e Outstanding 31- to 40-ppm A3 Color MFP Konica Minolta bizhub C 454e Outstanding 41- to 50-ppm A3 Color MFP KYOCERA Document Solutions America, Inc. KYOCERA TASKalfa 5551ci (Also sold under the Copystar brand) Outstanding 51- to 60-ppm A3 Color MFP Ricoh Americas...
Blog Post

Wide Format Technology Update -The New Canon TM Series Wide Format Technical Series

Art Post ·
Wide Format Technology Update -The New Canon TM Series Wide Format Technical Series Having just completed one of our most successful quarters ever, I can confidently say that one of the main reasons for our sales success in Q4 was the new Canon TM Series printers and MFP systems. This series was introduced by Canon to replace the very successful 78x series which had anchored the Canon iPF wide format line for the last number of years. The 78x series was overdue to be replaced and the...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Last Week in January 2004

Art Post ·
In the next day or so I'll be blogging about the new Ricoh IMC MFP series. There's a lot of new stuff and I'm chomping at the bit to get my hands on one. Enjoy these threads from 15 years ago this week! Peerless Systems Announces Everest Family of MFP Controllers; New Controllers Based on Sierra Techno Boston Mike · 1/28/046:58 AM document products rely on a core set of imaging software and supporting electronics, collectively known as an imaging controller. Peerless' broad line of scalable...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The Last Week in January 2014

Art Post ·
Dang, there's a ton of content here! Check out the blog series for 31 Ways to Close More Copier Sales #25 of 31 , there are 31 in total and I'm trying to get them all in a collection for us. Enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week! This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago 4thWeek of January 2004 Art Post · 1/26/142:19 PM the new product.http://support. ricoh .com/bb/html/dr_ut_e/rc2/model/ c 32_38/ c 32_38en.htmJG Toshiba America Business Solutions Introduces The...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 5 Years Ago (1st Week of February 2014)

Art Post ·
Were you in the industry five years ago? If not some of these threads will shed some insight on what was the top threads 5 years ago this week. If you've been in this industry longer than five years, then many of these threads may bring back some memories. In any case enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week! EFI Launches Fiery Digital Front Ends for New Konica Minolta Bizhub Presses Art Post · 2/6/149:20 PM EFI Launches Fiery Digital Front Ends for New Konica Minolta Bizhub Presses...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The First Week in December 2013

Art Post ·
Okay, we're back to doing three of these a wee. Where we look back on the threads from, 5, 10 & 15 years ago Enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week! Canon U.S.A. Unveils Océ VarioPrint 6000+ Series of High-Speed, High-Volume Digital Production Printers Art Post · 12/5/139:45 PM deliver critical savings to print providers. This black-and-white printer is ideal for burgeoning industries -- such as on-demand, digital book printing -- due to its registration accuracy, outstanding...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The First Week in December 2008

Art Post ·
Enjoy these awesome threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 11/30/08 Neal · 12/1/087:06 AM . to strengthen its sales network in the U .S. after losing IKON to Ricoh . - Canon announced it has sold an imagePRESS C 7000VP production color system to The Processors, a printshop in Irwindale, CA. - Kodak announced it has sold a NexPress S2500 production color system to Evergreen Printing of New Jersey. - More details on Memjet Technology, the company that promised to...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The Second Week in January 2014

Art Post ·
One of my goals for this year is to garner more leads. You can do that with generating educational documents. I wrote this blog a few years ago, hope this helps. 31 Ways to Garner Net New Copier & Managed IT Business (2 of 31) Enjoy the threads from 5 years ago this week! This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago (2nd Week of January 2004) Art Post · 1/12/143:32 PM it... Ricoh Dealer Meeting 1/8/04 9:48 AM Topic by Boston Mike Ricoh Dealer Meeting - Las Vegas, NV...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Second Week in January 2004

Art Post ·
Fifteen years ago I was not blogging about our industry. Most of what you'll see below is threads from P4P'ers asking and answering questions. The Print4Pay Hotel forums offers our members the opportunity to post questions, answers, news or maybe you want to blow off some steam. If you do here's a link to our forums. Enjoy the threads from 15 years ago this week! Ricoh Demonstrates Its Dedication 1/9/049:25 AM manufacturing, distribution, use and the recycling of its products. Sustainable...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Second Week in January 2009

Art Post ·
Enjoy these threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 1/11/09 Neal · 1/11/098:32 PM replacement was named for Tod’s old job. - In an effort to gain its customers back from IKON (which was acquired by Ricoh ), Canon Business Solutions launched the “War Chest” program, giving sales reps ability to pay for up to 9 months of a competitive lease, - A year after being booted from the program, Canon announced that it is once again part of the U .S. Federal Government GSA...
Blog Post

Why a Copier Salesperson Loves to Sell DocuWare

Monte ·
You probably don’t know me but I’ve been in the industry now for over 20 years and have been fortunate to be successful selling Canon, Ricoh and Kyocera products in both hardware and software sales. I remember when I started it was all about hardware. I used to say “black and white paid the bills and color sent me on vacation”. Back in those days a color sale would be $40,000 plus and would always be a generous commission. I remember speaking with another colleague of mine back then who had...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Last Week in September 2003

Art Post ·
Last week was a killer! Not that I sold anything, but I had a golf outing on Monday (did secure a meeting out of that), two full days of training in PA on Wednesday and Thursday. Friday AM I left for the Jersey office and what should have been about 2.5 hours turned into almost 5 hours because one of the major highways was closed in both directions. I had to bird dog my way home on the back roads of eastern PA. Enjoy these threads from 15 years ago this week! New Ricoh Type-H Staple...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Last Week in September 2003

Art Post ·
There's a cool blog below from Bill Siderys titled MFP & Copier Pay Plan Changes for the Future . If you get the chance check it our. Bill is still a member of the Print4Pay Hotel, and I'd like to thank him for his valued long time membership. Check out the threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 09/28/08 Neal · 9/30/089:36 PM , selling out to Ricoh . Details on NewCal: o Founded by former Kodak copier technicians, Steve Tarpley & Ken Wilkens in 1991 o Won...
Blog Post

6 Reasons Why Flat Rate Service Program Will Change the Copier Industry

Art Post ·
I remember when plain paper copiers used rolls of paper and not sheets. I remember when the glass on the copiers had to move back and forth. I remember when copiers used liquid ink (toner) to produce an image. I remember when you used a dial to set how many copies you wanted to make. Yup, it's been a pretty incredible journey to see the industry evolve over the last 38 years! Back in the early eighties their was only one plan for a copier maintenance agreement. We included "x" amount of...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The First Week in September 2013

Art Post ·
Konica Minolta and Komori Debut World's First 23"x29" Digital Inkjet Press at PRINT 13 Art Post · 9/5/137:08 AM today's highly competitive printing marketplace. Delivering a high level in print quality coupled with impressively fast make-ready and open systems architecture, Komori presses help printers achieve the higher productivity and efficiency levels essential for increased margins and business growth. Komori America Corporation headquarters are in Rolling Meadows, IL with sales and...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Third Week in September 2003

Art Post ·
BTA National Event was last week in NYC @ the Stewart Hotel. With members and vendors I heard there were 345 attendees. That's a great showing! What was the most popular talked about theme behind the scenes? Yup, it was the One Rate or Flat Rate. More to come on this during the week. Enjoy the threads from 15 years ago this week! Fuji-Xerox merges 9/17/038:48 PM Fuji- Xerox merges internally Byron Connolly, CRN Wednesday, 02 April 2003 Fuji- Xerox will audit its printer -distribution channel...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Third Week in September 2003

Art Post ·
There's a great thread below "Print Management" Truth and Lies". It's a compilation of threads from members about best and worst practices. Check it out if you have the time. Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 09/14/08 Neal · 9/16/087:20 AM 11% annually o copy volumes are declining 2% annually o HP sold 60 million printers last year o Xerox sold 3 million printers last year o Kyocera only sold 115,000 printers last year o Average print volume for a...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The Last Week in September 2013

Art Post ·
Wow, has it really been 5 years since the launch of Ricoh ICE. Well the threads from 5 years ago state it is. In addition I posted up a thread about copier demonstrations. Check em when you have the time. Enjoy the threads from 5 Years ago this week! 10 Awesome Tips for a Great MFP/Copier Demo Re: Adobe PostScript vs. Emulation IPS · 9/23/135:27 PM Czech is correct: there are Ricoh printer models with non-Adobe PostScript as well as 3rd-party Adobe controllers for Kyocera, Konica Minolta and...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The First Week in October 2003

Art Post ·
Not a lot here this week, but some interesting items that included Canon Business Solutions and a duplicator that was introduced with a paper tray. Oh yes, and the question of the week was who was going buy Imagistics. Can anyone answer that? Enjoy the threads from 15 years ago this week: Off & Running! 10/1/034:02 PM Solutions U .S.A., Inc. As one company, Konica Minolta Business Solutions has: · · A projected revenue of over $1.5 billion · · Over 6,000 employees supporting more than...
Blog Post

The 3 P's A Sales Professional Takes To Heart To Help Them Crush Sales!

Larry Levine ·
As humans we're wired to seek out meaning and purpose in our lives. Nowhere is this ever so important than in sales, as this is where we spend much of our waking hours. I'm a firm believer that having a purpose matters more now than ever before. A sales professional thrives on being a part of a purpose. They live for becoming part of something that really matters, something that really makes a difference to the lives of their clients and prospects. In chapter 6 of my new book, Selling from...
Blog Post

Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Steve Mcbride

Art Post ·
About a month ago I had the opportunity to attend the BTA National event in New York City. While at the event I ran into Steve Mcbride, Steve is currently VP of Sales with Innovolt. We had an interesting discussions about the cool Bluetooth technology with the Innovolt Smart Protectors (you can get these from Polek & Polek ) and how techs can identify the voltage in the MFP through a smart phone. I also found out that Steve had started selling copiers in the late seventies. Thus, I asked...
Blog Post

Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Darrell Leven

Art Post ·
It was good to see Darrell Leven at the recent BTA National Event in New York City a few weeks ago. During one of the breaks we had the chance to chop it up a bit about the imaging industry. Where we started and how we go to where we are today. During that chat is when I found out that Darrell started selling copiers in the late seventies. I asked if he would mind contributing to our Selling Copiers in the Seventies blog. Here's Darrell! What year did you start in the industry and what was...