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Tagged With "Cyber Risk"


Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

txeagle24 ·
I disagree that you have to own the network in order to offer seat-based billing. Before I go into why, can we (imaging industry) please stop referring to Managed Services as MNS? No one in the IT world uses this term; it's industry jargon that makes you stand out as a copier dealer 1st and an IT Services provider 2nd. Managed IT Services, Managed Services...fine. MNS needs to die. Now, here is why I disagree that you have to own the network as a client's Managed Services provider in order...

Re: 7 Deadly Topics from 7 Deadly Sinners at Top 100 Summit (Part One)

gwalters2009 ·
Originally Posted by txeagle24: I disagree that you have to own the network in order to offer seat-based billing. Before I go into why, can we (imaging industry) please stop referring to Managed Services as MNS? No one in the IT world uses this term; it's industry jargon that makes you stand out as a copier dealer 1st and an IT Services provider 2nd. Managed IT Services, Managed Services...fine. MNS needs to die. Now, here is why I disagree that you have to own the network as a client's...

Re: Your Copier

Larry Kirsch ·
Welcome back😀 6 Reasons Why Flat Rate aka One Rate Will Change the Copier Industry Art Post 36 minutes ago I remember when plain paper copiers used rolls of paper and not sheets. I remember when the glass on the copiers had to move back and forth. I remember when copiers used liquid ink (toner) to produce an image. I remember when you used a dial to set how many copies you wanted to make. Yup, it's been a pretty incredible journey to see...

Re: Five Reasons Why I'm Stoked About the New Ricoh SP8400DN Printer

Art Post ·
No, we are not doing any of those agreements with our MFP's. With the printer the device billing would not include the drum, or fuser. Client would pay for those. Device billing is a practical maintenance agreement for the new A3 ink based MFP's. Epson will be launching their 100ppm color device shortly. The only consumables is the print head and the ink. It's rumored that the print head will be warranted for 3 years. In addition the print head is very costly. The idea would be to charge...

Re: Five Reasons Why I'm Stoked About the New Ricoh SP8400DN Printer

fem4001 ·
Thanks. Interesting. I wonder what the advantages and disadvantages of those ink jets are (compared to laser MFP).

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

SalesServiceGuy ·
China retaliated this AM by placing a matching 25% tariff on $16B of US goods. We will see if the US escalates the trade war again putting copiers/printers manufactured in China imported into the USA back at risk for a 3rd time.

Re: Personal Property Tax

Old Glory ·
First of all, we don't have this problem because the lease company we use (Clune Leasing) doesn't charge property tax. However, the potential pitfalls: 1.) Using a rate that was to include it and then having the lease company deny it later. That happened to us with Marlin Leasing. Make sure to get documentation ON EVERY DEAL done this way that all property tax is included. 2.) Property tax is a percentage of the funding amount. Anything added to the lease that raises the amount of the lease...

Re: Are Step Leases ethical business practise?

Art Post (Guest) ·
Are we on the same wave length here?? Usually a 3-5 means that service and supplies are provided for three years, after three years the customer then has to pay for service, thus raising the cost to them. ie: $100 per month for 60 months includes 3 years of supplies and service for 100K, after the third year or whenever the supplies and service expire, the rep will come back in and refi the remaining 24 months with a new 3-5, they can usually sell this at a lower price that what the customer...

Re: When was the last time you did a demo in your demo room?

M138 ·
the vendor's risk should be proportional to the customer's committment. If they will sign a contingent order then you treat them like a customer. Though, if the answer to this question is based on a cost justificaiton, it would depend upon how streamlined your dealership is... If your salemen are doing the networking then you are gambling with more money than if your dealership has a tech taking care of the fine tuning.

Re: Does any National Copier Vendor still have their own in house leasing service?

Old Glory ·
Interesting. I do some GSA and they are written on GE paper. It is interesting that they would take on major accounts internally but not the Federal Government. Maybe the Federal Government is a bigger risk ;>)

Re: NY Times Article about Ricoh Japan

Chuck ·
Having read this article and comparing what has been told to us regarding a lack of product inventory by mid June, something just doesn't make sense. To still expect a 16+% increase in Profits YoY after what has happened seems unreasonable. Ideas anyone, other than outright misrepresentation of the facts for investors but that's too big a risk.

Re: Got A Situation! What would ou do?

fisher ·
You should be able to go to a broker and get another 50ppm Toshiba for dirt cheep. I'd swap the machine out or fix the existing one. No way would I roll the lease on the customer. Just be honest with the customer and do the right thing by them. One call to a competitor for a quote and you are toast. Make it a positive in the customer's mind. The customer will respect you more in the long run if youdo the right thing. Roll the lease and risk losing the customer forever.

Re: Got A Situation! What would ou do?

Art Post (Guest) ·
Amen to that!

Re: TD Bank attorneys blame copier for ‘high risk’ error

Art Post (Guest) ·
I'm thinking there is no way this is possible right? Especially when coping the document.

Re: Marlin Does Not Disclose Possible Loss Of Evergreen Payments

Old Glory ·
Anybody who uses Marlin or buys their stock deserves what they get. My past experiences with tese scum suckers are chronicled in old p4photel posts if you care to get the details. However, this article comes from a blogger site called Seeking Alpha which is also known for holding short positions in public company stock and then exagerating or outright falsifying information so as to cause a downturn of the stock value thus creating a profit for those who have short positions. This article...

Re: I have a buyer in South America

Art Post (Guest) ·
There is always the possiblity, however for 40K-70K per month pre-paid order. I don't think there is that much risk.

Re: Leasing Company Copiers are Underwater

CashGap ·
Agreed. The client (is it a municipality?) either took a risk knowingly "Eh, flood insurance, who needs it" or unknowingly (incompetence). They now have a loss. But, this is the trend... I made a bad decision, is there someone with the last name ", Inc." who can be coerced or compelled to pay the bill? Fixed that for you...

Re: Leasing Company Copiers are Underwater

fisher ·
So, do you think it would be ethical for the leasing company to go after full stream of payments plus residual in the case I described??? I don't begrudge the leasing company a fair return on their outlay of money but to want the full stream plus residual 4 weeks after funding is excessive. That's making 40% interest on their money for a one month investment. Would you be happy as the leasing partner???? I doubt it. Keep in mind your reputation as a salesperson is attached to how your...

Re: Leasing Company Copiers are Underwater

CashGap ·
Well, of course. We all understand that there is NO question of ethics, both parties signed a contract and agreed to obligations. Both took on risks. Now one party has experienced those risks. Is GA entitled to what the contract says they are entitled to after 4 weeks, or only after 5? Five is pretty short... maybe they get what the contract says after 15 weeks, but not 14? Or maybe they get what the contract says if the contract goes to term but they eat it if anything bad happens prior to...

Re: Leasing Company Copiers are Underwater

CashGap ·
Re: Leasing Company Copiers are Underwater

Re: Leasing Company Copiers are Underwater

fisher ·
I'm in the same boat. I now think that taking the leasing company's insurance is the best option for the customer. My customers with leasing company coverage have had a delay of a few weeks but next week I will deliver the first unit that was covered. Took a while but its a done deal. Another customer with their own insurance immediately got new gear right away. They were dead in the water without equipment so they did a new lease. I put on my sales order clearly that it was the customer's...

Re: Windows 8 and SMB scanning

jswinberlin ·
Sorry, here is the attachment.

Re: Scam from a Local Company

Old Glory ·
At the risk of giving the unscrupulous new ideas, years ago I dealt with a competitor that would sell a 36 month term but leave the number of months blank when asking for a signature and then put in 60 months.

Re: Scam from a Local Company

fisher ·
One of the biggest giants in our industry used to do that all the time. That's how their reps were trained to sell. Best part was the service contract was 36-months but the lease was 60 months. They would then try to upgrade the lease 24 months early under the threat that the service contract was going to go up significantly. Funny cause I just read a thread about this company going for another companie's jugular. Funny stuff.

Re: Over Holding On MFP Lease Costs Unnecessary Dollars

txeagle24 ·
I agree with your first point, but on the second regarding the time at which to upgrade a customer, you're leaving a LOT of money on the table by rolling in that much buyout with each upgrade. If the customer is paying $1,000 per month, rolling in 18 payments could cost you up to $18,000 in revenue and profit. I don't know how you're paid, but that would make a big difference to my paycheck. I know there's a greater risk of competition getting in the longer I let the lease ride, but if I...

Re: Over Holding On MFP Lease Costs Unnecessary Dollars

Yoda ·
There is no money left on the table. If someone else upgrades them you have nothing. Also every time you upgrade you go wider and deeper into the account with solutions, MPS, scan stations etc.. Always do a TCO bundle with service. Original lease $1,000 per month Service 20,000 at .01 originally = 200 per month Bumps after 3 years 20000 x 0.013 =260 total current payment 1,260 new service 0.008 = 160-1260 =1,100/.02 = 55,000-18k =37k thats just breakeven. How about charging $100 more? now...

Re: 100 calls a day, 240 minutes talk time a day, 4 opps per day

Old Glory ·
I know it is difficult to see it yet, but your employer has done you a big favor. Existence in that environment would have been miserable. I agree with much of what Mr. Shaw says. A previous employer who initiated your termination will not be allowed to restrict your ability to earn a living in your chosen field. If you had left him, a non-compete becomes more difficult to beat. However, in your case, even if you had quit, you would have grounds based on the change in payplan, especially if...

Re: Can Scan Router Lite do an FTP push as a pdf?

Lee ·
I can take SR Lite and put the document in a folder on a hard drive somewhere (anywhere) on the local network. FTP (which you can't do with SR) would be able to send it anywhere on the local network or WAN based upon an IP Address. Using FTP, you could send the scan overseas if you wanted to. Most network admins shy away from FTP as much as possible and seem to like the scanrouter setup much better. FTP is considered a security risk on the network. We also sell Konica, which is big on FTP...

Re: How True!

Ted ·
Born in '64, dittos on the stroll. Rode my bike everywhere until I could drive. Even rode it into parked car once and dented the fender. I owned up (because that's what we were supposed to do) and went to the door and told the man. My dad paid for the repair, and I had to work it off with dad. I was more afraid of what my parents would do to me than the police. Only had to worry about grades if I made lower than "B", 'cause that was failing in my parent's eyes. No need for a cell phone or...

Re: Is anyone's office out there using...

Old Glory ·
I can hire a ton of OMD support for the cost of a new operating system. Just the transition would be a nightmare let alone the risk of not improving anything.

Re: I need a leasing company for a new customer

Brad Sipes (Guest) ·
Try Lease Direct - I think it is out of Indiana. I have had some luck getting high risk approvals here. Here is their e:mail! Hopes this helps

Re: Getting "Print For Pays" Lease Approved

Gregory (Guest) ·
All I know... I gave the name and address of the company to DLL earlier this year and they turned it down based upon that. I did not have trade references or bank info. At the time I was on risk rating the situation and let it go. I new he was probably not going to be able to do anything until the lease end which is next month, so I just called this week and we meet Monday. I will ask him to fill out a credit app at that time. It is a Sir Speedy.

Re: Getting "Print For Pays" Lease Approved

Graham ·
We have a hard time getting GE to approve Print for Pay customers based upon high risk industry. If they have less then desireable credit then that makes it even tougher. CitiCapital has been able to get some of these pushed through, but with higher rates. Now there is a guy down on the street corner named Guido that might be able to help! Graham

Re: Padded Lease Rates! Ethical or Unethical,

Old Glory ·
Point - Counterpoint. Let me say first of all that I am the one for our company that would decide this and I choose not to pad the rates. I feel that leasing has enough advantages to the dealership without making more money on the transaction. That having been said, I also have no problem with dealerships that do. Does the dealership that pads also pay for shipping the equipment back? I'm just saying that sometimes a pad or mark-up is earmarked to cover an expense somewhere else. Some lease...

Re: IP Fax, Internet Fax, or LAN Fax

Jay ·
#1. It means we can separate ourselves from the other guys that tell the customer that they need another dedicated fax line at $30 to $50 a month. #2 Sure it's a bit of a risk at first but it's a $99.00 piece with a one year warranty. Let the customer know up front that it's not covered under the maintenance program. Plus it means we can separate ourselves from the other guys that tell the customer that they need another dedicated fax line at $30 to $50 a month. The customer at worst has a 4...

Re: W2400 Waste Toner Bottle

AD (Guest) ·
Coming from the "overcoming customer objections" angle, that makes sense. All the same, it's a rare user that would change the bottle themselselves. It requires removing several screws, and two covers that are normally only removed for service. (these covers are a little tricky to replace too). The part number is "B125 3661 Collection Bottle - Used Toner". It is an assembly that has the sensor already attached. At the risk of sounding like a broken record: this is not an item that the...

Re: SMB scanning and Administrative Login

slim463 ·
Well, alot administrators have a 30, 60, or 90 day password policy. And when you setup a SMB scanning and the file destination is located on a server, the admin usually gives you the administrator password. Well, this password policy will effect you because you used the same credentials for each entry. They CORRECT workaround is to request a separate username and password created just for that MFP itself. And allow that newly created username and password FULL right access to the scan folder...

Re: Gas Price Check

CashGap ·
Art, you've got it. Plus factor in the substantially increased mortality risk driving 100,000 miles in a 50mpg vehicle versus a 20mpg vehicle. We mask that by showing crash ratings based on the fiction that a tiny car will always hit or be hit by a similar tiny car. That's how you can have 5 star crash ratings for the Smart Car and 3 star crash ratings for Hummer H2's, by pretending that all collisions will involve a similar sized vehicle. You can probably pick up 2mpg with just the...

Re: 240W PM's

Old Glory ·
I am assuming that when you say "that you were told..." that you are referring to your company, that it wasn't the wholesaler who changed your price. I also assume that the $2,800 was a delivered price that included shipping. I think the first thing that I would do is track down the tech that did the work and see if he really did all the work that was claimed. It may not matter but at least you would know what you were dealing with. What if the customer was willing to buy it "as is" and go...

Re: Bank of America Not Accepting New Deals

Art Post (Guest) ·
Hey, did we all ever expect anything else from a bank??? They took our tax money for thier dirty deeds, and then not taking any risk at all. Who gets all of the money, the top brass. "What do expect from a pig, but a grunt"

Re: Pay Plan

Bill S (Guest) ·
Here's the current problem: Profits are dropping on the front end and as the pay goes so do the good reps that produce large profits per person. To keep the reps at the dealership, make the program a long term program. The idea behind commissions on the cpp is to chase the clicks. I have heard many people say they sold a MFP to replace a printer and copier. I just don't see those Hp's leaving the customers site. Sure, a few are out but not a great many. Also, have you ever seen a copier rep...


David Burkill ·
As such this is not great news for us here in the UK, as there have already been rumblings that something similar will happen here. I have to agree, however, that the range is good (almost excellent), and if Ricoh can capture a much greater market share it will encourage them to expand the range even further and so we will hopefully get to the self-perpetuating roller coaster that HP have been on for so long. I have just lost a 38 machine MFP tender because the client was not sure enough...

Re: 1515mf

JasonR ·
I totally agree with you, BUT when you put in the IP you run the risk of ir not working when the IP of the server changes. For customers using an outside email server, this can happen often.

Re: FM Audit and other USB discovery devices

Old Glory ·
I may be opening a can of worms here but I got a call from Polek&Polek. I can't remember which one they have but whichever one they have, they were willing to send me one for 30 days no risk/no cost. I don't know if that offer is open to anyone or just people who do business with them.

Re: Email Cold Calling

Shaja ·
Suggest that you think very carefully about this before proceeding. Because of the quantity it sounds like you are considering sending, you have some things you need to work out first. e-mail is under very close scrutiny right now because of spam laws and general public skepticism. Believe it or not, there is a rise in the use of printed direct mail right now because of the complexities of using e-mail. If you are going to proceed, suggest that you 1) discuss this first with your IT...

Re: HP MFP Market buster.

Art Post (Guest) ·
November 09, 2004 12:47 PM US Eastern Timezone [b] HP Unveils Imaging and Printing Solutions to Reduce Costs and Complexity for Enterprise and Mid-Size Businesses [/b] --(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 9, 2004— Delivering on Strategy to Transform Copier Market, HP Uses Customer Feedback to Develop Industry's Most Affordable High-Performance Multi-Function Product HP (NYSE:HPQ) (Nasdaq:HPQ) today unveiled 14 new imaging, printing and digital information solutions, including a groundbreaking...

Re: hp news!

Art Post (Guest) ·
PALO ALTO, Calif., April 11, 2007 - HP today unveiled ground-breaking, ink-based color multifunction printers (MFP), enhanced management offerings, and a new portfolio of services and solutions to help enterprise customers optimize their printing environments. The new ink-based multifunction printers, the HP CM8060/CM8050 Color MFPs with HP Edgeline Technology, offer a powerful new printing engine based on the company’s $1.4 billion investment in Scalable Printing Technology. Enabling...

Re: Out of Territory

Shaja ·
I have experience doing this because I am our purchasing manager. (I have six ship-outs pending at the moment -- oh, the gray hair LOL. Just kidding on that gray hair thing.) First thing: if you want to have Ricoh ship directly to the installing dealer, you have to use DMAP and your client has to be registered for a DMAP level through the Oracle system. But, that leads to.... The problem: You are right to be concerned that they won't qualify for the DMAP1 commitment level, because if you...

Re: The End Is Nigh

Jason H ·
Czech, I don't know how long (total years) you've been in the industry. The wealth of knowledge you've brought to the questions I've asked in the forum tell me probably longer than the 5 years you mention. I have only been in the business full time for 10 years. I have been around it with my father since I was a kid....30 years. i do think some, if not most of your points are valid: I like Art usually have about 6-8k per month on commissions, just selling boxes. I am in a big market with a...

Re: New Samsung A4 Color MFP Brochure

fisher ·
Whole Samsung / HP thing is up in the air as far as I can tell. Supposedly we are an HP dealer now but who knows. Kind of in a holding pattern. As far as I'm concerned anything that says Samsung on the front door is discontinued product and just needs to be blown out of the warehouse. Its a botched transition if you ask me. Our industry is too competitive to lead in selling a product that is in limbo like this.....the competition would eat you up. I'm not going to risk a competitor beating...