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What To Do After Your Linkedin Article Goes “Viral”

Art Post ·
What To Do After Your Linkedin Article Goes “Viral” by Print Audit Thursday August 18 2016 started like any other day for me. As part of my role as Vice President of Business Development at Print Audit, I use Linkedin’s publishing platform to share my original content with my “connections”. read the rest here

China losing some manufacturing

Art Post ·
China losing some manufacturing Article published by Bloomberg Apple is reducing its dependence on Chinese manufacturing, as in 2017 it has 18 large suppliers innIndia and Vietnam, but now lists 37. By 2025, 75% of Apple Airpods will be made in Vietnam In 2017, 43% of long term assets owned by Taiwanese electronics firms were in China Now only 31% Average wages in China have doubled in past decade to $530 per month Twice that of India or Vietnam worker