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Tagged With "October Quota Survey"


Re: 57 Days of Selling "Day 16"

Art Post ·
My quota is 720K for the year. Thus, I need three times that in my annual pipeline. On any given month, I need to have 180K in my pipeline. Pipelines are a moving number, you add some, you take away some. Hope this helps

Re: My Top 5 Secrets About Using Linkedin for Prospecting

Czech ·
Agreed! It's not about what you know, it's about who you know! Believe it or not your are connected to the people you are trying to connect with, you just don't know it. This is so true. Art, we should chat. I hit quota last month getting a lead off Facebook. Very cool potential to prospect on Facebook without getting people's "business guard" up.

Re: The Quest for $200K "When I bit off more than I could chew"

Jason H ·
I’m with you. In July i surpassed my yearly quota and set a goal of 1,000,000. I knew it was a stretch but thought “what the hell, let’s give it the best shot.” December has not been terribly kind. I’ve helped our reps get some deals closed and while doing that had moved things to other dates etc. had about 60,000 orders that look like they will go to January unless something happens before weeks end. I think I’ll finish up around 830,000 - 860,000. 140k to 170k Short but it’s been a...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The First Week in January 2014

Art Post ·
Some great threads here, especially the blog series I wrote for "31 Ways to close more copiers sales". Enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week! Pacific Office Automation Helps Local Children by Matching Donations in the Fox 12 Holiday Toy Drive Art Post · 1/2/1410:14 PM Pacific Office Automation Pacific Office Automation ( ) is a leader in managed printing solutions and document management software. Since 1976, Pacific has grown to become the industry’s...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The First Week in December 2013

Art Post ·
Okay, we're back to doing three of these a wee. Where we look back on the threads from, 5, 10 & 15 years ago Enjoy these threads from 5 years ago this week! Canon U.S.A. Unveils Océ VarioPrint 6000+ Series of High-Speed, High-Volume Digital Production Printers Art Post · 12/5/139:45 PM deliver critical savings to print providers. This black-and-white printer is ideal for burgeoning industries -- such as on-demand, digital book printing -- due to its registration accuracy, outstanding...
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A Selling From The Heart Professional Is Not A Sales Settler!

Larry Levine ·
I applaud DirecTV with their bold and 'direct' ads on TV. They continue to make an impact within the cable TV wars; but they've also made a substantial impact within the sales world (more in a bit). In a sales campaign from a few years ago, they play on one single phrase which showcased a frontier-era family in a suburban neighborhood stuck in antiquated ways such as a horse-and-buggy and, by the way, cable. “We’re settler's son, we settle for things,” explained the father in “Neighbors”...
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The 3 P's A Sales Professional Takes To Heart To Help Them Crush Sales!

Larry Levine ·
As humans we're wired to seek out meaning and purpose in our lives. Nowhere is this ever so important than in sales, as this is where we spend much of our waking hours. I'm a firm believer that having a purpose matters more now than ever before. A sales professional thrives on being a part of a purpose. They live for becoming part of something that really matters, something that really makes a difference to the lives of their clients and prospects. In chapter 6 of my new book, Selling from...
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Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Steve Mcbride

Art Post ·
About a month ago I had the opportunity to attend the BTA National event in New York City. While at the event I ran into Steve Mcbride, Steve is currently VP of Sales with Innovolt. We had an interesting discussions about the cool Bluetooth technology with the Innovolt Smart Protectors (you can get these from Polek & Polek ) and how techs can identify the voltage in the MFP through a smart phone. I also found out that Steve had started selling copiers in the late seventies. Thus, I asked...
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3 Core Attributes Of A Selling From The Heart Professional

Larry Levine ·
Getting to the heart of the matter, if sales people are unable to uncover a personal or emotional need for the prospect to make a change, then they might consider breaking off the meeting, thanking them for their time and move on to the next prospect. Yes, I know it may be harsh BUT all too often many sales people will continue down the journey without finding what motivates the prospect to buy, and then they wonder why they can't close the sale. No question about it, emotions play a part in...
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Selling Copiers in the Seventies with Darrell Leven

Art Post ·
It was good to see Darrell Leven at the recent BTA National Event in New York City a few weeks ago. During one of the breaks we had the chance to chop it up a bit about the imaging industry. Where we started and how we go to where we are today. During that chat is when I found out that Darrell started selling copiers in the late seventies. I asked if he would mind contributing to our Selling Copiers in the Seventies blog. Here's Darrell! What year did you start in the industry and what was...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Second Week in July 2003

Art Post ·
It's Sunday night, I start vaca on Wednsday of this week. Not a lot of stuff from last week, except for the additional tariffs that will go into effect the first week of August. We're not sure if copiers are included this go around. Enjoy the threads from 156 years ago this week! Sales Training Help 7/15/034:56 PM December 31, 2011 - Sales Training Help - Click Here Industry Analysts, Inc. has been developing customized industry training programs and materials for over 30 years. Major...
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3 Ways Sales Professionals Nail New Sales Opportunities Using LinkedIn

Larry Levine ·
Inside Hubspot's State of Inbound 201 8, Salespeople cite prospecting as their #1 challenge when ranking the most difficult parts of the sales process. Sales people, it's no secret, you must make prospecting for NET NEW business a priority. This is the fuel that keeps your funnel consistently full of opportunities. Think about this quote for a moment and let it sink in... A consistent, systematic approach around prospecting for new business is a priority in order to maintain a healthy sales...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago, The Second Week in September 2013

Art Post ·
Here they are. Our top threads from five years ago in the Print4Pay Hotel RICOH UNVEILS NEW AWARD-WINNING SOLUTIONS AT PRINT 13, PROVIDING SUPERIOR CONTROL FOR PERSONALIZED DOCUMENTS Art Post · 9/9/138:07 PM shops today and allows operators to easily implement logic-based ticketing, and choose media and finishing options that apply to statements of variable lengths - achieving identical output across Ricoh , Xerox and Kodak devices, saving time and increasing asset utilization in the...
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3 Things Sales Reps Need To Ditch To Smash Their Sales In 2019

Larry Levine ·
New Year... New exercise plan, new diet, and new sales plans. The New Year is also a time to break bad habits. Habits, they're behaviors that impact the decisions we make about how to spend our time, our sales activities and resources. Think of sales habits in the same way. You accumulate experiences and knowledge over time which influences your outlook as well as your ability to effectively manage what you do on a daily basis. From the most tenured sales reps to the sales newbies,...
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3 Tips To Avoid Sounding Like Another Sales Monkey On The Phone

Larry Levine ·
Paper shuffling, sweaty palms, time to go to the bathroom, nobody answers the phone, surfing the internet; the excuses run rampant inside sales bullpens. Sales monkey business has run amuck inside sales teams of all sizes. Isn’t the ability to pick up the phone to potential clients supposed to be one of the defining features of a sales rep? Then why do so many do almost anything but pick up the phone to potential new clients. Successful sales professionals do not make excuses! They...
Blog Post Premium

Four Sales Tips to Help you Close More Copier Opportunities

Art Post ·
Recently, closed quite a few orders in the last couple of weeks. Almost all of those opportunities had some stiff competition from other vendors. Thus, I'd like to share some of my secrets that I've used to help win the deal. But first I'd like to share some thoughts about buyers. There's two types of buyers in my book. One is the value buyer and the other is the price buyer. If you've been on Linkedin long enough you'll read sales guru's spinning the yarns of selling to value. The truth is...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Last Week in December 2008

Art Post ·
WooHoo, I'm on vacation this week, well at least from my day job! Enjoy the threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 12/28/08 Neal · 12/29/087:08 AM , president of Xerox Office Group (XOG), Xerox products now account for only 55% of the MFPs that Global locations are selling . (now that Xerox is experiencing slower sales in the U .S., will it continue to allow other brands to be sold in its Global subsidiary?) In an article in The Wall Street Journal, Bill Jordan,...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (Second Week of February 2015)

Art Post ·
It's Friday night and late. Tuesday evening I traveled to Atlantic City for our annual showing of wide format copiers and white boards. Our event started Wednesday in the AM and lasted until 1PM today. I'm getting too old to put in 10 hour days on the show floor (lol). I love doing them because of the interaction with potential clients and you never know who you're going to meet. We brought the BIG 65 inch white board and it was the sizzle that we needed to catch all of those prospects. All...
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Seventeen of Sales

Art Post ·
Before I get started on my day I'd like to share a Youtube video from BTA and Brent Hoskins. BTA has some excellent resources for dealers to navigate through these tough times. COVID19 Today in New Jersey we had our highest one day death toll to date. I believe it was somewhere around 246 souls that passed in the last 24 hours. Today our Governor notified us that all non-essential construction will be shut down as of Friday at 5PM. There goes the next to last bit of the economy that was...
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-Three of Sales

Art Post ·
There was some good news today in that the Feds released their plans for States to get back to work in a three phase operation. Seems each State will have different time lines depending if they meet the conditions that were set forth today. New Jersey is on lock down until the 15th of May. Could we see some of the restrictions lifted soon? I'm thinking no since we're one of those nanny states. This may be one of my shorter blogs and the reason for that is because I spent 5 of my eight hours...
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-Seven of Sales

Art Post ·
I thought this would be appropriate to start off today's blog Another closing day and I ain't got no orders I got some opportunities 'cause i just made some calls How I wish I had someone to sell to I'm in an awful way Right, so juiced up the lyrics a bit from the Sam Cookes rendition of "Another Saturday Night". My personal favorite is Cat Stevens version. If any one else would like to fill in the rest of the lyrics, then have at it. Could be a fun exercise for everyone! It was another day...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago for the Last Week in April of 2015

Art Post ·
Below are some of the threads that were popular 5 years ago this week. One thread that's great for newbies is State of the "Art" Sales Technology. Enjoy these awesome threads from 5 years ago today! Multiple Copier Pricing Spreadsheet Art Post · 4/30/1511:12 PM Topic Fuji Xerox and Ricoh for the the Provision of Print and Imaging as-a-Service PlaaS Art Post · 4/30/1510:13 PM an option of two (2) one year extensions. The combined purchasing power of the Queensland Government has enabled the...
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Seven of Sales

Art Post ·
I am so looking forward to having an extra day off next week! The last 75 days have been extremely stressful. It will be nice to have three days to wind down a bit. Does anyone feel like me that this year is taking forever to unfold? Most years it seems that the months and quarters fly by. So far this year seems like everything is going in slow motion. I had a plan for today and it consisted of researching three possible existing clients for upgrades along with prospecting via the phone,...
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Forty-Nine of Sales

Art Post ·
Yay! It's 4:47pm and I'm getting to write my blog for the day. In order to stay sane with each passing week I'll turn to jibjab and create some ecards for my team members. It's easy to do because you can get their images from facebook, instagram or Linkedin. Today I had some extra time to search for ecards where I could input 5 people. No on is safe from these videos! I had time to cut three of them today. Just a few minutes ago I sent them to our team with the subject line "a little pick me...

Re: 5 Reasons Why I hate My Comp Plan!!

Larry Kirsch ·
It helps if salesperson is at quota. May have compassionate ear . Best of luck. May be a good idea to consider working on a contract basis , need to have the business and confidence and resources to do so. Don't plan on many incentives other than making your own fortune... Best wishes...

Re: 5 Reasons Why I hate My Comp Plan!!

John Saramak ·
I am developing a new comp plan for my team which I will implement in 2015. My intent is to establish a GP based plan which has a minimum for a rep to cover salaries/guarantee's, commissions over draw, related employment cost (FICA, benefits, insurances), and a contribution towards branch expenses. Considering a $40,000 annual pay guaranteed, we are looking at a 96K GP quota. Above that we are looking at 50% sharing of GP, maybe a kicker for a 150% performer. With $150.00 delivery charges,...

Re: 5 Reasons Why I hate My Comp Plan!!

Larry Kirsch ·
Might work. Of course will require managing customary ingredients for sales to achieve above quota results... Best of luck...

Re: Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

Art Post ·
As promised, here is the email from the dealer rep: I received an email this evening from the purchasing director of a large educational institution that has been our exclusive customer for Ricoh products going on 7 years. They are very happy with my company and this is why I was contacted and asked to take care of it. The email simply stated "you want to give this guy a call?" It was in reference to a RBS rep sending special rebate university contract pricing (the exact same contract and...
Blog Post Premium

Eleven Reasons Why Copiers Dealers Are Losing Their Top Performers

Art Post ·
I thought I would share an email that I received from a Print4Pay Hotel member that I received a few months ago. That rep has since left the industry due what you'll read below. Below are some of the bullet points that were outlined as to why that rep is leaving the industry. Here we go! --The solution to revenues being down isn't to improve our ability to compete, skills or develop a unique value proposition or approach. They hire more reps. --We took so many different runs at Managed...
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How to Add More Selling Days Without Really Trying

Art Post ·
How many sales days do you have in a year? Betcha you don't know! Sales aka Selling days or how many days per month, per quarter and per year has been something that I keep an eye on. Try to take a sales day away from me because you want to close the month early drives me up a wall. Let's face it I only have "x" amount of days each month and I need to make the best of them. Some dealerships or direct branches will close on the calendar end of the month. Others will close the month early so...
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3 Ways Copier Sales Reps Can Use LinkedIn To Solve Sales Math Problems

Larry Levine ·
I know what you are thinking, "What does math problems and sales have to do with each other?" How many times have you all heard the "Sales is a numbers game" cliche? By incorporating simple sales math, copier sales reps can integrate LinkedIn to invigorate their sales funnels. No need for a calculator to help solve my social business development math problems. Allow me to ask a serious question to help set the stage. This may open up a "can of worms" with a vast majority of dealerships and...
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3 Ways Copier Sales Reps are Nailing Net-New Quotas Using LinkedIn

Larry Levine ·
In a previous post, I referenced how copier reps can boost their close rate by branding themselves correctly on LinkedIn. Inside Hubspot's State of Inbound 2015 , Salespeople cite prospecting as their #1 challenge when ranking the most difficult parts of the sales process. We must make prospecting for NET NEW business a priority. This is the fuel to keep sales funnels consistent. Think about this quote for a minute and let it sink in... "Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so...
Blog Post Premium

10 Ways to Close Net New Business #5 of #10

Art Post ·
Whether it's the golden fleece, the golden egg, or the coveted Jersey Italian hot dog,  we're all looking for a way hit our net new business quota.  For me, it's been a bit of a rough patch lately, even though I've got top business...
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Don't Become Sales Settlers

Larry Levine ·
I applaud DirecTV with their diversity. Not only are they continuing to make an impact within the cable TV wars; but they have also made a substantial impact within the sales world (more in a bit). Their recent campaign plays on one single phrase, showcasing a frontier-era family in a suburban neighborhood who stick to antiquated ways such as a horse-and-buggy and, by the way, cable. “We’re settlers son, we settle for things,” explains the father in “Neighbors”...
Blog Post

How I Revolutionized my Sales Results, and you can too!

Larry Levine ·
I absolutely love the personal relationship building aspect of sales. Based on building these personal business relationships, I discovered the secret power behind LinkedIn.   It’s the personal connection that makes the difference  ...
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I Tried LinkedIn As A Copier Rep, It Doesn't Work!

Larry Levine ·
Inside the copier industry, the generational gap conversations run rampant. Let's face it, it is tough inside the copier world. Baby boomer dealer principals aligning growth strategies with Gen Xers who in turn are leading and coaching Millennials. Meshing business philosophies, sales strategies and even marketing strategies; yes it is challenging. The opportunity for copier dealers to expand and grow their business beyond hardware in this hyper-connected, fast paced office environment is...
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Dam the Manufacturers Quotas Full Speed with Generic Options

Art Post ·
Today was awesome day, as long as you're a Met Fan!!  First win of the season and just maybe, just maybe we won't stink this year.   Winning is an awesome thing, whether it's winning at sport's, winning with games or winning the sale! ...
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This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago Fourth Week of October 2004

Art Post ·
The Boston Red Sox win their first World Series title since 1918—and break the "Curse of the Bambino"—by beating the St. Louis Cardinals 3–0 in the fourth game of the 2004 World Series of baseball.   Konica Minolta Launches the...
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Sales Manual "The Good the Bad & the Ugly"

Art Post ·
Knowing so many sales people in the industry allows me to see many different comp plans.  It seems that there are no two sales manuals or comp plans that are alike, unless you are working for one of the Direct manufacturers.   A comp...
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I Want It All, I Want It NOW!

Art Post ·
With just thirteen days left in the month and the year, I find myself $70k short of securing a spot to our Presidents Club trip in 2015.   However, I still have eleven selling days left to the month. Thus, the way I think of it, is that I...
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Twelve Days of Selling "Day 2"

Art Post ·
Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say On a bright Hawaiian Christmas day! I heard this today while traveling to the office. I love this song and every time I hear it, I'm reminded of Clark & Ellen Griswold, and Cousin Eddie! Yesterday, yes it was Sunday saw me take about 4 hours to plan Monday and to send at least 25 emails to prospects. Believe it or not I had two replies on Sunday! Neither one was a sale, but the email served as a seed planted and some...
Blog Post Premium

How to Close More MFP & MPS Sales

Art Post ·
How to Close More MFP & MPS Sales The other day I read and article by Tom Callinan titled "Close More Sales" on The Week in Imaging. I found the article enjoyable and a good read, in closing the article Tom presented this paragraph. How do you actually close more sales? Thats easy; uncovering a solid business case by asking great questions, listening attentively, and focusing on moving the sale forward with every meeting. The best closers are those that...
Blog Post Premium

How Can You be the Best at MPS, MFP, MNS?

Art Post ·
What does it take to be among the elite sales people at your branch or your dealership? For starters you've got to have a passion for being number 1.  Nothing floats my boat more than being at the top of the totem poll each and every month. I...
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The Right Used Equipment Strategy Can Help Your Profits Soar

Art Post ·
The Right Used Equipment Strategy Can Help Your Profits Soar   Having the right used equipment strategy can absolutely help your dealership reap greater profits.  Whether you are going to use it to penetrate into new accounts or as a path to...
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This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago (1st week of October)

Art Post ·
I'll be you're wondering why the funky spaceman suit right? Back in October of 2003, China launched their first manned space mission the Shenzhou 5. Seems every week I forget to put in the additional search criteria for all of the manufacturers...
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This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago (4th Week of December)

Art Post ·
"The American Soldier" is named as Time magazine's "Person of the Year". The periodical's editors chose the anonymous soldier to represent the 1.4 million men and women serving in the United...
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Advice For Starting An Unauthorized Copier Dealership

Art Post ·
I always enjoy answering emails and today I was able to send this reply to a Print4Pay Hotel Member that asked me this: A friend of mine and myself are potentially looking to partner together to start an unauthorized copier dealership. We want to...
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This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago (2nd week of October)

Art Post ·
The Concorde makes its last commercial flight, bringing the era of airliner supersonic travel to a close. I don't have a lot of time tonight, below is the list of threads that populated the Print4Pay Hotel forums this week ten years ago. ...
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Selling Copiers and MFPs "Earning Mental Toughness"

Art Post ·
   For those of us that have been selling copiers for 20-30 plus years (yes there's still a few of us around) the month to month and then quarter to quarter grinding quota cycles can take their toll on your mental toughness.  Yes,...
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This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago (3rd week of October)

Art Post ·
Geesh, can you believe color systems have been around for ten plus years now!  From reading one of the threads, yes I remember having to sell color develops not color pages.  Mention develops to a new rep and they'll look at you like you've...