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Tagged With "Million Dollars"


Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"

VinceMcHugh ·
Art, I think Samsung needed to do this test to shut the mouths of the critics. Now anyone who wonders or asks if the Samsungs are reliable will get a link to this test. My Service guys tell me that the Samsungs have been working well! And the new MX series with the Android (OS) Tablet has been very cool. That wish list item that you asked Ricoh for has already been delivered by Samsung! I have just worked with a 3rd party tech company to get the first non-Samsung Android App ported to the...

Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"

Art Post ·
Seems my Blog about the million page test was not that well received with Samsung. They complained to ENX Magazine who then pulled the blog off their site. Whatever happened to FREE Press? They were not happy that I pointed out that they used "x" amount of tree's for a 1980's type test! Since Samsung spends money with ENX, ENX pulled the blogs and is not posting any of my latest stuff. You know what, as far as I'm concerned we here this finance stuff about Sharp, Toshiba and none of the...

Re: Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"

daninsun ·
On average for every tree taken down in US for paper it is replaced by three new ones This is one of the reasons there are more trees in US than in past Dan Schmidt (sent from mobile device) > On Nov 23, 2015, at 6:19 PM, Print4Pay Hotel < > wrote: >

Re: Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Lease Maestro ·
Here is a report from One of their legal editors is doing a three part review of this legislation. Leasing News Exclusive: State Senator Steven Glazer and the genesis of CA SB 1235 (Part 1 of 3) By Tom McCurnin Leasing News Legal Editor This is important not only if you are doing commercial business in California, but this may affect other states. If you are new to this, here is legislation passed both the assembly and senate, awaiting California Governor Jerry Brown’s...

Re: Copier Scams Part Deux "Dude Where's my Copier"?

Old Glory ·
Again, you are stating as fact things that are only true for you or possibly only true in the UK. Over here, I haven't seen an early settlement discount in years. Many companies actually have a pre-payment penalty. The settlement added to the new lease that you speak of is only a benefit to the lease company when the new deal goes to the incumbent. And if there is no residual, why isn't the equipment free to the dealer at the back end? The price to the dealer whether contracted in advance or...

Re: Canon Business Systems Pulling a Ricoh

Jason H ·
I call complete bull **** on that. I am dealing with a customer right now whose quote from csa is 20% less than we can buy it for with all programs etc. the directs are blaming the dealers for running the industry into the ground? That's hilarious And I've heard that from Ricoh direct as well. Let's not forget who decided to bring out the A4 machines and drive the hardware revenues down to nothing and then start doing service at cost so the factory could continue to run. Those branches are...

Re: Canon Business Systems Pulling a Ricoh

Jason H ·
Had a deal recently that we were the incumbent and CSA came in and placed the exact same machine as we tried. Customer gave us the quote and our true cost was around 14,000 or 15,000 and they sold it to them around $9,000.00. Anytime CSA is in a deal there is a very small chance of winning. The only thing we have going for us is their service is very lousy so after the lost sale we usually pick up a service agreement at some point. Ricoh has been good about enforcing the rules of engagement...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago, The Last Week in January 2004

Art Post ·
In the next day or so I'll be blogging about the new Ricoh IMC MFP series. There's a lot of new stuff and I'm chomping at the bit to get my hands on one. Enjoy these threads from 15 years ago this week! Peerless Systems Announces Everest Family of MFP Controllers; New Controllers Based on Sierra Techno Boston Mike · 1/28/046:58 AM document products rely on a core set of imaging software and supporting electronics, collectively known as an imaging controller. Peerless' broad line of scalable...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Last Week in September 2003

Art Post ·
There's a cool blog below from Bill Siderys titled MFP & Copier Pay Plan Changes for the Future . If you get the chance check it our. Bill is still a member of the Print4Pay Hotel, and I'd like to thank him for his valued long time membership. Check out the threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Copier Notes from 09/28/08 Neal · 9/30/089:36 PM , selling out to Ricoh . Details on NewCal: o Founded by former Kodak copier technicians, Steve Tarpley & Ken Wilkens in 1991 o Won...
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Is This the Beginning of the End for the Padding of Lease Rates?

Art Post ·
First off, I'm no expert in the equipment leasing business; however, but I have some peeps that are. A few days ago I caught a thread on Linkedin reposted from @KeithHachey (Americorp Financial LLC). See the pic below. The first item that caught my eye was the hashtag #leases and then the text at the bottom for "Impact of Senate Bill 1235 on Equipment Leases. Of course I followed the link and it lead me to the web site for the State of California Legislative for Senate Bill 1235. Bill 1235...
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How Authenticity Can Maximize Your Prospecting Results

Larry Levine ·
Authenticity is one of the biggest challenges for salespeople in a profession riddled with scrupulous, fake and disingenuous sales reps; that quite frankly many buyers despise them. However, authenticity separates sales reps from sales professionals and this is what buyers want! It may sound a bit touchy-feely but set aside some alone time, take a look inside yourself as sales is all about building credible, genuine and real relationships. In order to build relationships and change the way...
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The 3 P's A Sales Professional Takes To Heart To Help Them Crush Sales!

Larry Levine ·
As humans we're wired to seek out meaning and purpose in our lives. Nowhere is this ever so important than in sales, as this is where we spend much of our waking hours. I'm a firm believer that having a purpose matters more now than ever before. A sales professional thrives on being a part of a purpose. They live for becoming part of something that really matters, something that really makes a difference to the lives of their clients and prospects. In chapter 6 of my new book, Selling from...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The First Week in August 2008

Art Post ·
A little of news this week is that the US Dollar is growing stronger vs the Japanese Yen. When this has happened in the past Japanese copier manufacturers have decreased pricing here in the States. When you couple this with the Chinese tariffs that may go into effect this week, it could mean that our industry may not see price increases. Japanese manufacturers might just bite the bullet on the increases in order to keep boxes moving out of the plants. BTW, the dude in the picture, had just a...
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This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 15 Years Ago (Last Week of February 2004)

Art Post ·
Just a short story from an order I had last week. The client was an existing account, almost five years ago it was net new. Thus I had some promo's I could throw at the client in order to secure the order. Now it comes time for the renewal almost 5 years later, there are some payments left in the lease. There is no way I can sell them at the same lease price per month. I also made an early mistake on the pricing when I met with the client. I never presented the lease price for the new...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago (First Week of March 2004)

Art Post ·
Seems we're coming to the end of the first quarter already. After dumping everything into the end of 2018. I've had a rough go of it for the past 7 weeks. Last week proved to be better with two orders and one of them was $45K. We're also going see have then end of the fiscal years for most if not all of the copier manufacturers. This time of years scares me because nothing is safe, you need to ask the tough questions up front and try your best to wrap up business either the day you met with...
Blog Post

Are You Building Relationships Or Burning Bridges?

Larry Levine ·
You can be credible, reliable and loving but if it’s painfully obvious you only have your own interests at heart people will see through your charade. They will call you out for what you are, an empty suit. Whatever the position you have in sales, you’re the face of the company. You're the living testament of the corporate brand and its values. This places you in a unique position whether you believe or not. I encourage everyone in sales to think about the following... all of you have blind...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago, The Last Week in November 2008

Art Post ·
I guess the BIG news of the week from ten years ago was ere 50 cuts that Ricoh performed that week. However, that was right after the IKON purchase and within four months (end of Japanese) there was to be major cuts with high level legacy employees. Seems to me that one of the covenants if the Ricoh purchase was that all high level Ikon peeps would replace those at Ricoh. AS Vince would say "that's my two cents". Enjoy all of the threads from ten years ago this week. Weekend Copier Notes...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 5 Years Ago (First Week of February 2015)

Art Post ·
Do you want to relive the madness from 5 years ago when Sharp was sinking fast? If so we've got many of those threads in this weeks edition of what went on in the copier industry 5 years ago. Foxconn and the people have done an excellent job in rebuilding the brand, the programs and adding quality dealers! Enjoy These Threads from 5 Years Ago This Week! Bid Tabulation for Canon, Lanier & Toshiba for 180 plus Copiers Art Post · 2/7/1511:41 PM...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago (Second Week of April 2010)

Art Post ·
For each of the next few blogs I'll be inserting some tips from what other dealers and sales peeps are doing on a daily basis from around the globe for staying relevant with their clients and prospects . Share our FB posts daily. Enjoy these wonderful threads from ten years ago this week! Konica Minolta Helps AMG Resources Eliminate Paper Filing Guest · 4/8/1011:21 PM .A., Inc. is a leader in advanced imaging and networking technologies for the desktop to the print shop. For the third...
Blog Post

Epson establishes Epson X Investment to accelerate innovation

Art Post ·
April 2020 Epson establishes Epson X Investment to accelerate innovation SYDNEY, 8 April 2020 – Epson has established Epson X Investment Corporation (EXI), a new corporate venture capital (CVC) 1 subsidiary. The aim of the subsidiary is to accelerate collaboration and open innovation, grow existing businesses, and create new ones. A multi-million dollar fund will be set up for venture investment. One of the basic policies of Epson's Phase 2 Mid-Range Business Plan is to accelerate growth by...
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-One of Sales

Art Post ·
Another day, another dollar. Actually a great reminder that we can make what ever we want when we want. I may need to bag that for the better days that lie ahead. Our brilliant Governor just extended the "stay at home" order until May 20th! That's what I heard on the news today. I need to double check that, and if it's true I'm thinking that he'll be bumping heads with our President in the near future. Says he'll re-evaluate the states progress at that time. We need to open the state back up...
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-Six of Sales

Art Post ·
Tell me how this happens? My wife starting ordering food from a local company in New Jersey. I like it, she likes it and we're pleased with the service and the food. We started using them at the end of last year so it's not a COVID19 thing. One of the things I like is that in every book there is a recipe, instructions and a gloss brochure. Yup you guessed it..., the documents are printed in color and it means potential prospect! Maybe production also. Inspection of the box provided no phone...
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-Seven of Sales

Art Post ·
I thought this would be appropriate to start off today's blog Another closing day and I ain't got no orders I got some opportunities 'cause i just made some calls How I wish I had someone to sell to I'm in an awful way Right, so juiced up the lyrics a bit from the Sam Cookes rendition of "Another Saturday Night". My personal favorite is Cat Stevens version. If any one else would like to fill in the rest of the lyrics, then have at it. Could be a fun exercise for everyone! It was another day...
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This Week in the Copier Industry 10 Years Ago for the Last Week in April of 2010

Art Post ·
Interesting about what a difference 10 years can make in an industry. Just this week Canon profits will drop 80%. Ten years ago they had posted a profit that had tripled. Ten years ago clients and sales people alike were all concerned about latent images left on copier hard drives. Enjoy these threads from ten years ago this week! Weekend Industry Notes for 4/25/10 Neal · 4/26/107:24 AM which has resulted in the opening of offices in 15 metropolitan areas in the last year - Rosetta...
Blog Post

In Turbulent Times, Sales Professionals Give Of Their Hearts And Minds

Larry Levine ·
Can a giver of heart succeed in a sales world riddled with unscrupulous, fake, and disingenuous people? Is giving, the secret to long term sales success? Unfortunately, many within the sales focus on the almighty dollar. Ask a group of salespeople, why they got into sales and often you'll hear "for the money" . For the record, I'm all for making money. It allows us to feed our needs, wants and provides for our family. Making money isn’t evil, nor is being wealthy. The evil happens when you...
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COVID19 "Remote Working" Day Twenty-Nine of Sales

Art Post ·
Another day another dollar, you never know what tomorrow will bring you, the harder you work the luckier you get. If you're a consistent follower of my blogs you'll see that I use those statements quite often when blogging. I've never shied away from hard work in fact I quit high school in mid-way through the 11th grade because I wanted to make money. Yes, I had the desire and the determination to make money but I was missing one key factor. At sixteen I didn't know how to work hard or maybe...
Blog Post

Copier dealers thrive selling content services solutions; Impact Networking, LLC and Kelley Connect share their successes as Authorized DocuWare Partners

Art Post ·
If you want to provide real solutions for real business process challenges that organizations face every day, consider becoming an Authorized DocuWare Partner. By adding content services to your product portfolio, you can accelerate your sales with a unique selling proposition setting you apart from your competition. For complete details on the Partner Program, click here . To request to speak to someone about becoming a Partner, click here or contact . Tonight, I...
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This Week in the Copier Industry Ten Years Ago (First Week of April 2010)

Art Post ·
Hot Dog! Yes, I'm going to mention those savory dogs in a bun. Ten years ago we had a discussion on the forums where to get the best hot dogs in New Jersey which evolved into the best dogs in the US. Have you been to one of these joints? Care to add your own? Enjoy these delicious threads from ten years ago this week! Sir Speedy of Los Alamitos Selects Konica Minolta's bizhub PRO Digital Presses to Dri Guest · 4/7/1011:03 PM , Konica Minolta Business Solutions U.S.A. Inc. "Counting on Konica...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier Industry 15 Years Ago (First Week of April 2005)

Art Post ·
It's late, need to be ready for another day. You know what they say another day, another dollar! Xerox Launches Industry’s First Color................ Guest · 4/4/057:46 PM Xerox CopyCentre® C118 black-and-white copier and Xerox WorkCentre® M118/M118i black-and-white basic multifunction systems. These compact MFPs are designed for small to midsize workgroups that require copy, print, scan and fax functions. · The EFI™ Fiery X12e controller for the Xerox DocuColor 12 color copier/printer. The...
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Simple Managed Print Service Quoting Tool

Art Post ·
I'll be the first one to admit that I'm no expert when it comes to Managed Print Services. Over time I've struggled with trying to sell it because I did not have a tool that would make it a simple process. The wait is over, that simple process is now a reality with Simple MPS Program from Harry Dearing and We have a webinar scheduled for for April 9th at 1PM EDT, you can go here to register and get log in details Simple MPS Webinar . Here's some additional information that...

Re: Sharp Watch....It's Like Playing Battleship

Art Post ·
One more comment that I need to make, with the Japanese yen being weaker against the US Dollar. Over the years I've seen that the weakening of the yen against the dollar will increase profits from Japanese manufacturers. Thus, Sharp losing billions with this scenario is very puzzling. PLus they are mortgaged to the hilt. Will the Japanese banks bail them out again? I'm thinking yes, or the Japanese government might step in as we did with GM, Chrylser, AIG. Anyway you slice you need to sell a...

Re: Ricoh America's Trying to Poach Dealer Account?

Art Post ·
As promised, here is the email from the dealer rep: I received an email this evening from the purchasing director of a large educational institution that has been our exclusive customer for Ricoh products going on 7 years. They are very happy with my company and this is why I was contacted and asked to take care of it. The email simply stated "you want to give this guy a call?" It was in reference to a RBS rep sending special rebate university contract pricing (the exact same contract and...
Blog Post

Sharp Corporation "What Happens Now?"

Art Post ·
Well, it took long enough. I'm sure this brought a smile to Vince's face. I see that he's on the site right now. What happens NOW? Initial reports from a few days ago stated that Sharp Execs would kept on board. There was no mention of how long from recent reports, and I would those execs may have a year or so at most. If I were Terry Gou, I would offer them an additional severance package to leave early. You don't want them hanging around and mismanaging the company. Another report stated...
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How Much Do I Insure My Leased Copier For?

Art Post ·
How much do I insure my leased copier for? Was a discussion I had with one of the sales rep in our office yesterday. From time to time, we will field calls from the clients asking how much to insure the leased copier for. The client then needs to submit that information to their insurance agent in order to produce a rider for the leasing company. Let me back up a moment. When a copier is leased, whether it's a dollar buy-out option or Fair Market Value, all of the leasing companies require...
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Power Protection and Murphy’s Law

David D’Agostino ·
Raise your hand if you’re familiar with Murphy’s Law. For those unfamiliar, it’s the idiom that “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” You’ve likely experienced this at some point in your life, and a great...
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Does Your Copier Dealership Offer A Bakers Dozen?

Art Post ·
It was the Eighties, we were in New Jersey, and I was leading the pack of six copier sales people.  We were all in our twenties, single and making oodels and oodles of cash selling plain paper copiers!  Station wagons, hatch backs, pickup trucks, copier guerney's, rolodex's, change for pay telephone calls, yellow page books, business street directory books, mucho phones, mucho demonstrations, delivering your own copiers, and training end users were the staple of the copier...
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Samsung Copier Million Page Test "A Tree Massacre"

Art Post ·
I recently saw caught a google alert in reference to a test that was done on a Samsung Multi-Functional Copier the other day.  I thought, wow that's kinda cool, and dismissed it as a link that I didn't need to post on the site.   ...
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“When I get old, I hope I remember my copier salesman days.”

Ray Stasieczko (Guest) ·
I'm not sure if Ray and I have ever met, however, we've been connected on LinkedIn for quit a few years. Ray, is also one of those old copier dogs like me. Just the other day he posted a blog about the good old days of selling copiers. Thus, I asked Ray if I could re-post that blog here. We've got Ray's permission to re-post the blog. Enjoy! “When I get old, I hope I remember my copier salesman days.” I thought it might be fun to share some stories from my career as a copier guy. I will...
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Fourty Eight Hundred Phone Calls a Year Can Equal a Lot of Dough!

Art Post ·
Make the calls and the prospects will be there.  Whether your sending inmails through LinkedIn, sending emails, calling on the phone, or just knocking on doors, if you do the work, the prospects pool will only grow larger.   ...
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What is Print and Imaging as-a-Service?

Art Post ·
Print and Imaging as-a-Service (PlaaS) is an all-inclusive service including the provision of hardware and print management services without Customers having to own or lease any of the equipment or associated software. PlaaS moves operational...
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Sharp "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"

Art Post ·
Back in the mid to late Eighties, I can remember always getting my ass kicked by Sharp systems.  Even better, if you owned a Sharp dealership you were in play to be bought by Alco Standard (January 1997 Alco Standard split in to two...
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The past, present and future of cybersecurity

Art Post ·
Protecting enterprises with cybersecurity tools has been a long process, one filled with failed attempts, confusion and human error. Furthermore, many new infrastructure-as-a-service offerings are attempting to provide IT departments with high-levels...
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The Twelve Days of Selling "Day 11"

Art Post ·
Another day of wind, cold and rainy weather along the coast. My first appointment was about an hour away, to present pricing for one of the new production systems.    Pricing is tentative so there was not even an inkling of...
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Empowering Dealers: ITEX Expo 2015

Art Post ·
Empowering Dealers: ITEX Expo 2015 By Sand Sinclair, Conference Director/Editor The annual ITEX Expo & Conference is one of the most focused and credible venues to deliver the latest tools, strategies, education and industry information to those in the office, imaging, and IT channels. Each year ITEX spotlights a power house exhibit floor, power hour education tracks, and powerful workshops to yes, empower attendees. Sharing a spectrum of information on new and...
Blog Post

This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago Fourth Week of January 2005

Art Post ·
There was not much happening in the news 10 years ago this week.  I thought I would do my own flash back for January of 2005.  I don't keep notes but with having data on the threads from the forums from 10 years ago, the threads do spark the...
Blog Post

Android-Based MFPs & Copiers to the Rescue

Art Post ·
Every now and then you may get something that you wished for.  A little birdy put me on the hunt today for additional information about the smart operation panel that is used on the new Ricoh MPC 03 color series aka...
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Copier Dealers Need to Embrace the "Next Big Thing"

Art Post ·
I was born in the late fifties, by the time I was three years old, Xerox had introduced the first plain paper copier.     The Xerox 914 was capable of producing 400 copies per hour!   The speed per minute was under 7 pages per minute....
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This Week in the Copier/Office Equipment Industry 10 Years Ago First Week of March 2004)

Art Post ·
Exploration of  Mars :  NASA  announcesthat  Mars  rover  Opportunity  landed in an area where "liquid water once drenched the surface". (SF Chronicle) UPDATE - Oce warns dollar 3/5/04 5:54 PM   Topic by...
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The Harder I work the Luckier I Get

Art Post ·
I wrote this just about 11 years ago.  This may have been one of my first blogs, but was posted in the forums section of the Print4Pay Hotel.  When I wrote this I had 24 years experience in down the street sales.  Enjoy!   Is a...
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How Equipment Purchasing Trends Might Impact Corporate Security Strategies

Art Post ·
Businesses have been highly fluid in their technology spending throughout the past few years, driven by the need to keep up with the IT evolution so as not to fall behind the competition. Although personal computers are still being used in many...