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Tagged With "follow up"


Republican Nomination "Who Gets Your Vote?"

Art Post ·
Just catching up another debate, thought this would be a great survey, please feel free to tell us "why" in the response thread.

IT Services Poll "Do You or Don't You"

Art Post ·
This will be a mulit part question.  IT services will be for on site repair and block time MNS For Managed Network Services BDR for Back up Disaster Recovery Content for stuff like sharepoint, DMS, NSI,  Business Processes

How are sales for 2008 going?

Art Post (Guest) ·

What do you do? When you see the NO SOLICITING SIGN?

Art Post (Guest) ·

Do we let him become a member?

Art Post (Guest) ·

Soda, Pop, Coke or Other?

JasonR ·


Constanzek ·
We would like to organize another UDOCX Webinar in the nearby future. In order to provide you with all the information you are interested in, we set up the following Poll.

A nice service right

Art Post ·

Does your dealership sell Samsung?

Art Post ·

Let me know if you have sold against the HP 4345 MFP.

Bill S (Guest) ·

Linkedin is an Amazing Prospecting tool?

Art Post ·
I've heard this so often. I have my own thoughts about Linkedin but thought I'd put up a survey to see what others think.

1 Rate aka Flat Rate

Art Post ·
It's been more than a year since the 1Rate aka flat rate program from Konica Minolta. There's also been some dealers that have launched their own programs. Thus we and other P4P members would be interested in knowing how many time you're up against the 1Rate or Flate Rate program.

Survey for "Cost Effective SaaSPrint Management"

Art Post ·
i s a highl y c ost effec t i v e pr i nt m a n age m e nt S aa S t ha t e n able s deale rs to ha v e diffe r e nt ia t ed c onv e rs a t i ons w i t h c ustom e rs add r e ss i n g t hei r pr i nt m a n age m e nt n eed s . C omm e r cial ov e rv ie w L ow up f ront c ost G e n e rous i n i t ial m a r gi n R ec urr i n g m a r gi n Y oy H u ge fea tur e s e t A bili ty to diffe r e nt ia t e vs ot he r deale rs s elli n g s a m e b un dle ( e . g . c op ie r + P a p e r C ut ) O v e r...

2022 Year End Sale Survey

Art Post ·
How did you finish the year. Did you met or exceed? We'd like to know! Hoping we all put up some great numbers. BTW it's anonymous