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Tagged With "Pricing Muni"


Re: 10 Ways to Close Net New Business #4 of #10

Art Post ·
Just a short update in reference to the account I was speaking about. The IG came back with many additional questions today, asking if the cost per page could be lowered, the annual cost of the maintenance agreement, and the price of the system. I stated NO on all accounts. We had started with a 25ppm color A3 device and then moved to an A4 color device. They were not even happy with that price. In addition when they received all of the no's they asked about pre-owned or used. I then stated,...

Re: 6 Tips on How to Sell More Without Really Trying

Monte ·
please use I no longer check this email address. Thanks, monte

Re: 6 Tips on How to Sell More Without Really Trying

PK ·
I am out of the office and will return on MONDAY FEBRUARY 3RD. If you need immediate assistance please contact Jill at 920.684.3671. Thank you!

Re: 6 Tips on How to Sell More Without Really Trying

Anna ·
Nie ma mnie w pracy do 2014-02-18. Dear sender, Thank you for your email. I am out of the office, I will respond to your email on my return Reagrds, Anna Uwaga: To jest odpowiedź automatyczna na wiadomość od użytkownika "Post By Art Post: 6 Tips on How to Sell More Without Really Trying" wysłano 2014-02-01 22:03:17. To jest jedyne powiadomienie, które nadawca wiadomości otrzyma od tej osoby w czasie jej nieobecności. Mając na uwadze ochronę zasobów naturalnych i zmniejszenie emisji CO2,...

Re: The "Your Price is too High" Objection

fisher ·
Would the lower price be a bargain if the competition doesn't show up when the customer needs them?

Re: Losing is the Key to Winning!

Larry Levine ·
Art, Love it! Great perspective, a true professional. We can't bat 1.000 though it is a nice mindset. Being able to debrief, self-evaluate and learn how to improve is the key. The office environment we sell into as copier reps is rapidly changing and evolving. You may have lost the hardware sale but may look what you gained. Play your "sales cards" right and this can be parlayed into more revenue and more profit. Great job!

Re: Losing is the Key to Winning!

Jason H ·
Love it. This all played out in full between the first post and today. I lost a deal to a competitor that I truly have never lost an MFP to. I had my typical pissed off time period where I pretty much hate everything and anything and asked the customer the reasoning. He said the church board laid the proposals out and took the cheapest one. I will log everything in my CRM and follow up in 5 years. This is the second time I've lost the deal but I keep going back. I wished him luck and went on...

Re: Losing is the Key to Winning!

Art Post ·
Awesome!!! Love it!!!
Blog Post Premium

Four Sales Tips to Help you Close More Copier Opportunities

Art Post ·
Recently, closed quite a few orders in the last couple of weeks. Almost all of those opportunities had some stiff competition from other vendors. Thus, I'd like to share some of my secrets that I've used to help win the deal. But first I'd like to share some thoughts about buyers. There's two types of buyers in my book. One is the value buyer and the other is the price buyer. If you've been on Linkedin long enough you'll read sales guru's spinning the yarns of selling to value. The truth is...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Last Week in November 2008

Art Post ·
I guess the BIG news of the week from ten years ago was ere 50 cuts that Ricoh performed that week. However, that was right after the IKON purchase and within four months (end of Japanese) there was to be major cuts with high level legacy employees. Seems to me that one of the covenants if the Ricoh purchase was that all high level Ikon peeps would replace those at Ricoh. AS Vince would say "that's my two cents". Enjoy all of the threads from ten years ago this week. Weekend Copier Notes...

Re: Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

Amanda ·
Wow! I would start buying from direct if I could get those prices! Also I would like to know what contract as I haven't seen access to one like that. I hope this gets taken care of for the dealer. What an overstepping intrusion and intentional malicious attack on the dealer customer relationship.

Re: Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

Art Post ·
just pm'd it to you!

Re: Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

Art Post ·
good point, maybe dealers should just buy from direct!

Re: Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

mnchstr ·
The US Communities Contract is what we use for School Accounts as well as non-profits and Govt. You can sell below the contract price you can't sell above the contract price. One of my techs sent me a photo of a Ricoh business card from one of our School Dist. Unit Offices and when I notified my DBM she asked what the Ricoh Rep was talking to them about. We have a machine right next to the receptionists desk with out sticker on it. A Ricoh rep is supposed to do an about face and disengage if...

Re: Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

Art Post ·
As promised, here is the email from the dealer rep: I received an email this evening from the purchasing director of a large educational institution that has been our exclusive customer for Ricoh products going on 7 years. They are very happy with my company and this is why I was contacted and asked to take care of it. The email simply stated "you want to give this guy a call?" It was in reference to a RBS rep sending special rebate university contract pricing (the exact same contract and...

Re: Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

Jason H ·
17 years in the business and that's the used car salesman talk track approach that he knows....

Re: Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

Czech ·
If you bring this to the attention of your Ricoh Dealer Support Manager. One of our partners has started firing any direct reps that don't follow the rules of engagement. About 6 months ago I lost to a Ricoh rep using government pricing. $97 per month on a 60-month lease for a Ricoh MP C3003 with a booklet finisher. I had 0 profit in my quote and was still more expensive. There is just no money in those accounts for reps that work off of GP.

Re: Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

Jason H ·
We had a sit down with the branch manager several years ago and they were firing anyone who violated the rules of engagement and Ricoh was reimbursing the dealer for poaching the accounts. After that we rarely had any problems of them poaching our accounts but the pricing is still an issue in those types of accounts. Just remember everyone is playing by the same prices and rules. It must be true, right....?

Re: Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

Art Post ·
Just yesterday I was speaking with a P4P member, this member had interviewed with KonicaMinolta some 8 weeks ago. Our P4P member posed this question to the Regional KonicaMinolta Manager. With Ricoh we have "Rules of Engagement", basically we can touch theirs and they can't touch ours. Does KonicaMinolta have something like this? The Regional Manager replied with, "we have a similar process, however, we can always take their (dealer) business and apologize later." Once hearing that our P4P...

Re: Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

msaeger ·
I am always hearing our sales people complain about dealers taking accounts from us. Then I read your blog and see posts about direct stealing dealer accounts. I always imagine if I were the buyer and how mad I would be if I found out who I can buy from is being limited. If I want to but a dell laptop I can compare dell with their dealers.

Re: Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

Art Post ·
It's crazy business out there, I would not mind having NO "Rules of Engagement" as long as the pricing was similar for both players. Ten years ago, I lost all 5 of my Majors to Direct taking them on price. It was ugly.

Re: Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

Tom ·
It goes both ways. As a RBS employee I understand and follow dealer incumbent ROE but for the dealers their are no rules, I have had 100% MIF poached and lost significant deals because the dealer got better price support from Ricoh. If only we all played fair - but it's a one way street, so there is no "fair". The RBS employee here should ask himself if it's really worth it, and then go find someone else to sell to.

Re: Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

Kyocera Guy ·
In the days where a majority dealers are not exclusive to any one specific manufacturer we (dealers) are fair game as maybe we should be. If you are fortunate enough to have two or even three lines to choose from you always have the option to switch lines. I would contact your dealer rep and let him know that due "poaching" you will be presenting a different manufacturer option since you can not compete with pricing on the same equipment offered by direct. Fair is fair.

Re: Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

Jason H ·
I think I want to start buying our machines from RBS instead of Ricoh Distribution. The directs are the biggest whores now a days and the Japanese could care less as long as that factory keeps running. It's amazing to me how much they have screwed this industry up in the last 20 years.

Re: Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

bad luck ·
This is a 2 way street as I have heard of dealers TARGETING Ricoh direct accounts, it's a nature of the business. If the rep was taking that good of care of said upper education account, then there wouldn't be a problem, which it doesn't appear there was a problem.

Re: Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

Jason H ·
It's not a two way street. The ROE from Ricoh states RBS can't poach dealer accounts but dealers can poach RBS accounts. These bastards in these direct operations are glorified used car salesmen at best, most of the time.
Blog Post

10 Ways to Close Net New Business #4 of #10

Art Post ·
This is part #4 of #10 for the series of "10 Ways to Close Net New Business", this one is a freebie!  woohoo!!   Today was one of those days that were just non stop.  The existing plan was to follow up with existing accounts to move the...
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10 Ways to Close Net New Business #6 of #10

Art Post ·
One awesome thing that I've learned over the years is that almost every business is a potential suspect.  I used the word "almost" because there are not as many suspects as there were years ago.  Going back 30 years or so, it was a...
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Top Ten Copier Quotes & Proposals for September 2015

Art Post ·
If you're an avid read of my blogs, then you know my position on the ability to view proposals and quotes from other dealers and direct branches.     Our business is constantly changing, and having the ability to read and comprehend...
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Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

Art Post ·
First, let me state that what I'm about to post came from a long time P4P member.  He emailed me a few minutes ago, in reference to a Ricoh America's Direct sales person that contacted one of his accounts via email and sent pricing via email.  Our P4P member is a Ricoh dealer and has had this client for 7 years, in addition the entire MIF is owned by the dealer. "This is our account for the past 7 years and we have all the MIF. This guy knows better and I want his rear end in a...
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Top Ten Copier & MFP Proposals for June 2015

Art Post ·
Today was a pretty exciting day for those of us in New Jersey that support Governor Chris Christie.    The Governor threw his into to the ring for his first Presidential run.  For those of you that are not familiar with Chris Christie,...
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Top Ten Copier & MFP Proposals for April 2015

Art Post ·
You've heard me preach about proposals before. If you're new to the site, P4P'ers will share quotes and pricing for systems with other P4P'ers.  These quotes are accurate, real time and can tell you if someone is using padded lease rates, heavily...
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Top Ten Copier & MFP Proposals for February 2015

Art Post ·
I can' tell you how much I enjoy seeing copier proposals and quotes from around the country.  I especially like seeing the ones from my competitors!!!   What's included, what's not included, what rate factor they are using, the cost per page...
Blog Post

Top Ten Copier and MFP Proposals for May 2013

Art Post ·
May 2013 business got me back on top of the leaders list for tops in total sales and tops in new business for the entire team. To date I've racked in $130k in net new business.  However, June is not looking so good, a lot in the pipeline but...
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Sales (#17 of 31)

Art Post ·
I tell you some of the stuff that I'm reading about selling is......stupid!   I agree that selling, and prospecting has changed, but when presented with the opportunity to sign the order...., well we need to get the order signed or not get paid....
Blog Post Premium

31 Ways to Close More Sales (#12 of 31)

Art Post ·
Many times in my selling career I get caught up with just trying to meet my quota instead of putting meat on the table. Yes, I'm anal about hitting those monthly and quarterly and yearly numbers, and yes, I have been known to sacrifice GP just to...
Blog Post

The "Your Price is too High" Objection

Art Post ·
What a day, last 72 hours of the month, and we get hit with a killer snow storm in New Jersey.  What gives with the naming of winter storms? It's just more media hype right? I though I would write a little about what happened to one of our...
Blog Post

6 Tips on How to Sell More Without Really Trying

Art Post ·
A re-post from a few years ago, with a few changes and additional tips. Enjoy!! Last week we had a special training day for telemarketing, my how the day brought back many memories about how I use to get additional business, find additional...
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57 Days of Selling "Day 51"

Art Post ·
Count em, six fracking days left in the year! As with most of my months and quarters it seems that hitting or not hitting my numbers is going to come down to the wire. Why is that? I'm thinking I can answer that. My answer for coming down to the wire, is because I was not able to develop enough opportunities to meet my opp goal of $600K. To date, I believe I'm somewhere around $350K in opportunities. Having the $600K in opps around the first week of December would have given me a cake walk...
Blog Post

Many Reasons Why You Don't Buy A Copier from from the Web

Art Post ·
With a recent appointment, my sales process took a few steps back when my prospect (net new client) challenged my pricing for a new A3 black Ricoh device. They stated that the price of the same device on the web was $2,500 less than my price and wanted to know WHY we were so much more expensive. Just as my prospect has the power of the web, so do I. After asking a few questions I was able to find the same web store and model that they were referencing. After a few minutes I was able to...
Blog Post

Ricoh W6700SP Pricing Proposal

Art Post ·
Just thought I would share this recent proposal for the MP W6700SP pricing proposal with everyone. Would like to hear any thoughts or comments about this proposal also. You can view the MP W6700SP pricing proposal here or below. Seems to me like everything is included, although pricing is average and the maintenance/supply pricing seems to be above average. Thoughts?
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Ricoh MP C4503SP Copier Quote

Art Post ·
From time to time pre-owned and or used Ricoh multifunctional devices are offer up for sale or lease. This particular Ricoh MP C4503 is used. The device accessories listed include the internal finisher/stapler, a fax option, ans a two tray paper bank. Lease pricing and purchase pricing is included in the quote. Click here to view this quote. -=Good Selling=-
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Why I'm Stoked About Selling Standalone Scanners Again

Art Post ·
For years and years I wanted nothing to do with selling desktop and workgroup scanners. I learned the hardware many years ago that selling desktop and workgroup scanners an exercise in wasting my fraking time. Years ago when I first saw those desktop scanners from Fujitsu I thought they would sell like hotcakes. I thought, I could sell these to everyone that had a desk and processed paper. I had the talk track down, I was able to get the decision makers to buy in, however when it came down...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Second Week in April 2008

Art Post ·
It Easter night here in the East. Just finished up watching one of my fav TV shows. One to three inches of snow in the forecast for tomorrow. Not much time tonight to get in to detail about the threads below. Enjoy the threads from 15 years ago this week. Ricoh Bolsters Product Line with....... 4/12/035:43 PM Company Ltd., the 67-year-old leading supplier of office automation equipment and electronics, with fiscal year 2001 sales in excess of $14 billion. The Company oversees Ricoh...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Third Week of February 2003

Art Post ·
Going back 15 years never seems to amaze me. Ricoh 1224C, Panasonic Copiers, Danka, Ikon, Imagistics, eCopy, it's all here. Enjoy the popular threads from way back in 2003! Xerox n Canon updates 2/22/0311:25 AM l6ppm printing at an interpolated 2,400dpi resolution. The Phaser 8200 also features a powerful 500MHz processor, allowing it to handle large flies without losing performance. The Phaser 8200 series consists of four models, with the top machine going for $3,999. Canon ships Color...
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Why Does the Pratice of "Skating" Copiers Still Exist? Who Wins Who Loses

Art Post ·
Earlier today I had a call from another rep that works with me. He was pretty upset that a client was able to find the same MP 3555SP for sale on the web for $300 or so dollars under his sales cost. What even bothered him more was that the reseller was not an Authorized reseller for Ricoh, nor Canon. Which leads me to who is this web company buying the new MP 3555SP from? That web company (non authorized reseller) is buying the MP 3555SP from an Authorized Dealer. Most if not all dealer...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago (Last Week of August 2004)

Art Post ·
Can't believe it's been 15 years since I wrote this blog! The Harder I Work the Luckier I Get. Holds rue for this month, we closed our month today and I was able to book $82K, not bad for down the street rep for SMB. Enjoy these awesome threads from 15 years ago this week! Imagistics Chooses Pathlore 8/24/048:40 AM our sales team's proficiency," says Nat Gifford, Imagistics' vice president of Product Development and Marketing. "We believe investing in systems to further develop our sales...
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Top Ten Copier Quotes & Proposals for May 2019

Art Post ·
Thanx to those Print4Pay Hotel members for email me these quotes and proposals. I really enjoy evaluated these because they can give me a picture of what the competition may be doing with hardware and service pricing. I'll even go as far calculating what the average cost per page is for black and color. In most cases there's not that much I can do with my the published cost per page. However if you think out of the box and add some creativity you can alter your cost per page in competitive...
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5 Reasons Why I'm Loving Perfect Copier Quoting Tool

Art Post ·
I think I've got 15 or so quotes under my belt now for Perfect Copier web quoting tool. Everyday I use it means another day of falling in love with.....the web quoting tool. Ease of Use: Yup, it took me a little bit of time to get things down, but things are straight forward and easy to understand because a copier guy put this together! Take that other quoting tools! Time: OMG, the time that I save is incredible. I can put together a quote in a few minutes rather than 30 minutes or more the...

Re: Memoirs of a Copier Sales Person "Differentiating the Price Buyer from the Value Buyer"

Dave Smith ·
Great post Art! Dave Smith 519-617-7657