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Tagged With "Discord Shame"


Re: Kyocera finally launches color inkjet PPS

Art Post ·
That's a shame! Was really hoping to hear about some kick ass color print quality

Re: The only 3D printing company anyone’s heard of just laid off a huge chunk of its staff

Czech ·
3D printers commoditized way too quickly. They are turning into desktop printers where there is only money in the supplies. It's a shame because they took a specialized product and tried to find a way to place it in every household by dropping the price tag.

Re: How long have you been in the copier industry?

Art Post (Guest) ·
That's a shame would love have some of thier input also.

Re: Ricoh Introduces the Aficio MP 2851 and MP 3351 Digital Imaging Systems

Art Post (Guest) ·
Man, I loved the RPCS, it was actually something different to talk about that was included with the system. It's a shame it's gone, that's one thing they should have kept to be different!

Re: Ricoh vs. the Wide Format Competition Video

Art Post (Guest) ·
Techsense: It's an older video, but you're right most of the manufacturers will try to slip a few older models when comparing thier latest and greatest, I guess they take as no informed and shame on them! BTW, what is the latest and greates from KIP? Are they moving well?

Re: Ricoh vs. the Wide Format Competition Video

Techsense ·
Art, As you are aware the latest and greatest from KIP is the KIP 700, and it is going very well, especially considering the state of its primary vertical market. Here is a link to a video that shows how to load media into the current KIP 7700. Good Selling!

Re: Marlin Does Not Disclose Possible Loss Of Evergreen Payments

Old Glory ·
There isn't more chatter on this forum because most salespeople don't consider it their responsibility to care. Many sales people will go to the ends of the earth to make their equipment perform for the customer but consider the lease contract the customer's problem...their the ones who signed the contract, right? Never mind that we are the ones that shoved it under their nose and it is because of their trust in us that they sign it without questioning. I suppose I shouldn't put all of this...

Re: Marlin Does Not Disclose Possible Loss Of Evergreen Payments

Art Post (Guest) ·
Old Glory: Could not have stated it better, most dealerships could not give a rats ass about what's best for the customer, if that was the case we'd all be selling 10% leases (remember them, they are a thing of the past) or the $1.00 buy out. Not only what I mentioned above, what I'm seeing is that dealerships are letting the leasing companies now add additional fees to return the equipment early, these fee's were NOT a part of the original dealer agreement and dealer ownership is allowing...

Re: .

Art Post (Guest) ·
Jon: Nice first post! I can remember doing these for an army base in my territory. It was in the old CECOM building and we would set up in the lobby have brochures, order docs, GSA pricing and two systems. That was amny years ago and the army base has now closed! We always had a good response, especially when it included food, trinkets or something of that nature. If you can try to get a popcorn machine for the even, the smell of the popcorn alone will get you many visits and maybe a few...

Re: Quickbooks & Canon

Art Post (Guest) ·
I'm sure he'll log on soon, summer is tough, i can see all you have logged in and it's a shame many are Canon and they just lurk. Come on Canon P4P'ers, share some info with a fellow Canon P4p're, he would and has done the same for others!

Re: Ricoh Americas is contact my accounts for......

Art Post (Guest) ·
Brian: I agree, it's really a shame what has happened with Ricoh. I'm sure it's a mistake however how can you ever trust them after something like this.

Re: Ricoh & Epson Plotters

fisher ·
Any word what Ricoh has planned for color wide format? I have an opportunity right now for a color wide format MFP. A shame they haven't gotten their act together on this.

Re: The Worst Copier Web Sites in the World!

Art Post (Guest) ·
tritec hasn't been updated for a few years plus no models and broken links, do they not know that prospects usually check out their web site before they call them! shame, shame, shame, I'm looking forward to see what sites are posted on Sunday night or monday!!!

Re: Erie businessman gets fed prison for copier fraud

Art Post (Guest) ·
It's interesting, I think I've found someone doing a similar scam here in NJ. Same MO for churches however it seems upgrades then early, promises to make payments on the old lease, but a few have had to hound him to get the money and he is removing the old systems and thoughts are he is renting them or releasing for a shorter term. The leasing company is wise to this however they have not been able to catch him yet. This is only what I heard, if true it's a shame this crap happens all over.

Re: Scam from a Local Company

Art Post (Guest) ·
That is the most creative scam I've heard of, it's awesome that he got caught. It's shame that this crap still happens today

Re: Worst Experience with Nuance

VinceMcHugh ·
When Ed Schmid was running eCopy they had the best pre & post sales support in the industry. You could call an 800 # while onsite and get someone to answer the phone who actually knew the product better than you did. Those were the days when eCopy was a Canon only product. But Canon did not buy a controlling interest in eCopy so when their contract ran out, eCopy opened up to all copier manufacturers, and their support became poor, the rapid expansion overwhelmed them. I thought that the...

Re: Over Holding On MFP Lease Costs Unnecessary Dollars

Yoda ·
My goodness this is so simple. People in this industry are so ignorant sometimes it hurts. Ouch I'm in pain. You are aware that most dealers have an agreement with lease companies that after the first three months of renewals the over pay is split 75% (for the dealer) and (25% for the lease company)? Shame on you Leppert you absolutely know this or should or get out of the advice business. Secondly shame on any rep that allows a lease to get anywhere near less than 18 months left on a lease.

Re: Over Holding On MFP Lease Costs Unnecessary Dollars

txeagle24 ·
I agree with your first point, but on the second regarding the time at which to upgrade a customer, you're leaving a LOT of money on the table by rolling in that much buyout with each upgrade. If the customer is paying $1,000 per month, rolling in 18 payments could cost you up to $18,000 in revenue and profit. I don't know how you're paid, but that would make a big difference to my paycheck. I know there's a greater risk of competition getting in the longer I let the lease ride, but if I...

Re: Over Holding On MFP Lease Costs Unnecessary Dollars

Old Glory ·
Yoda, you need to not be so quick to throw around the "ignorant" and "dumb" labels. Just because something is true in your tiny little world does not mean it is universally true. For instance, we share revenue from the first month, not the third but what difference does that make. It is still not in the best interest of the customer (in most cases), which should be our primary concern. That brings me to your next, supposedly obvious, observation. "shame on any rep that allows a lease to get...

Re: Over Holding On MFP Lease Costs Unnecessary Dollars

Yoda ·
Re: Over Holding On MFP Lease Costs Unnecessary Dollars

Re: 2035/2045 SMTP Authentication

Graham ·
Well Shame on Me, looks like the machine that I was dealing with on the SMTP Authentication was a 1232 NOT a 2045. BUT....There is a way on an exchange server to open up the address of the copier to allow it to send without authentication. This is something that the network admin at the company that you are dealing with will have to do. I am going to do some additional research on this one for you as well. Sorry for the misleading info. Graham

Re: Ricoh SP W2470, Why I Can't Sell Them!

Michael Scott ·
Art, The business plan for the 2400 was created by someone who is no longer with the company, and now is run by people who think they know the market and what it needs. A business when not managed properly will eventually end. Can't live on the past forever. What a shame, Ricoh WF business has gone from the other group, to #1 Marketshare in the US, to...guess we will have to wait and see.

Re: Kyocera Rumor!

francois54 (Guest) ·
The KMA 4850w was a fantastic product, well ahead of it's time. KMA's dismal support of their wide format product line lead to it's demise, but had they any sense they could've owned the market. Their enept marketing of this very customer focused solution caused it's demise as Ricoh, Kip and later XES (6204) capitalized on the time KMA gave them (about 2-3 years) to get a single footprint, 600 dpi wide format system to market. To add salt to the wound,KMA then got in bed with Kip to...

Re: Kyocera Rumor!

Art Post (Guest) ·
nice background info at what happened, you should also post this on the Kyocera P4P, Im sure you'll touch a few nerves over there!

Re: Ricoh & Oracle

CashGap ·
With thousands of successful implementations, it's a shame that Ricoh and a few others have soiled Oracle's name in this industry. These are not Oracle problems any more than forgetting to ship something is a "FedEx" problem. Someone botched the implementation.

Re: Gas Price Check

Art Post (Guest) ·
$3.49 in NJ for regular, it's a dam shame!

Re: Greg Brown

Jay ·
What shame……………………… Like most of us I never met Greg but I valued is input. We should do something to remember Greg. How about this; Members submit their success stories here at the hotel. On Feb. 1st 2005 the managers or a committee review the success stories and pick the best 5 or so. Then members vote on which story is the best (not necessarily $$ wise) and then on February 14th of 2005 the votes are tallied and we award the Gregory Brown Memorial Achievement Award. We could make up a...

Re: Greg Brown

Jayson Gilbertson ·
I am on board. It was a shame to lose such a good friend. I think that would be a wonderful way to honor him. JG

Re: Whole Lotta Shakin Goin On

Chuck, with the current "troubled times" (words from Frank Cannata on the latest Live Wire / Cannata Report) at Ricoh, it now makes sense that either Savin or Lanier, or both brands, get elimintated. Just as GM sells Hummer and gives Saturn to the Penske group. It is a shame that on the 50th Anniversary of Savin, started in 1959, it's existence may disappear. I thin it will be Lanier for Dealers and Ricoh for IKON and RBS. The other option is Ricoh only, all the way, for both Dealers and the...

Re: Futures

salesguru3 (Guest) ·
I too would love the email of the file or access to it. Thanks I concur that it is a real shame that Ricoh does not particularly like this site. I say that is their problem. If they would tell all of us the same information then they would not be so worried about this site. Their own inconsistencies cause them to look upon this site as too informational.

Re: Ricoh updates mid-range color catalog - now running SRA3 (12 x 18)

AC68 ·
Sra3 in office with fiery capability, you would think it a sure fire way to undermine a competitors Graphic arts MIF base. Alas shame most vendors don't bother training their sales staff to a competent level! another opportunity that will almost surely go to waste.

Re: GBC ProClick Pronto 3000

Old Glory ·
It's a real shame that they are no longer available. I've heard of no problems from our customers and we use one internally and have had no problems. I would hate to be without it.

Re: linkedin "a few surprises for me"

Art Post ·
you can't be added on linkedin without accepting, wonder if he was just getting to many "please, please connect with me". I would suspect than many owners will start to back off and delete the profiles if the emails are over burdening. Shame would be the end of a good tool and maybe the end of linkedin? Originally Posted by Kiwispike: To quote a customer recently: "Yeah I had a linkedIn profile but I had to delete it because sales people kept adding me" Says it all really

Re: shady salesman

Neal ·
what a shame.....a guy like that will end up failing cause sooner or later there won't be anyone else he to sponge off of. Tell you what....come to Indy...we'll take care of you.

Re: Gas Price Check

Art Post (Guest) ·
$3.05, its a shame that the price is lowers by pennies a day, where it increased by more than 30 to 50 cents in a few days!

Re: Canon Draws Crowds, Raves At Graph

Shaja ·
Dontcha just love press releases. I went to Graph Expo yesterday, and I will say that the only two companies aggressively promoting their copiers were Canon and Xerox. Walked in the door to see two big Xerox and Canon copier banners (about the size of a small building) right there in the McCormick Place lobby. Konica had a C6500 buried in the EFI booth, and if anybody else was there (Ricoh???) I didn't see it. Quite a switch from last year when Konica had the whole industry buzzing about the...

Re: Who's is going to be there!

Art Post (Guest) ·
I am not sure of the layout of the Hotel nor the ittinerary of the event. Do you have any of this info> I am arriving Monday afternoon. I's a shame we did not have buttons that we could distribute to everyone who is going.

Re: New Release of DocStar Enterprise Content Management Platform Offers DocuSign Signature Integration

Art Post ·
That's a shame, when Stratix bought Block out in York they were a DocStar dealer. We're offering DocuWare now
Blog Post

Behind Every Great Sales Professional You'll Find A Coach... Who's Your Coach?

Larry Levine ·
Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan had Phil Jackson. Tom Brady has Bill Belichick. What's the common denominator? Coaching benefits professional athletes, so why don't more in sales leadership, sales management and in sales have coaches? Tom Brady, the New England Patriots quarterback credits much of his passing success to Tom Martinez his former quarterback coach. He worked with Brady to refine his release and improve his throwing technique. Atul Gawande a surgeon and writer for the New Yorker...
Blog Post

COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-Eight of Sales

Art Post ·
Yay it's Thursday and that means it's time for the Greg & Art lunch chat hour! Today was a great chat session and there were some chats about post recovery and how we can add our experiences to our value proposition. Another awesome question was posed as to how dealers are getting their PPE gear. I never even thought about the PPE thing. Drivers, techs, installers and maybe even sales people could be required to don PPE gear when entering an office now and in the future. In addition we...

Re: Seiko’s LP-1010 Teriostar Wide Format

Art Post (Guest) ·
I have the sales manual for this product, would anyone like a copy! Some neat features and consumable cost is published about half of what the 240 is. It's a shame we may never get a printer version of the 240, all in all the list for the Tero is $19,995 for a print speed of 6.2 "D" size per minute. This system requires and external print controller like the Ricoh. Scan2File is standard, looks like ther there is no scan2email feature

Re: Copier Sales a Dying Breed with Dealers?

Neal ·
what a shame! the sad reality is that you will always have those dealers that care more about themselves that anyone else. i don't begudge them making a great living at all, but it seems sad when the people they have work for them are not treated fairly so they can have more and more. if they could only see that happy, well taken care employees will get them to where they want to be sooner than cheating them out of the dollars they earn. but let's not lump all of them together, there are a...

Re: Savin 2400WD Windows Vista

wyzguynyuk ·
Just an FYI (and nothing to do with wide format). I used the XP version of our RPCS driver on a Savin C2408 from a Vista workstation and it worked fine. Is anyone aware of any other Vista issues we will need to prepare ourselves for? Man, was I embarrassed when my brand new Savin 2400 couldn't print from any workstations in this client's Vista environment. I've been doing this way too long to make a rookie mistake like that. I'll go hang my head in shame (at a local bar...after all it's...

Re: Savin 2400WD Windows Vista

Art Post (Guest) ·
Have a few for me too!!!

Re: Color Control

jswinberlin ·
Yes, I'm looking for a "no cost" solution. I may just give them the option of using the Pop-up driver. It's a shame, it doesn't seem like it should be this difficult. Thanks Art.

Re: Some of my observations....

Old Glory ·
I felt the attendance was much lower this year, especially at the Awards Dinner which is a shame because the entertainment was awsome. Search Chris Bliss on YouTube and you will get an idea of what I mean. You can see his juggling there but his comedy was even better. Regarding the new color boxes...the issue really isn't A3 vs A4, it is the issue of price and the assumption is that you can't get a lower price without giving up the ability to do 11x17. It may be true but Ricoh promises to be...

Re: Foxconn Buys 10% of Sharp Corp

Art Post (Guest) ·
I thought I hd heard of foxconn before, thanx for the memories. Poor people jumping off, thats a dam shame!

Re: Ricoh Convergence

Art Post (Guest) ·
BTW for all Ricoh Corporate folk, it's a shame there was no invite for Convergence this year so instead of writing many awesome blogs about new products and new systems and great stuff for Ricoh, there will be none of that this year! I'll be taking the show to the Global Transform Conference and writing awesome blogs about MSP, MPS!!! See ya!

Re: So it happended again!

Art Post (Guest) ·
montecore is correct, it's more about the notification process and I don't believe it's about the bonus structure since our plan is built on revenue. cashgap is right with his point, that one month will now be longer and all of the months will fall in order after that. There's another story in this and "shame on me", we were given new pricing/comp plans for the new quarter. We were interviewed each before getting the comp plan & pricing. Of course I looked at what would effect me the...

Re: Sales Software Discussion

Art Post (Guest) ·
I agree even more! New reps, and even reps a few years in the business, I can see the benefit of the software and even for tenured reps like me, however txeagle and old glory hit the nail on the head with this one. I'm constantly taking calls or returning calls from clients in reference to the aboves and other issues as well. I will then have to spend the time to contact that person in our orginzation to alert them of the issue. Let's face it, most times are customers just have question...