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Tagged With "K12 School"


Re: Perspectives on Riso

Jason H ·
I know this isn't, most likely, the perspective on the actual usage of the riso's but we had looked at becoming a dealer when someone in our market went out of business. They were the only riso dealer in our market. I find it easy to sell against the riso unless someone truly needs 150 ppm and doesn't care about anything else. It seems I only see them in church's now where they are very old school and they say "that's just the way we do it and don't want to change." We decoded agaonst being...

Re: Will outside Sales Rep's go away?

I’m a little late to this party but had the thread open since it was posted. As a 35 year old i straddle the “millennial” and old school gap (in my opinion haha). There is value of ordering things online that can be commonly used or even basic electronics. But if it’s anything above basic, I still believe talking to someone even if on the phone, pays dividends. We recently bought a new vehicle for my wife and explored for weeks online our options, the new vehicles options, what the price...

Re: Up=Coming China Tariffs on Copiers parts & accessories

Art Post ·
same here, I guess they will start their nonsense once USA stocks have been depleted. I just heard of a Toshiba dealer that won school business based on .0018 for black and .02 for color. hahaha!

Re: Up=Coming China Tariffs on Copiers parts & accessories

Jason H ·
I'll never for the life of me understand why someone would take that business.

Re: Around the Word with Konica Minolta

Art Post ·
Konica Minolta Again Joins the Fight against Childhood Cancer Ramsey, NJ, Aug. 15, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc . (Konica Minolta) today announced they will again support Tackle Kids Cancer, a philanthropic initiative on behalf of the Children’s Cancer Institute at the Joseph M. Sanzari Children’s Hospital at Hackensack Meridian Health Hackensack University Medical Center. As with last year, Konica Minolta is partnering with THE NORTHERN TRUST...

Re: top challenges faced by sales reps on a day to day basis

txeagle24 ·
In a lot of organizations, I'm sure it is a challenge to overcome the old-school "copier dealer" mentality of slinging boxes. Week 1-3: Sell services & solutions. Week 4: How many units are you going to sell?

Re: Weekend Industrty Notes from 09/20/09

JasonR ·
Well, I've heard of some good pricing, but I think $34 a year for 3.2 million copiers takes the cake!

Re: A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Copier Demo/Appointment

Amanda ·
We had a school that called in service for a defective copier glass. It was broke and they definitely didn't have anything to do with that. It must be defective. when the technician got there, The machine was jammed with pictures of someone's rear end. Someone broke the glass while sitting on it and didn't remove the copies from the machine! Thanks! Amanda Byrne

Re: A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Copier Demo/Appointment

txeagle24 ·
Here's one from a private school customer of mine a few years ago: We had just upgraded their fleet of Gestetner 3355's to a brand new fleet of Gestetner DSm660's. A teacher wanted to make copies of a book onto transparencies, and walked up to one of the new machines and ran them thru the bypass. The machine jammed up and completely stopped. So, thinking there must be something wrong w/ the set up of the new machine, she walked to another one of the BRAND NEW MACHINES and tried to run...

Re: Things to Think About!

Shaja ·
So, I'm browsing through the new Readers Digest (okay, old fashioned yes, what can I say?!) this weekend, and lo and behold that very advice about the GPS and remote and the texting and the pin was in it. The story is called "How to Find Anything." This brings up a bigger rant, and if you'll bear with me a second.... I'm getting very tired of Internet foolishness getting passed along as actual truth by legitimate media who no longer bother to take the time to validate their stories. Whatever...

Re: Remember this Guy?

Art Post (Guest) ·
BELLEVILLE -- The day after the courts ordered an Okawville man to pay $1.2 million to Governor French Academy for fraud, the school placed liens on his properties to make sure it gets its money. Philip Paeltz, the school's head administrator, said he believes the liens are for properties in St. Clair and Madison counties on which Kevin Welch pays property taxes, according to county records. Paeltz said he is not certain of the value of these properties because it has yet to be determined...

Re: Ikon Cost Per Page for Ricoh 1357 Pro

Rainmaker6898 (Guest) ·
I sold (3) 1356 Pro back in July 2008 to a Public school system's print shop that the cpc was $0.0029 including staples and fixed for the entire 5 yr term

Re: Should you ever sell something for nothing?

muleyman ·
I am just about....37 yrs young. Started with in 1993, SR year of high school part time servicing printers. After 2yrs of serving printers, married for 1 yr to my high school sweetheart I was envious of all the "copier reps" driving nice BMW's etc...I asked if I could start selling. When I first started selling in 1995 we carried Canon/Mita. I had an uncle who sold copiers and typewriters back in the early 70's and managed a large dealership in CA until his retirement in 1990. When I went to...

Re: Copier Compensation Plans

Art Post (Guest) ·
This was emailed to me from a P4P'er who wishes to remain anonymous. Art, This past April I had the opportunity to leave the industry but I have kept an eye on it since then. This topic definitely perked my interest because I feel like I was both the beneficiary and victim of a Gross Profit Comp Plan at my last gig. I have been on both sides of this topic, Revenue & GP plans, and I never made more than $51K in a given year and yet I was always 100% of plan. My final year under this GP...

Re: A Day That Will Never Be Forgotten

Art Post (Guest) ·
I was home in NJ getting ready to go out cold calling, had just came downstairs and I got a call from my mother-in law stating to turn on channel 7 because a plabe just hit the world trade building. I thought WTF??? How could that happen, and there it was, one of the towers on fire. I watched the news broadcast and then saw the other plane swoop in and hit the second tower! I was speachless, I tried to call the wife on her cell and could get a call out. I then went my backyard which...

Re: Oxford Hills School District replacing copiers

JasonR ·
Old Budget is $101,500. New "total cost" for "lease-purchase of copiers and service" is $92,000. Cost per page is $0.04. Volume is 7 million per year. 7 million x $0.04 = $280,000 per year just for the clicks. I'm going to guess this is simply a case of bad reporting and not a case of the school board being unable to add.

Re: Canon shaking up the great white north

SalesServiceGuy ·
Toshiba Business Systems, Toshiba Toronto Direct, last Fall was awarded the Thames Valley District School Board for 1,200 copiers. This is believed to be the largest deal awarded in Canada last year. It was a steal from Ricoh and believed to increase Toshiba's Canadian copier market share to approx 15%.

Re: Canon shaking up the great white north

yeti ·
Art all the manufacturers are in Toronto Kyocera Mita Konica Minolta Toshiba Sharp Ricoh Xerox Canon Pitney Bowes (Sharp the sequel) I Don't know if there is A Muratec or Copy Star direct The funny part is Pitney and Ricoh HQ's share a parking lot. This was a Huge sting to Ricoh, they were the incumbent and for a very long time now.

Re: Oki Managed Print Services

bandit41076 ·
a little more info

Re: Minolta - eat my shorts

jswinberlin ·
What software would be used to set a job like this up? How does this click the counter? Where do you get the paper? I'd be interested in trying it for some of our school customers.

Re: 0% Copier Financing

SalesServiceGuy ·
I will go back to school on this one and buy myself a new calculator. Thanks,

Re: Canon, Oce launch jointly developed printers

montecore ·
This is old news. There is nothing on the market that competes with this direct press or copypress technology. The engineering behind these is phenomenal. This is the ONLY product in the history of BLI to receive a perfect 5 star rating for image quality. These have been out in the US since March-April. They are selling like hotcakes with a guarantee on the VP110 of 10yrs or 100 million impressions up to VP135 10yrs or 1 billion impressions. I just installed one about a week ago and it has...

Re: 150 Calls a week

Larry Levine ·
The calls and to connect depend largely on the types of businesses you are calling. I am not a believer in the more calls you make the more liklihood you will connect. These days with voice jail and screener's it is almost impossible to connect via phone. If you do I bet you have just interrupted them from something. One must think outside the box now to get appointments. Suggestions such as direct email campaigns with specific messages geared towards how to help their business, use of...

Re: Erie businessman gets fed prison for copier fraud

fisher ·
There is a special place in hell for people who rip off churches. Have a church in my home town that was ripped off for about $20K by a copier company that had already gone out of business. The vendor wrote the church a 63 month lease with the service packed into the lease payment 3 months after the sherif had put a lock and chain on their doors. To make matters worse when the pastor of the church signed the lease he accidently signed in the wrong spot. When we got our hands on the actual...

Re: How do you feel about the industry?

Kiwispike ·
When you have created the prospect I notice now customers seem to still go to market and price check. Even presuming you keep the deal (typically I have) its been extremely margin limiting! I'm presuming this is a symptom of the GFC but also this "commoditization" I hear bounced around so much. Anyway it seems you have to work harder and harder every year, I'm not opposed to working hard but will be interesting to see when the industry bottoms out. It would seem only the leading edge of the...

Re: KonicaMinolta's New App Display for MFPs!

Old Glory ·
Interesting...Couldn't we actually do something like this using our inbedded browser option? We can set a web page as the home page right? "Mr. Customer, how would you like to lower your copy bill next month by $100? All you have to do is allow ABC Bank's website to be displayed on your copier for the next 4 weeks. Just follow these three easy steps and then take a picture of the display on your copier and email it to us." What about industry specific advertising. A mortgage company...

Re: How do you feel about the industry?

Meshyf ·
As a new sales rep with no prior outside sales experience this industry is insane. Going door to door cold calling isn't working. I don't know if it is just my approach or buyers have changed but the sellers haven't. My dealer is super old school. I asked for a recommendation on some crm software and they said use you're brain and a rollodex. Technology had dramatically changed the service side of things but the sales side is still in the 1950s.

Re: How do you feel about the industry?

Art Post (Guest) ·
If you're looking for CRM support then I suggest you find another dealer that is using a CRM program, your old school dealer will not last much longer. Going door to door is more about picking and choosing who you want to visit. I will only pay them a visit now when I can't get anywhere with phone calls, email, social media and regular mail.

Re: How do you feel about the industry?

Yoda ·
So buy one ACT is $150. Excel is free comes with Office.

Re: How do you feel about the industry?

Art Post (Guest) ·
I use a crm called highrise for the print4pay hotel, it's cloud based on $19 or so per month, it's actually quite good!

Re: 100 calls a day, 240 minutes talk time a day, 4 opps per day

Yoda ·
I re read this and if Art hadn't have posted this I would have ripped it to shreds. So here is my new and improved toned down sophisticated paragraph by paragraph interpretation of this. That is how it works. New Sales Managers increase activity requirements when there in't enough. So your on the phone 4 hours a day. So don't miss the goals. Tip recommend the sales manager stay with you after hours until maybe 9 or 10 pm 3 times per week to coach you and help you get better, in an email with...

Re: IP Printing

Graham ·
From: ricohaficio Sent: 9/25/2002 7:40 AM ----- Original Message ----- From: salmonrive To: Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 9:37 AM Subject: Re: IP Printing Jason: If my post seems confusing it probably is because I am when it comes to Mac's and some of the scan router lite issues. Here's what I would like to do. There is an existing MAC network in a school that has forty class rooms, each class room has a mac that is on the network. The Server is a Mac, and...

Re: Need help!

Art Post (Guest) ·
I don't know what you guys are talking about. We have tons of both 850's 1050's and 1085's (at least 50 from within my branch location) in the field. Mostly in schools (which I personally think is the worst environment to place a copier-due to too many hands on the machine by teachers who can care less about do's and don'ts.). But they quite often run PM to PM without any calls. And I've found that the majority of "in between calls" are due to user mishandling and abuse.Most of the...

Re: GEM Promo Pricing

Pete Maimone (Guest) ·
Ted, Or anyone else for that matter. Have we seen GEM Promo pricing for the new 2090/2105, and 1224/1232C? I have a big school deal I'm working on again and need it. I got regular RMAP pricing as of 3/25/03 but no GEM promo. Thanks! Pete M.

Re: 1060's & Mac

merlin ·
I have a few 1060's and 1075's in school districts using mac's. You can scan to e-mail only.

Re: iR3200 user report

Ted ·
Since we are a Canon Dealer also, I checked with our DSM for Canon and no they are not being discontinued. There are over 60,000 on backorder, and they are producing them as fast as they can. What we are being told is that it may take 30-60 days to get one. That is probably where the rumor started. Also, I checked with our tech that just returned from 3200 school two weeks ago, and nothing was mentioned in school from a tech standpoint about the color registration not being great, or the...

Re: buyout of xerox leases

Old Glory ·
I had a school district wait 2 months after numerous phone calls finally get what they needed. I just thought it was the local rep stalling. Maybe the problem is GE...I hadn't had any problems until recently.

Re: B&W vs. Color pages

dmurrah ·
here you go

Re: RBS Continues to Dump Machines & Make Dealers Look Bad!

CopyFax Jax ·
Art, I agree with the Professor. I have consulted with my father, who works in the class action lawsuit business, and he indicated we (independent dealers) may have grounds for a class against Ricoh Direct branches. The area is very gray but I don't think they want to hear that a large group of independents dealers are seeking compensation for questionable business practices. RBS is in our backyard now and they are very predatory with their pricing (and they deliver very little in terms of...

Re: KonicaMinolta 920

Shaja ·
This must be a special contract. Art, do you know what type of client (ie., government, school, print-for-pay, etc....)

Re: Gas Price Check

Old Glory ·
I got this today... Are you aware that the Saudis are boycotting American products? Shouldn't we return the favor? Can't we take control of our own destiny and let these giant oil importers know who REALLY generates their profits, their livings? How about leaving American Dollars in America and reduce the import/export deficit? An appealing remedy might be to boycott their GAS. Every time you fill up your car you can avoid putting more money into the coffers of Saudi Arabia. Just purchase...

Re: Fakery aided school copier deal

Art Post (Guest) ·
Cash reshuffles principals, shifts staffers By Dakarai I. Aarons (Contact), Memphis Commercial Appeal Tuesday, July 22, 2008 Supt. Kriner Cash has begun putting his mark on Memphis City Schools, reassigning central office administrators and making principal changes at several schools. The district also will soon be restructured from a centralized organization to one with three or four regions. Comments There are 37 responses to this article. Click here to join the conversation » STORY TOOLS...

Re: MFP Wars "Death of the Independent Dealer"

Art Post (Guest) ·
I'm agreeing with "Old Glory"! A few things for you. 1. Know inside and out all of your manufacturers programs (GEM, GSA< RMAP,) and all of the buying programs. 2. To me A4 is prime for school market. Hook up with a venfor that can provide A4 machines. 3. The big boys give away the CPC the first year and then raise every year thereafter. Along with having clauses in the contract about toner usage, the more toner you use the higher your cpc will go. 4. Support the schools whether through...

Re: Greg Brown

Boston Mike ·
Gregory S. Brown A Mass of Christian Burial for Gregory Scott Brown, 34, of 8-F Doral Drive, Flying Hills, who died in an auto accident Saturday in Cumru Township, will be celebrated at 9:30 a.m. Thursday in St. Stephen Church, Oil City, Venango County. A Memorial Mass will be Monday, Feb. 23, at 6 p.m. at St. Simon and Jude Church, West Broad Street, Bethlehem. Burial will be in Sunset Hill Memorial Gardens, Cranberry, Venango County. Morrison Funeral Home Inc., Oil City, Venango County, is...

Re: Here's One for ya

Old Glory ·
You know how elead has information by verticle market including digital demo originals? Surely there is an education verticle market section that will give you a wealth of ideas. Also may want to ask your Ricoh (or Savin or whatever) Major Account Sales Person about U.S. Communities pricing. This is a brand new nationwide pre-bid price structure that gives us DMAP6 cost for any municipality, city, county, school, etc.

Re: Imagerunner 105

Amanda ·
just ran up against this one for a school print shop - 2 Canon IR 105 together $71,095 1 system with paper deck N1, Saddle finisher K3n 1 System with paper Deck N1, Finisher K2N Don't know the exact service rate, but know it was lower than $0.0065 incl. all supplies and toner.

Re: Is anyone else facing this from Xerox?

skbens (Guest) ·
In PA, Xerox has been pushing this promo to the school districts for three years now. We have a couple of disctricts that have Riso's and won't even entertain us on the copier side. The only way you are going to beat this is to wait and hope they screw up with servicing the account, other than that, there's no way to beat the price. Most of the schools are very happy with the program, the ones that aren't on it, hate Xerox and refuse to allow them on the RFP. I haven't heard anyone get hit...

Re: Global buysCOMDOC...yes you heard correct!

Chuck ·
Geez, what's with old dog copier guys and Algebra - took it twice in High School and passed it once then had to pass it again in college and barely passed. At RxR crossings I break out in a cold sweat waiting for Train A which left Peoria at 25 mph heading east and Train B which left Detroit heading west at 35 mph to collide 'cause I can't figure out where they'll crash . . .

Re: RBS vs RBS "Who Wins"

txeagle24 ·
Down here it's the TASB program, which I believe stands for the Texas Association of School Boards, but I could be wrong.

Re: Pleasant Valley School Bid RBS

Art Post (Guest) ·
Something similar here, I had a school distric in NJ that contacted us, knowing that we were a Ricoh Dealer. Alas, since it was a RBS incumbent, we too could not get price support. Not a big deal, there'd be no money in it anyway