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Tagged With "Police"

Blog Post

Today's Hacked!

Art Post ·
10/17/2022 How to rescue your hacked account: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and more - The Verge .....A guide to recovering a hacked account from Apple, Facebook, Google, Instagram, Snapchat, Spotify, TikTok, and Twitter. Police dismantles criminal ring that hacked keyless cars - Bleeping Computer .....Authorities from France, Latvia, and Spain arrested 31 suspects believed to be part of a car theft ring that targeted vehicles from two French car ... The company's cloud environment was...

Cybersecurity Notes

Art Post ·
The Biden White House has scheduled the second International Counter Ransomware Summit Includes representatives from 36 countries Also included private sector security solution firms Goal is to develop best practices to fend off ransomware attacks. KELA Cyber Intelligence published report that shows hackers are selling access to 576 corporate networks for cumulative sales price of $4 million Other hackers will buy to gain access to steal info and/or install ransomware Average selling price...