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Tagged With "Ricoh North America"


Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

chops ·
I'm wondering how the new KIP 800 series are doing. Many of my existing base w/ 5 year old + Ricoh's are asking if Ricoh will have something similar soon. Sounds like they won't? I can't believe that they aren't doing any R&D on it !!

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

Art Post ·
We don't sell the Epson, I do hear that many Ricoh wide format dealers are looking to change. The W3602 is due out something this spring, Ricoh is waiting to exhaust inventories on the W3601. I have not sold a W3601 yet this year and believe I only sold a handful last year, I used to sell at least a dozen a year. The W3602 will have the GUI as the color systems and many of the same features, sad but the GUI and the MFP features will still put us way behind with the likes of KIP & Oce

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

Art Post ·
I meant we don't sell the KIP brand, we do sell the Epson wide formats

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

GR81 ·
KIP 800's are doing great!!! Every single customer that has demoed it has ordered one. We have installed 6 and all are running great with no issue, we another 12 on order. Only bad part is it is taking weeks to get them. We may never place a "new" monochrome machine again.

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

Art Post ·
GR81 That's awesome! Wish we had those boxes. What's the average price you are reselling those for?

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

GR81 ·
About $25K for the 2 roll, $30K for the 4 roll

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

Art Post ·
nice, I guess you can make a pretty good argument for color when there is a decent amount of color plotting that is produced, right? What is the estimated cost per square foot for color?

Re: Ricoh & Epson = "perfect together" NOT!

GR81 ·
We are getting $.03 per sq ft. That is less than the monochrome machines, this is why I don't see us placing anymore new monochrome machines. We will place some refurbished ones to the customers that have to go low budget. Not only that it blows the Oce Colorwave away. We have a customer who makes these 20 ft full color GIS aerials that cost him $21.00 each to run on the Oce (his numbers not ours) we ran them on the KIP at a cost of $1.76.

Re: Selling Copiers “The Good Ole Days”

Tom Koenig ·
Come on Art, admit it. After 30 years of the good old days you would have been bored out of your mind. It is fun to look back on though. Sent from my iPhone Please excuse typos Thank you and Have a Great Day > On Nov 18, 2015, at 12:07 AM, "Print4Pay Hotel" < > wrote: >

Re: Ricoh MP C306SPF Can't print

jswinberlin ·
I think that has always been the way it works.

Re: Around the World with Ricoh

Art Post ·
Ricoh Selects Juniper Networks to Modernize its Group-Wide Network Infrastructure TOKYO, Aug. 09, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Juniper Networks (NYSE: JNPR ), an industry leader in automated, scalable and secure networks, today announced that Ricoh Group has successfully implemented Juniper Networks' high-performing solutions to modernize and simplify the operations of its core networking and security infrastructure that supports approximately 500 locations and 34,000 users in Japan. Ricoh Group...

Re: Fax vulnerability in HP all-in-one printers

fisher ·
One of my large medical accounts contacted me about this one. They were totally freaked out over this potential threat even though they had no machines in their fleet with the vulnerability. Meanwhile you could walk to almost any fax machine in any of their locations and grab patient info from the fax trays.

Re: PrintCopy_Tool_Brochure

John Mooney ·
So riddle me this one Batman, if I use Ricoh PrintCopyTool with a new Ricoh wide format can I then send the job via batch to the inkjet plotter and a non-Ricoh A3 MFP?

Re: PrintCopy_Tool_Brochure

jdicarlo ·
Yes, the Ricoh PrintCopyTool can work with any installed print driver. The selection of an output device is made when printing.

Re: PrintCopy_Tool_Brochure

John Mooney ·
You rock thanks so much!

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

SalesServiceGuy ·
More than a few copier/ printers are manufactured in Thailand and the Philippines due to low labor costs. I do not know but I think these products tend to be more low end A4 and printer products. I think most A3 product is made in China. I can only speak for Toshiba but I know the majority of North American toner is made in North Dakota. As I am from Canada, I am hoping with fingers crossed that this very likely US tariff war with China will not effect us.

Re: New 5th Colors for Ricoh C7100 series

Ricoh914 ·
I have only heard about Fluorescent Yellow. I think you will see all. I also think the 9110 is able to add the 5th station(hope so anyway).

Re: Compensation Question

Art Post ·
I get a salary, mediocre commissions, bit have a revenue bonus for the month and the quarter. If I hit the revenue marks it's good money. Problem is to hit those revenue marks on a consistent basis. But to answer your question, no I don't receive anything for volume of systems sold. Jason, are you in North Carolina or South Carolina, can't remember.

Re: Graph Expo Day Two 2016

Larry Kirsch ·
Good work...

Re: Ricoh Profit down 85%, 3D printing plans on hold?

With some of the click rates I've seen on production gear lately, not to mention deep hardware discounts... <85%> is this a typo??

Re: Ricoh Profit down 85%, 3D printing plans on hold?

Art Post ·
not sure, it might be

Re: Ricoh Profit down 85%, 3D printing plans on hold?

AJ ·
Wow!! 12% reduction in sales... I know it is the smaller half year but that seems really light. Something seems to be wrong with the $'s. 50% operating profit would kick off a celebration large enough for all of us to hear.

Re: Ricoh Profit down 85%, 3D printing plans on hold?

Art Post ·
no typo, profits down 85%!

Re: Ricoh To Acquire ColorGATE Digital Output Solutions GmbH, An Industrial Printing Software Company

Art Post ·
As other manufacturers migrate away from print. Ricoh continues to invest in print. Thoughts?

Re: Ricoh To Acquire ColorGATE Digital Output Solutions GmbH, An Industrial Printing Software Company

msaeger ·
packaging, floor and wall coverings as well as textiles. Now these are mostly done using analog methods. This stuff is moving to digital look at the digital printing devices coming from HP, efi, and a bunch of people that were not part of the group selling printers to offices.

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Lease Maestro ·
Hello Art and the rest of the P4P members - Our industry association (ELFA), along with several independent law firms that represent many of our industry members are reviewing this legislation to determine the actual effects it will have on the industry as a whole and to provide guidance so that our members will be in compliance with the legislation. What we know at this point is that is you are involved in offering financing to businesses in California, you will be subject to this...

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

Rafael Machado ·
Is that the same engine as the kyocera 356? Kyocera Copiers

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

Rafael Machado ·
Is that copier the same as the Kyocera cs 356 ?

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

Art Post ·
Here's the 355ci Here's the Ricoh MP C501SP

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

grizzlyadams ·
Hopefully there are more A3 style components that will allow it to become an option for A4 customers printing on heavier stocks and media.

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

Art Post ·
Yup. it can print up to 300gsm

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

Martin Hofman ·
Another major advantage is the availability of all PaperLocks (and other hardware accessories) that were already developed for Ricoh's A3 line. Please check &

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

Martin Hofman ·
Lock for MP C501

Re: New Ricoh MP C501SP "A4 or A3 or a New Hybrid MFP?"

Martin Hofman ·
Large Paperclamp & Security Kit

Re: Ricoh brings enterprise-class workflow solutions to small and medium-sized businesses, via the cloud

BCarroll ·
Broken link- This is a neat new way to integrate workflow with cloud storage. Subscription based-

Re: Oki 1450 vs Ricoh 6700 wide Format

Art Post ·
Wow the OKI wide formats! Haven't run across any of these yet. I do remember that Oki bought a minor wide format player a number of years ago. Ah, now I remember, it was the Seiko wide format devices. I need to brush up on this one for you. The first thing I would lead with is how long Ricoh has had the same digital print engine. I believe it to be one of the most reliable engines on the market today. The Ricoh MP W6700 and MP 7100 are identical except that you can add a dual roll feeder to...

Re: Oki 1450 vs Ricoh 6700 wide Format

Art Post ·
Re: Oki 1450 vs Ricoh 6700 wide Format

Re: Oki 1450 vs Ricoh 6700 wide Format

Art Post ·
So, the Oki or Teriostar 1040 is one page per minute faster than the Ricoh. Oki wants the user to replace the corona wire cartridge and the process cartridge. I believe the process cartridge is the drum. Now, the memories come back, if an end user scratches that drum, it's on the user to replace the drum which is going to be a very pricey item. If I was a business owner I would not want my peeps handling a part that has a cost of $1,500-$2,000. If they scratch it, it's on me to buy another,...

Re: Copier Parts & Accessories China Tariff Starts in 9 Working Days

Art Post ·
Would be nice if they could put some mfg plants in north america

Re: Around the Word with Konica Minolta

Art Post ·
Konica Minolta Again Joins the Fight against Childhood Cancer Ramsey, NJ, Aug. 15, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A., Inc . (Konica Minolta) today announced they will again support Tackle Kids Cancer, a philanthropic initiative on behalf of the Children’s Cancer Institute at the Joseph M. Sanzari Children’s Hospital at Hackensack Meridian Health Hackensack University Medical Center. As with last year, Konica Minolta is partnering with THE NORTHERN TRUST...

Re: Color MFP Trends, Tactics, etc

"4) Improved Consumable yields and costs * Konica Minolta continues to shift its color MFPs away from using imaging units featuring both drum-developer to offering separate mono developer and drums. This provides greater cost benefits for mono output and allows lower Mono CPC. Konica Minolta also increased toner and other consumable yields in its latest generation and forthcoming Color MFPs." +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Konica Minolta Boosts Productivity for Small- to Mid-Sized...

Re: "Green Jobs"

CashGap ·
Our grandchildren will so ashamed of us for being snookered by the whole "climate change" scam. Loveland ski opens today, A-Basin on Friday By John Meyer The Denver Post POSTED: 10/06/2009 02:56:45 PM MDT UPDATED: 10/07/2009 10:06:35 AM MDT Loveland Ski Area was making snow Tuesday afternoon. (Loveland Ski Area ) And the winner is ... Loveland Basin. Boasting its earliest opening day in 40 years , Loveland officials opened for skiing today. Arapahoe Basin announced it would open Friday.

Re: Best Fishing Lakes in NJ

No, but I have a friend who lives about 20 miles south in Baldwinsville, NY and I'll be sure to investigate. Sounds like I may have to plan a trip up North and stop at Dinosaur Bar-B-Q in Syracuse on my way there!

Re: Leasing Approvals for Marginal Deals

Art Post (Guest) ·
Great America, Leaf, Marlin, DLL

Re: Personal Property Tax

jswinberlin ·
wyzguynyuk: We use GE and Great America. The problem with GE is that sometimes they would go back to the customer and say they under estimated and have to collect the difference, thereby defeating the purpose of including it. Great America's rates are higher, but there are no surprises. We've decided to include personal property tax in all leases for tax exempt customers. It is at this time at the sales persons discretion to include it on taxable customers. Sometimes the $1 buy-out is...

Re: UPDATE 3-Canon buys Dutch Oce for $1.1 bln, fights Ricoh

Art Post (Guest) ·
Canon and Océ: More Details Canon and Océ: More Details By Cary Sherburne on November 19th, 2009 Océ management conducted a well-attended press teleconference today to provide further details of its acquisition by Canon. Jan Hol, who was interviewed earlier by WhatTheyThink, was on the line from Europe, and North America was represented by Mal Baboyian, president, production printing systems, Océ North America, and Joe Skrzypczak President and CEO of Océ North America. Océ reiterated that...

Re: Ricoh Pro C720

bandit41076 ·
Ricoh Americas Corporation announced today the official launch of the Ricoh Pro C720/C720s, a production class multi-functional color system and the latest addition to Ricoh’s Pro series of products, designed specifically for the production environment. This flexible system targets corporate and commercial professional print environments with demanding application needs. The Pro C720/C720s has a robust duty cycle of 320,000 images per month, and runs at 72 pages-per-minute (PPM) regardless...

Re: Soda, Pop, Coke or Other

JasonR ·
Hehe, and your story totally confirms the map data. I can understand most of the country, coke in the south, pop in the north... what the heck is up with the St. Louis area?

Re: Panasonic Canada discontinues A3 Copier Distribution March 2011

Art Post (Guest) ·
Panasonic Takes Aim at Fast-Growing A4 Class MFP Market Company to emphasize growing A4 MFP format in response to customer demands SECAUCUS, NJ (February 4, 2010) — Panasonic System Networks Company of America today announced plans to substantially increase its footprint in the burgeoning market for A4 multi-function products. The A4 market has undergone rapid growth and is emerging as the de facto standard in the marketplace. As a consequence the A3 market has been fading and will no longer...